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2007-02-05 16:20:45 · 30 answers · asked by Gary 2 in Politics & Government Politics

30 answers

I dont love him. I just know he was a better president than bush could ever dream of.

2007-02-12 09:21:38 · answer #1 · answered by sydb1967 6 · 1 0

The main reason is the fact that Clinton was President during a time of peace, prosperity, and stability in this country. People associate Clinton with this, even though he really had very little to do with it. I think people usually tend to believe the President has a lot more economic power than he or she actually does. In actuality, the President is more of a spectator of the economy in every aspect outside of tax policy, which then takes Congressional support. Clinton did do one thing right while in office, he did nothing. He just rode the wave and went along for the ride. There would have been no reason to mess with things when things were already good.

2007-02-05 16:32:23 · answer #2 · answered by msi_cord 7 · 1 1

His diplomacy first mentality was more like a no action government. Remember Kosovo? We should have never been there in the first place. All we did was aid in the murder of hundreds of innocent christians to help muslims. Keep talking about Iraq and forget Kosovo. Their are numerous reports of his government Ignoring terrorists in our country. Hear of Able Danger? He also had many chances to stop Osama Bin Laden, but failed to do so. These are just a few reasons why he is a BIG failure, and I have no idea why people love the clintons.

2007-02-05 16:30:48 · answer #3 · answered by Travis 2 · 1 2

some months after the Monica adventure, Hillary stated that bill was continuously the main eye-catching character in the room. i've got confidence he as quickly as suggested she replace into as quickly as the best person he ever met. they have have been given outfitted a life mutually, now not merely their daughter, however the coverage rules they have recommended and worked to place into result. probably it extremely is love, could be it extremely is relief and mutual admiration. At any cost, they have embodied enjoyed ones values greater beneficial than the multi-married Republican wanna-bees and the married bride who produced an single mom.

2016-12-13 09:58:39 · answer #4 · answered by kulpa 4 · 0 0

He was a great president.

He balanced the budget, so George Bush could make a mess of it.

He is the most brilliant man I have ever seen. When he talks, he never stutters for words. He does not stumble over simple words and he has a great command of the English language.

2007-02-09 17:33:21 · answer #5 · answered by cwigg 3 · 1 0

Because Bill is a stoned sex maniact like the majority of our population. He is a liar and an actor, but unlike Bush, his is an articulit liar and actor. Since most Americans are the product of public schools and way to much T.V, rock and rap, he appilies to the illogical. I don't love Clinton at all. He is absolutely one of the worst president ever. He was another front man for the new world order. That is why he bombed Serbia, further opened the gates to Mexico, and I can't remember right now all the dirt I got on this cerifiable piece of crap because I am very tierd, but the man is a shmuck. He should be hung right along with most of his party. And, do you think the republicans are any better? I say hang all those dirty bastards. I love my country. I am so thankful today for the culture of America, which is the original Bible and the constitution. I hate the government for what they are doing to my countries culture. My roots in the U.S.A go back to the Mayflower. And, if you have something smart to say, like good liberals always do, and don't know what the hell they are talking about, then try this on. I don't give a crap about what happened to the indians. I wasn't there for one, and two, and most importantly, I believe in manifest destiny. This land was full of polytheistic savages before us Christians got here. I some one is not worshipping the one and only real true God, than they are worshipping the devil. That means catholics, islam, Jehovah's witnesses and anyone else. They go right in there; hell. If you don't like reality, tough. Read the Bible. The real Bible. And you will soon find out that all of these relilgious idiots don't know what the heck they are talking about. So that's right. It is our land. God let us have it, right with the real Bible. And this county has lost it's soul. It has weaked to the point where we don't know what we believe, unless we believe it will get us a vote. Screw that. The issues are still the same as they have always been. No is the time for us to defeat the devil again and take his ground. The middle east with all it's dirty, throw back retrograde, murduring devil worshippers. This world belongs to Jesus, and we have an obligation as God children to save the world from the devil; islam. Kill them now. The other night John Edwards, that lieing piece of crap, just like all of them, worthless. He was asked, "Do you approaved of gay marriage yet?" First look at the question asked by that idiot on MSNBC, "yet?" Like to say, "you should approved gay marriage." Edwards replied, "No not yet. I guess it has something to do with the way I was brought up in a Baptist Church." I go to a Baptist Church and I can promise you that if the same question was asked to any of us, you would get a very direct answer. Because we know the true of God's Word. We don't change our beliefs to suit the world. We don't change what the true is to make some rediculis argeement that is a complete and total waste of everybodies time. We don't change the word of God, we let the word of God change us. So Edwards, said not yet, because he grow up in a Baptist Church. He knows the truth, but he doesn't want to offend the devil. Because the devil votes too. Then a few question later in the interview he was asked, "Do you think that homosexuality is a sin?" He automatically said, "No." This man is an ignorant fool who knows exactly what he is saying. He just doesn't care because he wants to be president. When are we going to see a man who has honor and stands for the truth? All of these politicians are liars and devils. They are all on their way to hell and they want to take the whole country down with them just because they don't have the spine enough to stand up like men. How can we defeat the devil in the middle east if all we have in office here, and in every other country in the world are devils. We have every reason to condemn homosex, islam, and any other piece of human garbage in our country of out, that disapproves of how we do things, if we are in the will of God.

2007-02-05 16:59:40 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

People love Bill Clinton because he is a people person, he is not stuck out there in left field like your current president. he cared for the poor as well as the rich..

2007-02-05 16:27:35 · answer #7 · answered by Melly Mel 1 · 5 3

Because he's a "glad handler". -One of those up-beat favorite uncle types, who can take a joke, tell a better one, and is always good for a "I feel your pain" pat on the back when you're feeling "down". Even if he tries to run off with your wife, it's hard to hate the guy- because in your dreams you wished you could've gotten up the guts to do the same thing with HIS!

2007-02-05 16:32:44 · answer #8 · answered by Joseph, II 7 · 1 0

A great person to ask would be GHW Bush. He refers to him as a son. Honestly.

Elle55407, my error. It was Barbara who referred to him as son.

Barbara Bush Calls Bill Clinton 'Son'

Drudge Report | June 17, 2005

Former President Bill Clinton discussed his relationship with President Bush's father last night on CBS LATE SHOW.

Clinton: "I think we're good friends. I like him very much. I've always liked him. When he was vice president, I was still a governor. We worked together on a number of things. He hosted the governors, in 1983...at Kennebunkport."

When they made an announcement about raising funds for Tsunami relief in Houston former First Lady Barbara Bush "announced us. And she said she has started to call me son. I told the Republicans there, I said don't worry, every family has one, you know, the black sheep. I told them, this just shows you the lengths the Bushes would go to get another president in the family. I wish I could get them to adopt Hillary."

2007-02-05 16:25:02 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

He was a flawed President, but he was very charismatic and an excellent orator. In this day and age where media soundbites are hugely important, he was the beneficiary of being on the good side of a liberal media base. He wasn't a horrible Prez, but far from great.

2007-02-05 16:27:14 · answer #10 · answered by Beachman 5 · 2 2

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