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Did you know you produce 40 per cent of al the world gobal warming, do you know the human existence is in perish?
What are you doing to do with your politicians, and the greedy companies that do not care? I know you care deep down, dont you?
Just sign the Kioto agreement!

2007-02-05 15:10:48 · 24 answers · asked by monis 2 in News & Events Current Events

dogwon thanks,
well, the disasters are hapening right now, Katrina, hot weather in french winter, the sea invading the shores! nature destroyed everywere

2007-02-05 15:20:05 · update #1

This just shows waht everyone thinjs of americans, ignorants.
Dis you recently heard about the latest UN report? The gobal warming is no longer a debate, oh but I forgot, what do you care about the UN, you can even start illegal wars against countries with oil.

2007-02-05 15:23:13 · update #2

The answer is to change to clean energies, I do so with lots of things in my house, and yes, I ride a bike, my brother in Finland does, stop being so arrogant you are killing us.
And no, the nature has its own way to clean the disaster that human beings have done to earth, and it is starting to do it,,,yes, we are like destructive viruses at the moment, what does this has to do with left or right thinking?
wake up!

2007-02-05 15:27:12 · update #3

You are such a joke, I guess you trully think your scientific research is better than the 2500 scientifics of the UN that just made the recent report, including mexican Nobel price Mario Molina

2007-02-05 15:30:27 · update #4

dinesh c
Absolutely, we should be together as people of the world together aginst this, are we really having benefits? we are just making so rich the oil companies, the war industry, the richer of the world

2007-02-05 15:53:09 · update #5

thanks for you thoughtful response.
You are right, we have to make a mayor shift in the way we build our systems of living, any yes, controlling.
Are our governements are going to do this?
No, they are ALL corrupted by money,
so, we AS PEOPLE OF THE WORLD should stand for our rights.
Its easier if we unite our forces, Bush is saying so many lies about the Kioto agreement, did you see Gores latest documentary?
Yes, I think we can change lots of things but first stop believing everything we are told by our governments, they are there to lie for the greedy companies!
In USA they both companies and government are the same!
Try to think how it looks from the outside that USA refuses to sign while producing so many gas, just try to see it from the outside how it looks.

2007-02-05 16:18:38 · update #6

24 answers


You're government has been lying to you - there is a problem, this is not about trying to steal your tax dollars.

Please read (if you can) the following links and watch the programmes - it'll be fun.



2007-02-06 08:07:02 · answer #1 · answered by Moebious 3 · 0 0

Yes, I am aware. The planet has thermal cycles and we are currently in a warming trend and this is heavily accentuated by man's effects on the atmosphere.

first of all, noone asked me to sign the Kyoto treaty. If our government did sign it, would it help? Do you think global warming is reversible? What about all the new industry in Asia operating without any significant environmental regulation? What about the deforestation in South America and Africa? What about the fact that cows produce most of the greenhouse gasses? Should we get rid of cows? Are there any viable solutions to replacing internal combustion engines as the primary power plant for vehicles? I can't ride a bike to work, I drive 70 miles both ways... America has a car-based culture - aside from those living in large cities, you have to drive to get around... It is a problem... We are seeing many people buying hybrid cars and cars with great gas mileage here now, but they are very expensive... Most of our freight is shipped by tractor trailer trucks, what do you suggest as an alternative?

Now, lets really take a look at your question...

To say that Americans are not aware of global warming is garbage. It is just not true. The problem is that this has become a political issue... For whatever reason, Republicans (and yes, i used to be one before this administration) have chosen to make it their policy to ignore global warming. I suppose it goes along with their general platform of less government, less regulation of business and industry, etc... Now, when people survey the american people about global warming, and get a die-hard, blue-blooded republican on the phone, he/she will answer that they've never heard of global warming or don't believe it is true. People in this country are not any more ignorant that people anywhere else - about global warming or whatever else. You will most likely see a change in America's policy on global warming in the next administration. This administration has chosen to make it a non-issue.

If our slack government would clean up their act, and get special interest groups and lobbyists out of government, then maybe they would represent the interests of the people instead of representing big business and make a global warming policy that is in the interest of Americans and other people affected around the world...

So, my point is, look into this further. The easy answer is that Americans are stupid and don't care. The fact is that is just not true. The data you present is completely skewed by Washington politics...

2007-02-05 16:03:40 · answer #2 · answered by j_mang 3 · 0 0

I am an American and very aware. I am also aware of the Chinese pollution problem. For your information most of the factories that used fossil fuel has been sent overseas. The people in America does not have the opportunity to work in a factory from 8-3 making steel. We purchase it from overseas. I would bet that hardly anyone in Europe rides their bike back and forth to work everyday. I really do not think my signature on the agreement would amount to much since I am not a politician. Just like yours wouldn't amount to much if you wanted people to walk 20 miles to their work site. 40 percent of the global warming is not even half, where is the other 60 percent coming from. Nice to attack others but look in your own back yard.

2007-02-05 16:37:12 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

And the same chicken little liberal funded 'scientists' warned of the near new ice age in the 1970s. That wasn't true either. All this junk science just caters to liberals that panic, worry and fret about stupid things that nothing can be done about, until they got distracted and started freaking out over some other nothing again. Nobody ever worried about things like nature does in random patterns. Nature is not consistent. Nature is more self changing than John Kerry or hillery, (she's the third incarnation of the Anti-Christ! Think about it! Nostradamus prophesied her coming! She'll do anything (especially underhanded!) and say anything with forked tongue to gain more power. Muslims start a world wide jihad and have nuclear weapons. Thanks to clinton, the Chinese were gifted for a greasing with all the technology they needed to rocket nuclear bombs down on our heads! Then then gave the bomb to No. Korea, becaused they 'promised' not to sell it! She will weaken and defang our military. Try to take our guns. Invite the UN to disarm us. etc, etc. She can NOT be allowed to have any power at all. She will drag the troops home and THE TERRORISTS WILL FOLLOW THEM HOME AND KILL US! Think about it.

2007-02-05 17:51:27 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

The great thing about the Earth and nature is that it naturally takes care of itself by maintaining a form of homeostasis. It knows how to take care of itself without it being destroyed. Granted a big part of the human population might be wiped out by a mass epidemic, but that's the way the cookie crumbles.

2007-02-05 15:59:12 · answer #5 · answered by macinsax 2 · 0 0

I'm aware of this so-called "global warming". But I really don't believe it. What I do believe in is evolution. Our earth has been in constant change for forever. The magnetic poles, meaning the North and South poles, are shifting. That's what's causing some of the polar ice caps to melt. Look at our planet's history. We've had dinosaurs when our planet warmer and more tropical. We've had ice ages. It all goes in cycles. Granted, alot of the stuff we put in the air is no good and unhealthy, but you can't blame global warming on the human race.

2007-02-05 15:25:22 · answer #6 · answered by BigJake418 7 · 1 1

Well, we all know they're not going to change their minds anytime soon, so we can't do anything. I mean, still, think of the world if we didn't have big industries and cars? I mean, I am worried about it, but it would be pretty difficult to live WITHOUT all the fuel and energy and gas. I mean, think about it. What, would we ride bikes? I really do worry for the world, but I've thought about it, and I'm just not sure anymore.

2007-02-05 15:20:18 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

actual US political situations have exacerbated this situation in numerous procedures. First, the better secure practices of the Canada/US border is very much discouraging north/south seasonal migration of voters which very much reduces ability intake. How? Snowbirds can migrate south and turn down the residential furnaces in wintry climate...... wintry climate heating outpaces all different varieties of northern ability intake via a ingredient of 60 or larger. in the summertime, US voters can turn down the air conditioners and head north. Secondly US federal admin keeps to attack Canada's Oil and pipeline marketplace mutually as overlooking their own endured operation of greater beneficial than 320 coal fired electric powered producing stations...... Oil, even tarsands Oil is way less unfavorable the the atmosphere than coal regardless human beings attempt to get rid of particulates and sequester emitted CO2.

2016-12-13 09:56:35 · answer #8 · answered by kulpa 4 · 0 0

human existence has been in peril since the beginning of time. The only reason we don't understand that any more is because life expectancy is growing every year and every one expects their government to be able to cure all the ills of the world.

There is no cure for death. Death will come to all of us - some younger than others - some will be older but there is no little pill that will cure the ending . If global warming was cured tomorrow - it wouldn't cure the fact that human can't escape death.

2007-02-05 16:25:29 · answer #9 · answered by Akkita 6 · 0 1

Are you aware of geological history? The planet Earth has gone through many periods of heating and cooling. We are in a heating period after coming out of an ice age. You cannot blame everything on Americans. Volcanic activity produces far more green house gases than American industry.

2007-02-05 15:20:33 · answer #10 · answered by Jack 7 · 1 1

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