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hi. i am 18yrs old. senior in H.S. i feel really sad. not just today, but everyday. i feel like i have nothing to look forward to. i have lost the love of my life. my life is a mess. i feel so lonely in this world even though i have all my family and friends with me. i feel like my life has no meaning, no purpose. i have thought of committing .... but i'm a coward, i guess. wat should i do?

2007-02-05 17:39:18 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Friends

i really cried when i read these answers... thanx

2007-02-05 17:43:14 · update #1

17 answers

Girl, you got a life ahead of you. Life is like a rollercoster. It has its up's and down's. I say you go out with some friends to the movies, or whatever cheers you up. I've seen your other questions. In life, you'll have many loves. What you had in 4th grade was just puppy love. As for your dreams, maybe you were just really into him. It takes more than dreams to recognize true love. True love is made of two, girl. Not one. You gotta move on. Meet new people, you know. You have a meaning in life. Everyone does. Committing suicide is not to be thought of. You don't want to cut your life short, right? You still need to find that love in order to gain true love. You'll find him. Maybe he'll find you. You'll never know. Maybe you'll find this special guy in college. But don't think about killing yourself. Family and friends shall run rivers down your tomb if you chose this path. I dont' know you, but I'm sure you're not to do that. You ain't no fool, girl. Take care of yourself. All what you have is a heartache, which will be healed through time. Be patient. I wish you the best with all heart. Peace!

2007-02-05 18:03:37 · answer #1 · answered by Drivliam 6 · 0 0

Why so blue, "Baby Doll"? Just cause the so called "love of your life left" was probably the best thing to happen to you. Now, you ask me ,"how can you say that'? Well I will tell ya! This so called "love of your life" is the one who is losing the best thing he ever had in his life, not you! No Ma'am ,not you at all!!! What he did was free you up so that the "REAL LOVE OF YOUR LIFE CAN NOW SURFACE!!See , he has lost out on the old saying that goes something like "The grass is always greener on the other side of he fence till ya jump the fence and find out all that is over there is saw briars and sage brush. Ya see, love is grand and there is nothing wrong with feeling that you could die for love but dying for love is only good for the "books" and not so good for young people who thought they arel losing the "love of their life"! Now ,lets think back to your first love,you know ,the very first one you had a "crush on" back in the 2nd or 3rd grade. Remember how that felt? So sick in love that you couldn't eat,sleep concentrate on school or chores cause your stomach hurt and your head was either sweating or your hands were freezing and the only thing you could think of was him? Remember that? OK, now back to the present,same old feeling? Uh Huh. You see ,in life things happen for a reason. Stop thinking about what you have lost / dropped off in the garbage bin of life. Look around every once in a while and see who is looking at you from afar. Catch some guy staring at you from across the room who quickly diverts his eyes down when you catch his admiring gaze? Hmm, and suppose he is the most popular guy in school or just an average joe who is kinda cute with that puppy dog look in his eyes and now you think "I have known him since 2nd grade or when you started in jr high there he was and suddenly he has went from the frog to the handsome prince? And that scum bag that dropped you ,Ahh, well he wasn't that great after all now was he ",baby blue"? I will bet that there are at least 1/4 of the guys in your senior class thinks you are "da Babe" and at least 1/2 of the freshman,sophomores and juniors in your school think the same thing with the other half thinking you are so beautiful that you are unattainable, like a goddess . Over the years I have had my heart broken by one girl or another and I'm sure I have broken a few hearts myself only to find the "right one" ( My problem was I would break up with a girl only to realize about 6 mo. later "Dang ,maybe I should have stayed with that one I broke up with"! Oh well ,like the old saying goes,"All things great come to those that wait"! And today I am with the love of my life and she is also my best friend. You ,too, will feel that way Baby Doll!!

2007-02-05 18:43:53 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Before you consider anything, please realize that you need a solution to your problem, not just something to make you feel better temporarily. I run into so many people who try music, tv, drinking, etc. to try to escape the thoughts of their problems. That is only like taking a painkiller for a toothache. That will only last so long. What you really need is to take care of the problem. Now, as to finding a solution...Are you a person of faith? I am and I can tell you that that has been the answer to all of my problems. I have been in a similar situation as you, and I had to realize this. We are spiritual beings. Our hearts are searching for a spiritual solution. We cannot solve our spiritual problems with physical solutions. Read your Bible and trust in Christ. I PROMISE you!!! He will be EVERYTHING to you. If you have further questions, I'll be more than happy to help you.

2007-02-05 17:48:21 · answer #3 · answered by happytobeblondie 1 · 0 0

Listen, I have been there and being as young as you are I can tell you from experience that in time you will feel better and if you guys are meant to be everything will work out. But how did i get through it, i kept telling myself time heals all wounds. I dont know all the details but i do know that it will get better. Dont do anything that will hurt and devastate all the people that love you. I lost my younger brother to him committing and everyday i wish he would come back. I would give anything for him to come back. I am now 6 1/2 months pregnant and i think everyday how he is never going to meet his neice and she is never going to know her uncle only through what i tell her. Love is a beautiful thing and girl trust me you will and can find it again. And guess what it will 9 times out of 10 be a better experience. Learn from what you have been through and focus on yourself for now and before you know it life will be better.

2007-02-05 17:47:46 · answer #4 · answered by static1182 2 · 0 0

You worry too much too early. Seriously. We all think we have the love of our life when we are 18. I promise you will have ten more at least before you settle down with the real one. You are also too young to know your purpose in life. That wasn't revealed to me until I was 32. Now I'm in the medical field working emergencies. You won't know what you want until you get a chance to experience life on your own for awhile. Take this last bit of time you have left to be irresponsible and live it up! You have a desire to live or you wouldn't be here. Figure out what makes you tick and feed it! Get out. Do something adveturous. Take some chances (just not stupid ones). You will be glad to be alive when you get out of this rut. Bad stuff happens to everybody. We either waste our time feeling sorry for ourselves or we get past it and keep on recreating ourselves. Just decide what kind of person you want to be. Sit around feeling sorry for yourself or get up and make yourself great. Get up.

2007-02-05 17:53:11 · answer #5 · answered by mac&cheese 2 · 0 0

Go find something that, a while ago, made you really really happy. Whether it's reading a favorite book, painting? Or even just taking a walk somewhere private. Go do something special for yourself, and get back in tune with how you feel and how you want to spend the rest of your life.

Sadness is cureable. Death isn't. Take the time to do something for you, and only you. Tha's what helped me get through my day

2007-02-05 17:44:57 · answer #6 · answered by Captian 2 · 0 0

You are 18 and thinking negative. What do you learn in school?
C'mon, go and mix around and do what people of your age group do, join them and have fun. Enroll in activities that have large group of people, make new friends.
You are at the age of starting your life, why think of ending. There is no such thing life has no meaning or no purpose. You have to make the move to socialize and meet more people and be determine that life is worth living.

Good Luck

2007-02-05 17:52:34 · answer #7 · answered by sonisunny 3 · 0 0

At 18, everything seems so important. Trust me, life hasn't even started yet, so terms like "love of my life" or "life has no purpose" are meaningless. Trudge through it, seek help if necessary, and guaranteed within a couple of weeks it'll all be a distant memory.

2007-02-05 17:46:19 · answer #8 · answered by Tucson Hooligan 4 · 0 0

Hopefully, you have insurance. If not, some states have insurance for people 21 years old and younger. Of course you are in a state of depression. Call your mental health facility or your doctor and get help. Sometimes you have to look and look before you find help. Mine was a chemical imbalance, maybe yours is too.

2007-02-05 17:56:30 · answer #9 · answered by grannywinkie 6 · 0 0

You should definitely seek professional help. Try talking to your parents or if you are not comfortable with talking to them, tell you doctor about how you feel. You doctor should be able to prescribe anti-depressants, and refer you to a psychiatrist or psychologist who would be better able to diagnose your condition. You shouldn't feel bad about asking for help, everybody needs it sometimes. Suicide is the wrong answer. Think of all the things that you would miss out on, besides there are methods to help you, and you deserve the chance to be happy.

2007-02-05 17:46:58 · answer #10 · answered by None of ur buisness 2 · 0 0

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