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they are muslims and that it is Allah's will for them to terrorize the world....

I've read in one of the issues of Time Magazine (July 4, 2005 issue). And there was an exclusive interview with an Iraqi Suicidal Bomber. He revealed that he is a Muslim and that Allah's command is to bring terror... He even said this during the interview: "Yes, I admit I am terrorist. Write that down. The Koran says it is the duty of Muslims to bring terror to the enemy, so being a terrorist makes me a good Muslim." He even quotes lines from the surah known as Al-Anfal, or the Spoils of War: "Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into the enemy of Allah and your enemy."

What can Muslims say about this? No offense but I am just really confused... Please, if you can get a copy of that magazine, take time to read it.

2007-02-05 16:12:27 · 14 answers · asked by Charmaine * 3 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

14 answers

The Islamic religion has nothing to do with terrorism. It is a peaceful religion that is misconstrued out of context by zealous Muslims. Take time to learn about Islam yourself. You may surprised.

BTW, the suicidal bombers are not "real" Muslims though they claim themselves to be. Muslims ,such as myself, who follow the right way of Islam are horrified by them, that they bringing down Islam.

"Islam (Submission) condemns suicide as much as it condemns oppression and aggression against others. While the Muslims (Submitters) are commanded to stand for their rights and defend themselves, their properties and their freedom they are told to first resort to peace advocate tolerance and disregard the ignorant. The following verses from the Quran show how the Quran describes suicide, such an important issue in our life that was made the center of the conflict in the Middle East lately."

2007-02-06 00:35:01 · answer #1 · answered by Ayesha 4 · 0 0

am no muslim but let's look at this way - some catholics & protestants were killing each other in the name of God a little of 25 years ago. now some muslims are doing it. therefore such behaviour cannot be used a credible basis for describing an entire religion or faith. some people of different religions find it very hard to accept that other people out there don't agree with their faith and have gone to great and very unnecessary extents to make their frustration felt. it's wrong i know.
but you would also be wrong to judge an entire relgion based on the selfishness and pure ignorance of few individuals who manipulate the words of God and/or prophets to justify their evil acts.

2007-02-05 21:27:46 · answer #2 · answered by therna 3 · 1 0

An Islamic martyr is typically a suicide bomber who straps explosives filled with shrapnel and rat poison to his chest, walks into a public place filled with innocent Jewish women and children whom the bomber never met, shouts "Allah Akbar" (God is Great) and then shatters the lives of hundreds, all for the right to gain entrance into a pornographic heaven filled with 72 virgins, young boys, and tons of gold and jewels.

Further rewards, as reported by hadith, are that the fighter in God's cause will, if killed in the struggle, receive privileges otherwise unattainable: he escapes the examination in the grave by the "interrogating angels"; he does not need to pass through barzakh, the purgatory limbo; he receives the highest of ranks in paradise, sitting near the throne of God--Muhammad described the "house of martyrs," dar al-shuhada', as the most beautiful abode of paradise; on the Day of Judgment any wounds the martyr received in battle will shine and smell like musk; his death as a martyr frees him of all sin such that he does not require the intercession of the Prophet; he is purified by his act and so he alone is not washed before burial.

"Martyr" is just one of many concepts that Islamics have corrupted.

2007-02-05 17:17:19 · answer #3 · answered by Paperback Writer (real JPAA) 3 · 0 0

Do not blame the religion for the interpretation. I am "a" religieous as all religions have the same problem. Do not for one moment think I condone violent actions, or that I condone extremist religions however what a man or woman does is not attributable to any other source save his own ideas. Therefore evil people are evil, end of.

2007-02-05 16:19:44 · answer #4 · answered by rinfrance 4 · 0 0

i know exactly what you are talking about. i suggest you read up on your own reguarding muslims standpoint on a "prisoner of war" there are rules and guidelines to go along with this. the quran does not suggest for you to strap a bomb to yourself and blow innocent people up. according to islam if you kill another muslim it is like you are killing ALL the muslims. how ever islam states that if ONE muslim is being opressed it is as if ALL MUSLIMS are being opressed. islam is a deep religion and requires a lot of devotion to understand it's full context/meaning. for one muslims do have a right to defend themselves. i could say the same about the jewish and the christian religion. when you consider in time of war according to the bible they claim it is alright to kill men, women, children, animals, even destroy the land. like cutting down trees. when i look at terrorism to be truth ful i would have to say it is a two way street no matter how much the oppistion wants to justify their motives. many non muslims feel that muslims deserve the treatment they have been getting since the creation of israel. there was not a problem with the christians and arabs since the west created the state of israel. this is a religious war on both sides. the jewish feel it is their religious right to have israel so what makes them any different then the extremeists palestinians who are still do this day fighting for palestine? if you want to talk about iraq and terrorism. the reason it was invaded was for a false reason. so called weapons of mass destruction in which this country has proven to have been a flat out lie. since the american occupation the americans have sucked out 20 million dollars an hour in oil revenue that has not been going towards the iraqi people. it is going into the pockets of the world leaders and their oil companies. according to the geneva conventions when a country is invaded/occupied they have a right to defend their land. the iraqi people not that it is right but some are reduced to bombing themselves to try to kill the people who are siding with the americans. this is a complex situation. every penny in oil belongs to the iraqi people. not one cent of these oil revenues belong to the west. it is NOT their oil. we learn from an early age that STEALING is wrong. why does this moral not applied to muslims? i do not condone terrorism from any side but i do believe in standing up for what is right. if you look back at the start of the united states of america the americans were fighting the opression and invasion of the british. do you think that america won thier independence from peaceful talks with britian? were the american people terrorists for fighting for their land? when you want to compare the holy quran to some of the behavior that some people are doing i suggest you read more into the religion before you pass judgement. i also suggest you redefine the term TERRORISM. my belief is obsolete when it comes to fighting back opressors. your belief would be the same as well if people came into your home and put you through what invaders have been doing to the muslims. nuclear bombs is not match for a country like iraq that has no weapons to defend themselves with. neither is it a fair fight when the palestinians have nothing to defend themselves with other then rocks and home made bombs. just because the united nations says it is alright to give up some ones land does not make it right. i would be more then happy to answer some more of your questions if you would like to email me.

2007-02-05 16:58:57 · answer #5 · answered by wedjb 6 · 1 1

at first, stop listening to racist human beings answering this question.... ie: ***father. second of all, widen your view of terrorists. someone pronounced latin american, the position its extra frequently than not christians. an identical is authentic in eire. its no longer continuously muslims 0.33, even as it truly is muslims, its in all likelihood via deep devotion Islam calls for from its followers. maximum Islamic extremeists use their followers deep devotion to their faith hostile to them. They use brainwashing strategies to remodel youthful, helpless Muslims who favor to do bypass into terrorists. those little ones see the masterminds as instructors of the religion and then are sucked right into a international the position they're advised to blow themselves up and they merely dont understand any more effective. they imagine they're doing God's will even as in reality they were brainwashed into starting to be a member of those communities.

2016-11-02 11:01:52 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's all a matter of justification and different understandings of books/scripture which some take literally and others don't.

It's the same reason ploygamists call themselves Mormon, while the Mormon church says the have nothing to do with it. Same way Mormons call themselves Christian but Christians say Mormons really aren't.

It's all a matter of identity and how people perceive things. It's easy to twist anything you want to fit your personal beliefs.

2007-02-05 16:17:51 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Everyone has a right to defend themselves, their family and country from invaders, be it Israel, USA or USSR. You may call them whatever you want and that actually shows, on whose side you are. Killing innocent people however, is the greatest crime, punishable according to islamic law, here on earth and the world above.

2007-02-05 20:25:11 · answer #8 · answered by f riyaz k 2 · 0 0

Its the same as Christians using the Bible to say gay marriage is wrong, interacial marriage is wrong, God doesn't like blacks, hispanics whatever. There are always going to be crazy religious fanatics that twist the words of a religion that is meant for good for their own evil purposes

2007-02-05 16:25:39 · answer #9 · answered by incubabe 6 · 2 1

muslims claim that islam has nothing to do with terrorism becuase in qoran, terrorism is never mentioned... and the cry by most muslims is not that islam has nothing to do with terrorism, but moreso that most mulsims have nothing to do with terrorism...only extremist and radicals do.....thats just my explanation and two cents im sure their are many more

2007-02-05 16:18:10 · answer #10 · answered by jpjohnson 1 · 1 0

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