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Sometimes I feel Inferior when I'm around either people of authority, women (especially beautiful or smart women), and men full of confidence? How can I fix this error in me?

The feelings of inferiority, affect my speech and the way that I act around others.;to the point where I feel...mentally slow during these moments (and I know I'm not). What's the problem here? I'm really trying to fix this. It has been with me, ever since middle school. :-(

I mean, I'm a fairly handsome guy, with a funny and nice personality...but I just find it hard to step out ,and be myself around these type of people. I need some advice and help from you.

You're comments will help me out greatly, give me your best :).

2007-02-05 14:40:12 · 16 answers · asked by Brain 3 in Social Science Sociology

16 answers

Being at ease with others requires humility. Humility is a very misunderstood concept these days- most do not realize that it incorporates a positive regard for one's own qualities. Humility is a medium between the extremes of (a) inordinate pride and (b) inferiority complexes. Humility is thus neither thinking you are better or worse than you really are. Sometimes the extremes cause each other! For example, one's pride (which thinks one should be better than he is) may be the cause of an inferiority complex, since he is always coming up short of his own expectations. Or feelings of inferiority may also drive one to act pompous out of compensation.
Humility is the key to freedom in this area. With humility, there is no need to think you are better or worse than you really are. That said, putting it into action in social situations requires a kind of apprenticeship and perhaps lots of time. Realize that you have your own qualities and you will find ways to share them. Don't believe that the qualities of others are somehow worth more than your own. And if you find that you often hold others in high regard, be happy for that's a quality in itself, and useful for learning and growth.

2007-02-05 15:02:19 · answer #1 · answered by Milo P 1 · 10 0

I used to have that problem (middle school must suck for everyone!) What you have to do is fake it. I have an anxiety disorder and no-one would ever guess that. If you want to speak, speak loud and have confidence in your voice. Speak as though it is vitally important that the person/s hear what you have to say. Be bold and make eye contact, people who are nervious do not do this. Being able to hold eye contact inforces confidense and can actually attract people to you. Also, dress with confidense. Ever have a day that you look in the mirror and you just feel great and confident because you know you look good and you continue through your day and get compliments on how you look and that boost you up even more. Do whatever it takes to maintain that look and that feeling. People can tell when you don't have it and they will either cut you off at what your saying because they know you aren't confident enough to speak up. Never let anyone cut you off and if they do you have to be very bold and say, "Excuse me, I wasn't finished." and then continue with confidense. People will respect you more and you will feel much better about yourself. Good Luck!!!!!

2007-02-05 14:51:17 · answer #2 · answered by if i only knew 3 · 2 1

I can relate to how you feel. I try to make friends with as many people as i can, and then i get to a point where i am completely comfortable with being myself around them. Then, in more social situations, when you have a friend or two around, you aren't so worried about what others think. I also try to keep an aditude of "It doesn't matter what people think, they'll like me better if im genuine anyway", but, it is human nature to seek approval from your peers. If the conversation turns to something that you know alot about, chime in, people like to be in an interesting discussion. Your oppinion could have an impact on someone's life. Good luck! Peace Out!

2007-02-05 14:50:10 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

Good grief, I really wish I could help you because if I could, I could also help myself. I have always felt inferior, since childhood. I sometimes stutter, and sometimes say the wrong things--probably out of nerves.

I'm getting up in years now, but this still has not gone away. I was pretty good-looking as a younger person, and had a decent personality. I had friends, but just never felt that I was as good
as them, or as smart as them, or as street-wise as them, etc.

Fortunately, my children don't have this problem at all. They have a lot of self-confidence, talk with authority figures as though they are just one of the crowd, are not at all shy, and are well-liked by mostly all people they meet. I'm glad, but don't understand where they got it from--neither my husband nor I had this kind of confidence.

2007-02-05 14:56:35 · answer #4 · answered by Holiday Magic 7 · 5 0

You need to think different. They are no different than you. If you think you are inferior to them then you will be. Grow up don't worry about it. Pull your head out of your ***.
Who cares what "they" think go on with your life and have fun. There is more to life than thinking about what other idiots think about you. I don't really care about you at all I used to be like you. not anymore

2007-02-05 20:52:46 · answer #5 · answered by weirdapl 1 · 0 0

The sense of inferiority you feel is commanded by your subconscious inner judge. You should read the book "The Four Agreements", where your feelings are described.
It is obvious that this feeling is self-generated, because no one is telling you that you are inferior. You are saying that to yourself and you are believing it.
Good luck!

2007-02-05 15:03:21 · answer #6 · answered by Dr. Sabetudo 3 · 4 0

Okay, you have to think about it... I am sure you have seen these authority figures make mistakes... wondered how they got their job, or thought you could do it just as well right? Well, realise that you can! The only reason they have it and you dont is the senority. If you were that old and had been doing that job that long you would be just as good at it. now, you are equal, just less experienced. So, look at them, and dare them to teach you. Then you will be flustering them when you talk to them, instead of the other way around.

2007-02-05 23:59:33 · answer #7 · answered by lllll 4 · 0 0

Dont worry! I feel totally the same at times, its becomes a part of you psychologically. Always thinking people are better than you in different ways can affect your way of thinking and confidence BUT this is how you deal with it, just dont think about other people, your unique just like other people, there is nothing special about others and dont let yourself think that either. Be yourself and dont worry about what others think or say. Build your confidence up cause I bet your HOT .

2007-02-05 22:48:31 · answer #8 · answered by t p 1 · 0 0


2007-02-05 14:55:15 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

When I was much younger I shared somewhat the same feelings you do. What helped me was to invest in myself, by reading a lot of motivational books and listening to a lot of Cd's, i.e Anthony Robbins, Norman Vincent Peal, etc. One good book I recommend to anyone is Og Mandino The Worlds Greatest Salesperson ( the title is deceiving, it has nothing to do with sales)

I also confronted my fears and took them head on, I intentionally out myself in situations that made me feel uncomfortable and expected myself to overcome. Mind over matter, if you don;t mind,it really doesn't matter.

Wish you well.

2007-02-06 00:20:33 · answer #10 · answered by Denny Crane 4 · 1 0

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