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I'm a foreigner, I like USA but I am by no means want to be US citizen or live in the USA.

Now, my question is how to be active in promoting political activisim and opening communication channels between USA government and the rest of the world?

I mean, look at Bush administration and how he has made such a mess with the world and now he is striving to invade Iran.

Please read Barry M. Lando's "Web of Deceit" and Ted Koppel's documentary on Iran before you invoke 9/11 tragedy or accuse me of hating USA. Those books state the facts about the issue, not mere affection.

I respect USA (but not its current leaders) and I respect the rest of the world. I want to do something to stop further wars (which may escalate beyond Iran-US conflict). I'm a business/communication major, not a politician, so please teach me how. Thank you.

Trailer of "How to Impeach a President"

2007-02-05 17:32:17 · 6 answers · asked by Albrecht 1 in Politics & Government Elections

First of all, I appreciate all views, but for those who think we should not participate in/understand about any political affairs, it is my believe that the mess of this world is created by people and leaders of such attitude. We are the ones living in the present time. Thus, we're the ones that can influence and bring to realization whatever we want this world to be.

Secondly, I meddle around with US policy as well as my own country's affairs because change need to be done through dialogue and communication with both sides.

Third, superpower's policies will affect other countries on a major scale. Bali bombings and much of the reactions by Moslem extremists come from their cynical and bitter view toward drastic change/force by their own leaders as well as by western powers.

These are complex issues and I'm not presenting stereotyping against any country. Any of you may think I'm a busybody, but I'm really looking for ways to create more effective changes and open communication.

2007-02-05 19:31:27 · update #1

On Israel-Arab conflict:

I would argue that Israel can claim they are God's people, God has promised the land to them, etc. However, the Palestinians/Arabs have been living in that land for a very long time and the west suddenly disrupt their existence by supporting forceful Zionism. It is not their land since they have not done it through trade and legal actions (and by similar ways Europeans/USA/many other countries have taken land from native people as well)

I know we have to look at the facts and it is exactly what I'm arguing for and what I'm seeking to foster here. How come many politicians of almost all countries ignore historical facts, focus on their own advantages and choose to be chauvinistic?

Such attitude by the politicians is what I'm aiming to influence here. Affecting my own nation's policies will not work well unless the 'agressor' also come to terms and both sides aggree to better and more peaceful relationship.

Whether I'm idealist or not, war is not pretty.

2007-02-05 19:41:41 · update #2

On fundamentalism:

Such a thing sweep accross all major religions, including the 'peaceful ones' such as Buddhism.

Yes, it is a complex issue and yes Middle East is filled with Moslem people. However, as many experts have argued, fundamentalists are heard more clearly than others because they shout the loudest.

It is exactly because of this loudness/aggression issue that we all need to bring influence and moderation into the world. There are fundamentalist and extremist Moslems as well as those of Christians and Jews. There are those who are more calm, thoughtful, compassionate, moderate and understanding of both sides as well (please watch "Soraida" documentary for an example of this)

It is my believe that communication, education and empathy can bring change. But, practically, how?

- "Soraida" - documentary movie
- "Fundamentalism and Violence - pannel discussion with Jewish, Moslem, Christian leaders, produced by Trinity Church, moderated by Karen Armstrong

2007-02-05 19:52:40 · update #3

To those who persist on "stay the heck out of our country's affairs". You have just felt what many others feel about US policy.

Who are you guys to tell us about freedom, liberty and your democracy?

I believe in democracy but who are you Americans to tell the world we should be thankful to you?

I believe we have our own ways, who are you to tell us we should do things according to your ways?

Can your country leave us alone and let us govern and think for ourselves? That's not the case isn't it? USA loves to meddle in other's backyard and now you're telling us not to meddle with yours?

If you really believe in the value of respect, co-operation, freedom and all of that, then you'll have to let us do what your country has done to us as well. Does this sounds more relatable and fair?

2007-02-10 12:13:17 · update #4

"To defend others" you say? 200+ years of moral high-ground you say?

I recall there has been many first nations/indigeneous people whom American immigrants have wiped out in the process. I'm interested in what you think about that.

2007-02-10 12:16:08 · update #5

Now, I started this question to gain insight about how to work alongside your people and really create true freedom your country so boast about. To really respect and work with equals, instead of some bullying and mocking.

But, you seem so upset about me asking you question about your own country. And you feel it's alright for your country to ask, interogate, and wage wars with us if we don't do what your country wants? How so? I'm interested in your thinking process.

2007-02-10 12:18:10 · update #6

Exactly, all countries are actually intrusive toward others. The challenge we are currently facing is that USA believes in 'pre-emptive strike'.

If USA is intrusive but doesn't act violently and invade others, I would personally shut up. My country has got enough challenges on our plate. But, now USA is contemplating an attack on Iran (even if it says it won't attack, just as it says it won't attack Iraq back then)

That attack have tremendous effect on my country, Indonesia, since we have the largest Muslim population in the world. Some people of my country would contemplate joining that 'axis of evil' (by American propaganda standard).

So the bottom line is that I'm asking this question just to stop the notion of war. I agree with you all that I don't have that much leisure time to wade into other's water.

Ted Koppel's "Iran: The Most Dangerous Country"

2007-02-10 19:03:08 · update #7

I read some of your comments and I think you haven't read any of my details at all. What's the point of dialogue, then?

This is exactly why your country have messed up the conflict in Middle East and your meida misrepresent the issue. You people don't study the background info thoroughly.

For those of you who are calm and level-headed. I still am interested in your responses. Help me learn more about political communication process.

2007-02-11 05:57:20 · update #8

I don't bemean US influence in overthrowing Nazi but that's for that issue. I don't recall Indonesia asks USA for help when we had our war. I don't recall Philipines asking USA to occupy them in the second WW.

In fact, from various American analysts and journalists, the first solution in the Mid East situation, especially Iran is for USA to back off and stay put for a while and let honest comprehensive discussion to be done for that area. These are not from alien analysts, these came from American people's mind. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEjOk_w3TX4) That video is just one example.

Other countries are more moderate and less loud in their approach. American media is very skewed in their take on the issue that's why you on't hear other countries work on it because your media shuts others' voices off.

I have noted many times. I'm interested in this one just to stop the notion of war. Not because I am lazy bum who doesn't have my own manufacturing company to run.

2007-02-12 19:37:18 · update #9

6 answers

Why don't you mind your own business, son?

Meddling in the affairs of the USA is a great way to get yourself hurt. Now, go play in traffic or something.

2007-02-05 17:51:11 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We communicate with the rest of the world. Your country and so many others thinks the US should be there to bail all of you out of whatever mess you get into and that is all we should do. While I am not a fan of this President, I still don't see why the rest of the world thinks they should have a say in what we do. If the rest of the world is so great - why don't they fix the Iran and Korean situation - why rely on the US to do it. As always, other countries want us to spend our money and soldiers lives on an cause they think is just but we should not branch out on our own and do anything.

As a foreigner, why would you provide a link on "How to Impeach a President"? Most of us know how to impeach a president and if we didn't know, we got a free lesson on it while Pres. Clinton was in office. Why would you presume that you know more about running our country than us? Why would you want to get involved in our politics? Worry about your own country.

If anyone wants to become a political activist then find a group that supports your views and join them. If there isn't a group already, start one. It's a free country.

The rest of the world is free to handle Iran but amazingly, I see no other country stepping up but yet you want to tell the US how to handle the situation. Why don't you get your own gov't involved in the situation and get them to come up with a solution and then you won't have to worry about what the US will do.

2007-02-12 11:47:42 · answer #2 · answered by MI 6 · 0 0

If I were you, since you have no desire to live in the US or become a citizen, is to work within your own nation to protect your interests in regards to its standing with the US. You should only worry about how your country responds to the war issue in relation to US policy. I believe you have an idealistic view of the situation in the Middle East. Iran and US is not headed for war unless Ahmadinejad is only foolish enough to attack Israel. That is a harsh reality. Islamic fundamentalism & Islamic discord in Arab nations has been a reality in Iraq for decades. There is little or nothing the world can do to stop most of the 41 major conflicts that are occuring in today's world, much having to do with religious or cultural differences. Never before has the world had as many weapons of mass destruction or the delivery systems to launch attacks. The only way to stop conflicts between nations that have led to millions of casualties, 75% of which are non-combatants, is for nations to get involved in peacekeeping operations via the UN. Who is going to stop the slaughter due to ethnic cleansing in Bosnia? Who can stop sectarian violence that has occured for the last 60 years between Shias and Sunnis? Who can stop the genocide in Darfur or Rwanda? What about the suicide bombings in Indonesia, Bali, Philippeans, Spain, Britain, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Kashmir, Nepal, and the list goes on? You can "respect the world", but you have to understand its realities, too. Work within your OWN nation to solve issues of war and peace according to your laws and frameworks of justice.

2007-02-05 17:57:26 · answer #3 · answered by gone 6 · 0 0

It's got to start in your own back yard.

I, for one, would like to see some of the people of other countries who condemn America for meddling take a hard look at their own government's intrusion into other country's affairs and the personal lives of their own citizens.

There is plenty of dialog but little listening and that applies across the board.

2007-02-10 18:00:55 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Id invite you to clean up your own back yard. Stay the heck out of the US and our affairs, we dont need any foreigners telling us what to do or telling the rest of the world what we mean. more than half the population of this planet owes thier *** to the USA in our 200+ years this country has fought to defend other peoples more times than our own. I would rather you just said Thank you to a Vet. for your ability to speak freely!

2007-02-10 07:24:48 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We like our president and our country , so go home

2007-02-11 05:50:40 · answer #6 · answered by shawnn 4 · 0 0

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