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I came up with this because of the whole Isaiah Washington thing. He went overboard at the Globes, but this is totally ridiculous. One star of the show said f@got is equivalent to the N- word. How absurd and ignorant is that stupid comment. Plus I am tired of gays using the black experience to "Champion their cause" If you want to be gay or whatever...fine, but don't act like it is something that it is not. Heterosexuals don't have hetero- parades, and I could careless about other heterosexual sex exploits. So why do I want to hear about Gays? Do you in the bedroom I don't want to know what it is.

2007-02-05 16:46:10 · 6 answers · asked by Hardcore Intelligence 1 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

6 answers

DAMN RIGHT! thats what my white *** has been saying all along!!! I don't give a damn what you do, and have all the pride you want in it. Just don't bother ME cuz i don't embrace your lifestyle. It ain't my thing. It doesn't make me closed minded... it makes YOU closed minded for not accepting that some people just don't like what you are. Deal with it. And ****** and ****** are nowhere NEAR in the same league. Until gays are forced to do slave labor for about 400 years, i don't think they should be able to talk about oppression. And don't even get me started on the plight of Indians.

2007-02-05 16:54:47 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

Ok Wait a min! Gay is a sexual orientation but it was something you were born into and have no control over just like your race. YOu cant control your Blackness anymore than homosexuals can control their sexulaity. SO F*ggot is just as bad and degrading as N*gger! And homosexuals have every right to use the comparison of black civil rights movements to that of the gay cause. Why because the Black community in all ther bigotted machismo anti gay attitude, forgot what it was to fight for civil rights since they have some. NOw the shoe is on the homosexual foot and all the other minorities are sitting on the side lines judging or sayin nothing since the shoe isnt on their foot anymore. Heterosexuals dont have to face descrimination because of who they love so they have no need to parade or anything. It the US verses Them attistude that histhis world or torn apart, unfortunatly people with your mind set are what keeps us all divided!

2007-02-05 23:57:34 · answer #2 · answered by david s 4 · 0 1

Being gay is a state of being. You can be gay and never have sex. Just like you can be heterosexual and never have sex. Being called a f@ggot is related to who you are. Being gay is not about choosing to have sex with the same gender for thrills, or to be different, or for kinks. Being gay is a psychological reality that just is. Like being a naturally quiet person, or being dyslexic. You don't have to do anything in order to be gay. The word f@ggot is attached to who you are if you're gay. It is a word that means you are worthless, and despicable. That you are a sicko who should just die, for the comfort of those who can't accept differences. It is used by many people, mostly for homophobic reasons and is meant to relegate some people to a sub-human status. Whether it is comparable to the N word or not, it is simply an ugly slur against a group of people who just happen to be gender-atypical.

2007-02-05 19:47:48 · answer #3 · answered by rgeleven 3 · 0 0

If heterosexuals had to FIGHT for their human rights, they WOULD have parades, too. Isaiah Washington is RIGHT. Some words are fighting words. How would YOU like to be beaten up because some ignorant people in this world breathing the same air doesn't approve of YOU? You don't know what it's like to fall in love and not be able to legally marry or to have access to your own lover in the emergency room or to help plan a funeral. You don't know what it is to have "with liberty and justice for all" NOT pertain to you. Gays and lesbians do NOT want your approval. We expect equal rights, and we don't have to toil for 400 years to earn it. Gays and lesbians are doctors, mechanics, entertainers, politicians, war heroes, cops, fireman, ministers, teachers, parents, scientists, builders, psychiatrists...We've been here since the beginning of time and we help keep this world alive, too. Please don't criticize what you obviously don't understand. You don't have to embrace it, but you can't refuse us our rights. We're not going away and there's more of us than you think. THAT is why gays march. THAT is what gay pride is about. Too bad there are so many dumb rednecks who don't even know how dumb they are, and this ignorance is pumped into the innocent heads of children.

2007-02-05 16:52:34 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Homosexuality is a state of being, not a behaviour.

Being gay is just like having blue eyes. I am gay. I love. I am a loving person. What more do you need to know?

If you were spat on in the street for holding your girlfriend's hand, you'd understand gay liberation. You're not gay, so just shut up and be happy that you can take your hetero-normative life for granted, boy.

2007-02-05 17:13:37 · answer #5 · answered by Just Ask Ashley 2 · 2 2

when they say that they are refering to the discrimination issue. it is not the same thing but either way ir is a politically correct derogatory statement. i think that what ever some one wants to be we should just all mind our own business. i do not think any ones life style should be shoved down any ones throat for accepting them. if you do not like some thing don't look.

2007-02-05 17:03:02 · answer #6 · answered by wedjb 6 · 1 1

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