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14 answers

I work hard for my money and I would like to keep as much of it as possible.

2007-02-05 16:51:04 · answer #1 · answered by Abu 5 · 1 3

AS I scanned through the replies to the question I was amazed at some of them. Though I guess I shouldn't have been. Cantcu was typical of the liberal mindset. Housing starts are at their highest during this administration, and have only recently slacked off. Unemployment is at 4% or less. The lowest in years.The economy is at it's highest.
Why am I a conservative? Because I believe in the people's ability to take care of themselves and not have a Government program for every little thing in our lives. I believe that a strong national defense is the best way to protect the country. Not endless negotiations with insane people that only want our death. I believe that we have a freedom OF religon, not from it. I believe that something as barbaric as partial birth abortion should never be allowed. But having said that, I believe that a woman that has been raped should not be forced to keep the resulting baby. I believe that the Social Security benifits should be for AMERICANS and should never have been taxed. And they should have never been allowed to make it part of the general fund. I think that if the top 5% of wage earners,(the rich), are paying 75% of the tax bill, that should be enough. Oh and by the way,,,They are. I am a conservative because I believe that people who break the law should be held accountable. Not the gun,knife or crowbar they used.
There are so many reasons I am a conservative, I can not possibly go into it all here. Sufice it to say that I beleive in the individual, not Government to solve societies problems. And honestly, of late, I have been VERY disappointed in the republican party because they have strayed from the conservative values that made this country. But even at their worst,(so far), being a conservative is still far better than being a liberal. Liberalism is the most gutless choice you can make. You rely on the Government for everything. If a problem comes up, just form another program or entitlement to take care of it. And if that doesn't work, blame someone else for it.The Democrat plan is simple. If you tell a lie long enough and loud enough, eventually it will become truth. Global Warming is the perfect example. Not a shread of solid evidence that Man is responsible for it, but that doesn't stop them. Not ONE person one the left will even consider that the Earth's climate goes in cycles. Has since the begining. And there is lots of solid evedence to prove it. But Nooooo. It's man and fosil fuel. Thats the end all be all of Global Warming. Which just proves the complete lunacy and closed mindness of the left. Greenland used to be farmed by the Vikings. Now it's not. Most of this country used be covered in ice. Now it's not. It's natural people. Get over it. Are we getting warmer ? Yes. By about 0.07 degrees in the last century. God help us. But to a liberal,, it's panic time. We need a Government program to save us.
Why am I a conservative?? *L* Common sence won't let me be anything else.

2007-02-05 17:48:02 · answer #2 · answered by Robert J 1 · 1 1

I believe in keeping more of my earnings to better expand my business, rather then giving up my earnings to higher taxes for government spendatures, that I have no control of. I believe that people less fortunate should be assisted, but I also believe that people less fortunate should also use this assistance as a "Temporary" means of support rather then a permanent solution. Social spending seems to be the number #1 priority with Liberals in my opinion and I see the system as being very flawed and abused by people that are crooks and drug dealers, and they are raising children to grow up and do the same as they did.

I work hard for my money and I expect to be rewarded for being a productive citizen, not penalized because I make more money then the guy that has no other ambition then to collect from welfare.

That is why I am a Conservative and I am proud of the fact that I am! :o)

2007-02-05 17:21:10 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I believe in individual rights.
I believe that society should take care of its members, not try to keep them down.
I believe in defining individuality and value of a person by their thoughts and actions, not by the car they drive or the clothes they wear.
I believe that everyone is entitled to a quality education and quality health (aka equal opportunity, something America sorely lacks despite popular myth).
And I believe that tolerance for the beliefs and lifestyles of others, so long as they do not harm anyone, is most important because it is the only way to ever get along (short of forcing everyone to believe the same thing).

As it turns out, this makes me a liberal.

2007-02-05 16:55:08 · answer #4 · answered by Ashley 4 · 3 2

I am neither a liberal or conservative, but a libertarian. Liberals and conservatives both believe in government intervention into people's lives in one form or another, either by controlling their economic life or their personal behavior.

Libertarians, on the other hand, believe that citizens should be free to live their life as they please (as long as they do not harm others) and make their own decisions (good or bad) while being responsible for the outcome of those decisions.

Generally, conservatives want to control your personal life by criminalizing behavior that they deem 'offensive' and imprisoning those who perform these offensive deeds - even if those deeds are consensual or non-violent (Ex. the use of some drugs, prostitution, pornography).

Liberals generally believe in a state-run welfare systems and social programs for everyone (Ex. Social Security, Medicare, public education). Though well meaning, these government run programs are often inefficient and fraudulent and, in many cases, deny people of better alternatives.

In essence, conservatives want to be your Daddy and punish you when you misbehave, while liberals want to be your Mommy and take care of you when you get hurt.

Both liberals and conservatives believe that the government knows what is best for you; therefore, you should abide by the government dictates. Though well meaning at times, liberals and conservatives rarely consider the negative, unintended consequences of the intrusive laws and regulations they support.

Liberals and conservatives both love more government spending, particularly when their party is in power - because that is the best way to stay in power. Their ultimate goal is dominion over your life, not what is best for you.

Libertarians, on the other hand, want you to be your own person, a free, responsible adult that is competent enough to make your own decisions. Libertarians believe that YOU own yourself; you are not State property. Libertarians believe that people should be free to make their own decisions and be responsible for the outcome - good or bad.

Libertarians believe that people should be free from a Big Brother government that desires the ability to search homes without warrants, pry into your personal bank records without your consent, hold prisoners indefinitely without charging them of a crime, confiscate personal property without just compensation (asset forfeiture). Libertarians believe that voluntary compassion, not government coercion, is the best method of caring for those in need.

Individual liberty and personal freedom are the foundations of all libertarian thought. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Live and let live. Mind your own business. Peaceful coexistence with others. Respect for your neighbors' property and life.

For me, it is simply about living a morally proper life and not imposing my will upon others.

2007-02-05 17:16:35 · answer #5 · answered by Jo Blo 2 · 0 2

You can only ask the Conservative about their reasoning and believes. The liberals don't reason and have no core believes.

2007-02-05 17:01:26 · answer #6 · answered by Tropical Weasel 3 · 1 3

I am a liberal because I am unable to side with people who think everyone who isn't like them are the dregs, they steal from the poor to give to the rich so we can give the rich a tax cut, we have 25% of America's children living in poverty, starving to death and they wouldn't lift a finger to help. They cut help to the poor, disabled, elderly and children!They are pocketbook voters who love to use our money to pretend the economy is good when we had one of the worst years in housings starts in over 30 years, they are one issue voters! The only thing propping our economy up is 3 1/2 Trillion Bush has put us further in debt.

They are intellectually dishonest and will do anything to screw another person, including making up stuff that are total fabrications!

Essentially, they hate people and they like the good life and they don't care who they have to step on to get it! These people never have enough! They can earn 20 million a year, pay no taxes and want more! When is enough enough? How can they honestly live with themseves unless the are psychopaths?

2007-02-05 16:54:22 · answer #7 · answered by cantcu 7 · 5 3

A liberal believes that abortion and gay marriage is valid.
A conservative believes that natural law prevails in the society.
A conservative is better than the liberal.

2007-02-05 16:44:43 · answer #8 · answered by FRAGINAL, JTM 7 · 4 5

There is no logical reasoning. These designations only serve to divide our country when we should be uniting for important causes.

2007-02-05 16:44:32 · answer #9 · answered by kaputt_18 2 · 3 0

Surely most of us make decisions based on the issue.

2007-02-05 16:43:33 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I believe politics sucks.

2007-02-05 19:11:30 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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