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Right now that I'm writing this question is 1 : 00 AM in the morning and I have an overdue essay and assigment to hand in by tomorrow ( er.. actually by today morning) because that is my last chance(and theyre worth about 10 % of my overall average, yet i'm still procrastinating on doing them. Any advice on what a person should to defeat procrastination in the long term.
I find it really strange that whenever I have a very soft teacher I do really bad on his/her class. While my other harder classes I usuaslly get marks between 86% to 96%.

2007-02-05 16:56:23 · 8 answers · asked by jason 2 in Social Science Psychology

8 answers

Postponing tasks we don't like is normal and most often harmless. Some of us try to fool ourselves by setting clocks ahead or concluding that we work best under pressure. Problems arise when we let tasks become so overwhelming that we do nothing at all. These tips are to help prevent you from getting to that point.
1. PINPOINT THE FEAR -- What is preventing you from action? Fear of pain as in going to a dentist? Fear of rejection, embarrassment or disapproval as in a class assignment or social interaction? Sometimes even fear of discovery as in going to a doctor or realizing success in an area can prevent us from proceeding.

2. STOP TRYING TO BE SO PERFECT -- Doing something is better than not doing it at all. You can refine it later.

3. THINK PROGRESSIVELY -- By the time procrastination has gotten us into trouble, the tasks may seem insurmountable. Beating procrastination is a gradual process.

4. SLICE THE PROJECT INTO SMALLER, MORE MANAGEABLE PIECES -- It doesn't have to be done at once. Start with a piece of the task so simple that you cannot possibly justify not doing it.

5. BE SPECIFIC ABOUT EACH PIECE -- "I will read three pages of chapter 6 on Saturday before lunch," rather than "read chapter 6 this week."

6. MAKE LISTS OF THINGS TO BE DONE -- And check them off as you complete each one. Being able to cross something off often inspires us to do another.

7. USE ODD TIME AS AN ALLY -- Ten minutes while waiting for a friend or a ride can be used to jot notes about a paper or sketch a plan for a project. Don't expect to get it all done in one sitting.

8. TRY A BUDDY SYSTEM -- Arrange with someone to exchange and give feedback on each other's plans and progress.

9. AVOID DISTRACTIONS -- They'll only give you excuses to delay further.

10. LIST THE PROS AND CONS OF PROCRASTINATING -- Make note of the positive results completion will bring and of the negative factors that will go away once the task is done.

11. STOP THREATENING YOURSELF -- Positive reinforcement is more effective.

12. REWARD YOUR NON-PROCRASTINATING BEHAVIOR -- Make it tangible and personal so that it has significance for you and doesn't require anyone else's participation. Make it appropriate; e.g., more than a jelly bean for finishing a term paper, but not a trip to Florida because you made it to class.

13. AVOID TIME-CONSUMING REWARDS -- They defeat the purpose, an afternoon uptown after you read two chapters hampers progress. Read two chapters, take a brisk walk alone and have a cold drink. Read two more chapters, phone a friend. Remember that you want to keep working.

14. ENVISION COMPLETION -- How did you get there? What are you free to do now? Consider bartering with the mechanics of completion. Offer to do someone's laundry or wash their car if they'll type your paper, or exchange papers with another typist.

15. DON'T EXPECT MIRACLES -- Procrastination, like any other habit formed over time, takes many new experiences to make a permanent change. Notice improvement.

2007-02-05 17:22:22 · answer #1 · answered by divagal 2 · 0 0

I have a short attention span & procrastinate also. I try to put in a few hours every other day on school. I work best after 5:00 p.m. and I find a comfortable spot to do it. If I am too tired, I can't. Also, don't eat a huge meal and sit down to read, bc you will fall asleep. My best writing is after I have a cup or two of coffee and can really get things done then. Sometimes I actually go to the library to get away from the distractions at home.

2007-02-05 17:05:30 · answer #2 · answered by Lake Lover 6 · 0 0

The only way you beat procrastination is you have to stop lying to yourself. You decide rather or not you have something more important to do rather than the other task you need to complete. People will tell you to go in a quiet room and do the work their but procrastination is all in your head. Beat procrastination by just doing the task and not worrying about other things or how long that work your doing may take. Just Do It (Nike) and finish it then you will realize that I was right and procrastination is all in your head.

2016-03-15 07:36:27 · answer #3 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Well, you might want to try setting personal deadlines for yourself, like getting some part of a project done by a certain date or time, maybe you should try letting yourself think that there will be bigger consequences like those the harder classes give, or maybe you should spend a day or two without the things that you spend time procrastinating with, example, give the computer and the tv a break, just completely back away from them for the whole day and see if you can get anything done.

2007-02-05 17:03:53 · answer #4 · answered by xxsilentxcriesxx 2 · 0 0

I find when I don't want to do something I find a good tv program and work during the comercials that way I don't feel like its work at all because it is in short bursts and I can do something fun in between. Hope this helps you. P.S. this works for chores around the house most of all.

2007-02-05 17:47:43 · answer #5 · answered by sweet_tigress72 1 · 0 1

you need to be pushed and challenged. Welcome to our club!
Have you ever noticed the longer your to do list is the more likely you will accomplish everything on it? If I have 20 things to do, I will get them all done, but if I have only 1 forget it, I'll do it later, lol.
You just have to tell yourself, to hurry up and get it over with, so you don't have to worry about it later.

2007-02-05 17:01:27 · answer #6 · answered by Chrissy 7 · 0 0

just do it! imagine that if you do it now, you will have time to do everything else later. also, have something to eat and drink, and smoke if you do. do this constantly and don't stop unless you wanna get distracted and fall asleep. And x out of all open applications that are useless. like this one! p.s. when you do finish your essay, come back and give me 2 points. *^)

2007-02-05 17:06:44 · answer #7 · answered by cowsurfer2 3 · 1 0

Just grow up you see the problem fix it good luck!

2007-02-05 17:08:15 · answer #8 · answered by quick8stang29 2 · 0 1

you need to learn to be your own authority.... be your own strict teacher... imagine one of your tough teachers yelling at you telling you you better f--ing do it!

2007-02-05 17:05:12 · answer #9 · answered by wutangskaterforever 2 · 0 0

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