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I'm a freshman in college, and I find myself feeling very inadequate lately. I'm talentless. I wish I was smarter than I am. I wish I wasn't in a lower middle class family and money wasn't so tight. I want to see the world. I don't know if I can though. I'm not good at anything. I wish I could be philosophical, artistic, clever or intelectual. Sometimes I envy people. I can't roll my rr's in spanish. I know I should focus on the "good" things about me, but I don't know what they are. I was talking to my girlfriend about how I feel boring and she ended up not saying much besides "would I be in love with someone boring?" I'm just weird that's all. Sometimes I see our relationship as being boring. She lives two hous away now that I'm in college, and our conversations are often only "I love you. I love you. I miss you. I miss you." We've been dating a year, but sometimes I want to move on. It's not that simple. We talk about being together forever, etc. Sometimes I just want change.

2007-02-05 16:58:19 · 8 answers · asked by mbrdrck 2 in Social Science Psychology

8 answers

I see one talent in your question - you appear to write quite well. I've seen more incomprehensible questions on Yahoo Answers than I care to think about; yours, by contrast, is well-written, with proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. I have a funny suspicion that you aren't boring - you're just BORED. If you're bored with the young lady now, think what it would be like if you married her and were "trapped." I think you should do both you and her a favor and make some changes, such as dating other people. You have moved into a new world with your entry into college, and it's not particularly logical that you should expect to stay the same.

You're at a college, and presumably that means that you're on a campus of some sort where many departments have classes, lectures, concerts, demonstrations, etc. Keep an eye on the calendar of departments that interest you, and try going to some events. You might even try some that you DON'T think will be interesting - you never know what's going to pique your curiosity. That's what higher education is all about - discovering the world, and being in a setting to do that. Take advantage of it; make the changes that you want to make; good luck!

btw - I don't think being unable to roll your "rr"s in Spanish is really a major issue :-)

2007-02-05 17:22:46 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You sound like you've got a lot of stress going on right now. Too much on your mind. You're just a freshman and have many years of experiences ahead of you. Have you considered studying abroad? Maybe take a summer off to travel? I know that travel sounds expensive, there are many that manage to travel with very little money. They are often the ones with the best experiences. It sounds like maybe you could use a trip to a Spanish-speaking country to help you practice rolling your r's. There are also programs that allow you to spend a term volunteering overseas. Changing your element can help you learn a lot about yourself and to help you feel more independent. If you can't get away, there's plenty of things you can do at home to give yourself a little perspective. Try volunteering at a homeless shelter or children's hospital. Take up some cause that you enjoy. Make friends with someone that you normally wouldn't think to hang out with. Enjoy being "weird." Rethink your personality goals (would you be happy being someone who your friends would first describe as "philosophical?"). As far as the girlfriend goes, relationships are complicated. Don't be afraid to try new things on your own, but also don't be afraid to invite others to try new things with you. Good luck!

2007-02-06 01:24:39 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

your freshman year can be a difficult one. It is definitely a transition period. Especially if you are an introverted person and prefer to test the waters rather than jumping into the middle of things. That's just who you are. Don't worry about it. You probably are a more thoughtful person because of it.

As far as being boring, I don't believe that. Everybody has special talents or interests that they excel in. You just need to find people who share these interests.

Also, just give it time. By the end of your sophomore year, you will find people that you enjoy and who enjoy your company. It may not be frat, sorority, or other people in the "in", but this is what usually happens.

2007-02-06 01:08:51 · answer #3 · answered by zzzzzzzzz27 3 · 0 0

wow... well i dont think you are boring, i know i dont know you, but from what you wrote you dont seem boring
i know the feeling of wanting change, sometimes i want change so much i cry, bc i dont know how to fix my unhappiness.
but if i were you, i wouldnt worry about the little things too much, like rollings you R's in spanish lol alot of people cant do that
you say you are talentless? i dont believe you, find whatever it is you love doing most in this world, and then do that...no matter what
as for your girlfriend, i have the same problem with my boyfriend, only im not bored with him, he just has this annoying habit of hurting me, alot, not intentionally, which is why i forgive him but sometimes i think itd be nice to be with someone else, someone different... im not going to tell you to break up with her, bc thats your decision, but if you feel its the time to move on, then i suggest you do, because it will only hurt her more in the end if you string her along

if i have any advice, focus on yourself. make yourself happy, before anyone else. i know, easier said than done, but it has to be done.

best of luck :)

2007-02-06 01:19:25 · answer #4 · answered by Jessabeth 2 · 0 0

You say that you aren't good at anything yet you just gave a desription of how you possibly have the most boring personality ever! That alone makes you interesting. If you have to be a bore, strive to be the best bore ever. Get yourself into the record books on your talent of being boring. Although if you break the records for being boring, then you aren't....so that means to truly achieve your goal you have to be the second most boring person in the world. Yeah, I can see how that would be a problem.

2007-02-06 01:06:20 · answer #5 · answered by J D 5 · 0 0

You don't necessarily have to be "talented"... just participate in things you enjoy. People who are passionate about something are always less boring.

Ride a bike or walk around outdoors-you can say you're interested in the outdoors and exercise.

Mess around online-you can say you're a computer geek.

Read and write-you can be well-read and have many topics to discuss.

Watch TV and listen to music-you can talk about pop culture and seem interesting to others.

Paint/draw/join a club/try an intramural sport/whatever else you can think of-you don't have to be good, as long as you enjoy what you do.

2007-02-06 01:13:26 · answer #6 · answered by BeachBoarder 3 · 0 0

typical what are you 18? everyone thinks thier life is boring...i think that too sometimes...even tho i am 22, married, own a house, taking 30 credit hours this semester blah blah blah...just gotta live sometime man...see the world..listen to a little bob dylan...that always helps...

2007-02-06 01:05:46 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

hey listen every ones got a talent, even if they don't know it yet... sometimes we have to create our talents for ourselves... also you have to be your own self-promoter... if you don't think of yourself as the top sh---t no one else will either... you create your own destiny and your thoughts create your reality...

2007-02-06 01:07:40 · answer #8 · answered by wutangskaterforever 2 · 0 0

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