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We often revere old people as wise and worthy of our respect.
But, what have they done, really?
They ignored their civic responsibilities (talking about the 80+ crowd here, not those from the 60s who would be only in their 60s now). As a result, of not standing up for what should have been right in society (racism, inequality, illegal immigration, substance abuse, business practices, government ("eminent domain" and other absurdities), and vulgarity in the media) we have the mess that is society nowadays.
What, really, do we have to give thanks to the older generation for?
They fought Hitler and Tojo in WWII when they were drafted and didn't have a choice. But, once out of the Army, what did they do for US? They made money, raised families. That is rather simple. But...to improve OUR society? What did they do for USA?
WWII was enough? Maybe?
I can't speak English to my rude landlord! My TV is full of filth! The clerks are rude!

2007-02-05 17:57:54 · 12 answers · asked by joe m 2 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

I didn't say that a person born in the 60s is in their 60s. I was implying that those young students (in their 20s) in the 1960s, who CARED about the kind of mess the country was getting into, would now be in their 60s.

2007-02-05 18:31:47 · update #1

First of all, I have a Masters in History. So, let's not be condescending to each other!
Secondly, all of the advances you mentioned have nothing to do with what I am talkng about. You have to keep a solid stream of logic going from Point A to Point B to make any sense. Otherwise, it is like talking about apples and oranges. What I am talking about is contributions by the INDIVIDUALS to SOCIETY, not from companies to industry. Totally different things.
Another thing, in some parts of your writing you talk as "we," meaning that you are of that generation; in other parts you talk of "they." Which is it ?!
Ok. Main thing: WWII was between governments (why did Japan attack?! Maybe YOU should read up on history--they had NO CHOICE!! Not some evil monster that attacked for NO reason! We had them cornered--what does an animal do when cornered?) 911 WAS crazy; not WWII.
I am NOT talking about WAR, I am talking about WHAT did THAT generation do for US? Soc.Sec.? Ha!

2007-02-05 19:49:32 · update #2

How about Global Warming/Greenhouse Effect?!
If WE do not ADDRESS the problem NOW, will we not be guilty in the eyes of our grandchildren? YES, WE WILL!!
We do not need "esp" to see what a problem is coming around the corner with global warming.
With extinction of Whales, Tuna, you name it. CAN'T YOU SEE that WE are responsible to our descendants?!
Bush thinks that "ticking off" the rest of the world is better than playing the diplomatic game that Reagan, and even his own father played so well. Are we not to blame for the coming "nukes" that our children will suffer?
We live in a world, in a society, in an environment that has CONSEQUENCES for OUR actions. WE are RESPONSIBLE for the FUTURE of the world.
We cannot blame our CHILDREN for what WE did to allow things to get messed up!!
Don't blame the kids now in their 20-30s who had NO SAY in the policies and decisions that were made 20 years ago-which is when everyone agrees things started to go bad!

2007-02-05 20:03:04 · update #3

Maybe a math class would be good.
Really. I don't mean to sound sarcastic.
Think about it!
Don't blame the older generation for filth on TV. There was no filth on TV 30 years ago...
Should I blame the YOUNG people who were NOT BORN 30 years ago and COULDN'T VOTE for the people who made the decision 30 years AGO to allow filth on TV? Your logic is all screwed up!!
All young people want to get away with whatever they can. If they are allowed to, they will listen to and watch and do whatever they can! It is up to the parents, and the grandparents to STAND UP FOR what they believe should be morally right!! Don't blame the kids for doing things that OLDER people have ALLOWED them to do!! Who pased the permissive laws? NOT people who had not even been BORN YET!! Are you really mathematically OK?!!!
Immigration? Kids NOT BORN yet couldn't enforce laws 30 years ago!
AND, Whites were NOT KIND to blacks 30 years ago!!

2007-02-05 20:12:49 · update #4

12 answers

You found out you were adopted didn't you?

2007-02-05 18:01:51 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

If you must point blame to someone for our world today, then blame ourselves for appointing those leaders that have shaped our laws so that my son and I can't pray on school grounds for his test that he has that day. Also, what about those people who have never made it because they were aborted? Isn't it always the underdog that has come back from diversity and made a difference in society? It is not going to be the silver spooned child that grows up to make a difference for humanity......it is those that have faced hardship and want to make a difference so that others will not have to face the same thing.

If America is the culture you are so mad at, then I personally blame the legal system and media for how corrupt their sense of justice is and what they would want to portray to us. The legal system is what makes our laws, and then influences what we can or cannot do. This society is very much going toward the British rule three hundred years ago in which the Catholic church was very much in control, and persecuting anyone who believed anything differently. Thus, the separation from church and state, which, now, has been interpreted differently then three hundred years ago.

The media only fuels this by airing "juicy" news, or news that brings an audience. When was the last time you heard about the family of a cop that was killed by a gunman? It was vice versa, the poor AK toting victim was a great person, and left his family because of those rotten cops...... sarcastic, but that is what the media feeds on.

Our nation is corrupt when hollywood stars have a valid opinion on politics. Yes, I live in Calif, and yes I voted for Schwarzenegger, but he seems to be doing a good job so far. But I hear about some "star" saying that something isn't right and I wonder, what about this person would give me the feeling that he/she knew right from wrong,,,,,,was it the six divorces, or ten oscars??

This country has its ideals wrong, plain and simple. We "idolize" American Idols, and worship TV's........what is a better plan for disaster than that?

2007-02-05 18:16:06 · answer #2 · answered by kaliroadrager 5 · 2 0

Let us see what kind of mess your generation leaves behind. And for your information, there wasn't filth on the televisions until generation x decided to be sexually liberated. They had manners, unlike the younger generations do. They stayed married and reared the families they had. People did not live together without being married, or have illegitimate children all the time. There were not teenages and young adults with STDs. This did not start happening until the 1980`s. Don't blame my grandparents for the mess the world is in. Blame the ******* liberals.

Also, how can a person born in the 60's be 60? Someone who is 60 was born in 1946.

2007-02-05 18:03:57 · answer #3 · answered by Sparkles 7 · 2 0

You are either not too bright or very young and not too bright.
You are talking about the last great generation. Tough and moral. No welfare, took care of themselves and anyone who needed help, black or white.
They had nothing to do with the trash on TV. They were adults when TVs came along and the programing was squeaky clean. It was still reasonable in the 60's. It has gone bad in the past 2 to 3 decades.
You have named about every problem WE are responsible for. These problems did not exist in their generation.
Don't pass off your problem onto someone else. "not my fault" is the mantra for today's generations.
Illegal immigration? They never heard of it. They did the dirty work: digging ditches, picking crops...today, the youth will not take good paying jobs because it is too hard, too hot, too cold, below their dignity.
Your barking up the wrong tree.

If history repeating it's self is the answer, then we can hold out hope. If we return to moral, hard working, helping hands people born 80+ years ago, this country has a chance of mending it's self.

2007-02-05 18:18:26 · answer #4 · answered by howdigethere 5 · 0 1

Chill out for heavens sake!!! Society always was and always will be a mess. A perfect society or nicer society never existed, it's a myth. People may have been polite to one another 100 years ago, but they also had a lot of death from diseases we don't have now, worked six days a week, 10 hours a day and child labor was considered moral -- it introduced children to the work ethic. A parent could beat the living cr*p and send them to the hospital and it wasn't a crime. There were things like famines, bank closures where depositers would lose their life's saving and it wasn't illegal. Enjoy your life instead, the Garden of Eden is history.

To losely translate a verse in the Bible by St. Paul, causes to improve society can be a subltle snare of the Devil to prevent you from going to God so He can work on you.

2007-02-05 18:19:22 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

this is such a moronic question that I shouldn't even be wasting my time with it are you really that dense as to imply,
all be it not in so many words, that the older generations somehow had ESP and knew what the future would bring
and then chose to ignore things and according to your mindless ramblings put us in the mess we are in right now ?

I disagree with your assertion that society is in a mess . Just because it doesn't suit your moral and religious sensibilities it does not mean that society is in a mess.

You want to improve things so bad why don't you start by not complaining about the past and tell us what you are gonna do to improve things so that following generations can look back at you with respect and gratitude for.

If you were so righteous and forthright you would know to "judge not lest ye be judged yourself " . And don't even try to turn this around on me because I am an atheist.

2007-02-05 18:22:57 · answer #6 · answered by daizzddre 4 · 0 1

each generation asks this same question. Over Over Over. History always repeats it's self. So that would tell you that even if we do something right ( or wrong ) . We will have to go do it again. There will be new twist and different faces but the story line will remain the same. Stick and Stone. Pin Point Laser Gun to shot your enemy. Same thing. Just the how is different.

2007-02-05 18:05:51 · answer #7 · answered by freesample1 3 · 2 0

They paid into social security! Don't take it away from them.
not everyone was drafted, people willingly volunteered to fight for their country.

seems to my like this generation doesn't stand for anything!

I'd love to hear what your generation thinks they have to offer!
video games? gangs, drug wars? drugs have been around since 1913 the first drug was made illegal.

perhaps you should spend time watching the history channel and learn what the government did, that the common man was unaware of.

WE fought for our country.
Japan hit Pearl Habor and if we had not fought back we'd all be speaking Japenese.
If we had not helped the british fight Hitler,,the mad dictator,, we could all be speaking German.

this ruthless leaders wanted Global Domination.

Have we learned from history?
Have you?
what is you plan to help the state of affairs?

stop whining and give me 3 solutions!!!!

it was a much different world back then, and people worked for a common goal, Out of war, industry fueled jobs and rubber/nylon tires were invented. Walk-E talkies invented that have evolved into cell phones.

Check out the Modern Marvels of war on your local history channel.
watch and learn about all the technological advances made in war times. what people gave up in the name of freedom and what they believed in.

I don't condone war.

I'm from the make peace/love not war era.

but if history we are to learn from, god help us if a 3rd world country gets a nuke!
we are all gone!

so educate yourself dude.
don't be so harsh and quick to judge
like their fathers before them, they were merely cleanning up one mess left by the generations before them.

it's not just one generations fault.
it's a commulative effect.

2007-02-05 18:10:44 · answer #8 · answered by Lilly 5 · 1 1

I hear you, but if I dwell on all these problems I would go crazy.
I wouldn't categorize all old folks (whatever one thinks is one) the same way. The older folks are just as perturbed whether they have been responsible or not. I guess we have to try to improve as individuals.

2007-02-05 18:15:25 · answer #9 · answered by mc 3 · 0 0

it has been said... you've got to know where you are from to know where you are going...
Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it. ~ George Santayana
The best prophet of the future is the past. ~ John Sherman
I believe the future is only the past again, entered through another gate. ~ Sir Aurthur Wing Pinero

2007-02-05 18:06:38 · answer #10 · answered by teche16 3 · 1 0

i think of God reminds us that there is extra as quickly as we die. so as that we are no longer petrified of dying. we've the curse and exhilaration to be attentive to that at last, whatever we do...our time will come to an end. As for persons who rule and are bosses, presidents, etc....i do no longer think of people chosen to prefer to have those people as leaders. people will continually prefer to steer, some people will continually prefer to stick to, some will in basic terms meander by their life no longer worrying. it relatively is the sturdy people who've the might desire to very own issues, to rule, who use their potential and potential, even on the costly of others. people might nicely be stable and might safeguard nature. yet in all realism, we choose further and further, we would desire to have land, we would desire to stand larger than the subsequent. it relatively is a survival mechanism. There are people who stay and lived the form you're saying, non violent, prepared, one guy helping yet another in the community. regrettably, those civilizations by no potential stay to tell the story. simply by fact somebody, someplace else continually needs to take what they desire from the weaker. as long as there is greed and evil nature in a persons' life, we is in basic terms no longer our on God, we can by no potential stay in peace, and we can continually war between what's appropriate and what's incorrect and combat to realize this. the superb option now, till we evolve, is our nature. enable me ask you this nonetheless, if people ordinary are so reason on following the better potential. What if a extra robust potential, in spite of the incontrovertible fact that unrealistic or life like it would desire to be, yet assume a exceptionally greater race got here to Earth. might we unavoidably stick to them, or combat for our indipendance and freedom till the top?

2016-10-01 12:16:24 · answer #11 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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