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17 answers

Yes when you consider that most molesters have upwards of a hundred victims before they are caught the 1st time!

Courts are geared for adults, not for children! Adults generally take the word of an adult over that of a child and it is damn hard for a child to testify in court alone on the stand against a person she once probably trusted and probably told by the family not to tell!

Child molestation is not like rape where an adult female will go to an ER for an examination and documentation. Most child molestation dynamics are totally different with many of the children being set-up or groomed from an early age, often before they attend school and find out what has been happening is wrong!

Child molestation, though having occurred over long periods of time, will have no physical evidence when presented to an ER. Generally all they have is their statements and those can generally be verified somewhat! It is unusual for a family member not to know as this pattern has gone on for years to numerous victims! Many, if not most parents will not believe their children! Many assaults are things like cunnilingus, frontage, oral intercourse, foundling and other acts leave no evidence. Even semen is gone as the chid has probably been bathed many times since the victimization. Ironically, children without physical evidence have a higher conviction rate than those with.

You are asking a child to testify many times against the most powerful person in her life, and the one she was suppose to be able to trust!

It is hard to establish a childs credibility, especially when they believe in things like Santa Claus and tooth Fairy's! All of them things us great adults taught them are used to classify them as not knowing between fiction and reality, even though a 3 year-old can describe ejaculation in vivid detail, uncommon for almost all children!

Are the laws to lenient? The rape of 3 little girls gets you 3 1/2 to 7 years for one father, and 1 year in the county farm for 2 counts to run consecutively for the other 2! What do you think?

My issue with America and it's adults is they think children lie! Yes they do, but few lie to get INTO trouble!

Many, if not most criminal judges. most physicians and other professionals know little if anything at all regarding the dynamics of child victimization! They need to be seen by people who are trained, they need to be interviewed by people that are trained.

One reason I also feel the sentence is to lenient is almost all, to the man, of fixated pedophile's will offend yet again once released. They will tell you that! The only safe place for them is in jail, or away from society. One man can have as many as a thousand victims in his lifetime.

Therapy does not work (there is one but it is too expensive and takes decades). The reason is no secret. You go to a therapist and ask them to change your sexual orientation and see how you do!

Pedophiles are attracted to children, they are not homosexual or heterosexual! They like CHILDREN! There are alsi exceptions to every rule!

And women also have their share of offenders though most are situational and they are not generally attracted to children!

Many states are doing a lot better in intervening into and prosecuting offenders. We have Victim Witness Coordinators, some doc's and nurses who specialize in these type cases, however, that does not make them and easier at times as Juries know nothing about the dynamics either!

Some states still are not doing very good! In Child Sexual Abuse in 1986 you could put all the experts in this country in 1 room!

Now ask me about the dynamics of parenting or my thoughts on corporal punishment! I am sure you do not want to go there!

2007-02-05 15:19:03 · answer #1 · answered by cantcu 7 · 0 0

Cantcu, I am VERY curious as to where you get your statistics. Can you point me to a link or article that will back your claims up?? And just how many people who answered this question know exactly what the laws in your own state are (much less anywhere else) regarding the prosecution of child molesters? Do you have an INFORMED opinion or are you only going with your knee jerk reaction? What about a guy in college dating a girl that told him she was 18 but is only 13 and still in High School?? Is HE a child molester? He can be prosecuted as such! I sincerely hope MY life never rests in your hands!!!

2007-02-06 00:13:58 · answer #2 · answered by LadyLee 2 · 0 0

Hell Yea! They should be castrated. Then they should be thrown into a jail that has no heat or clean water or air conditioning and only scraps of rotten food given to them. They should have to live like the animals that they are.
I fear for children these days. They have no future. Parents are out of control. They pop kids out like its a contest or something. Where is the love? The time? These poor kids didn't ask to be born. And does anybody really listen when a child says ANYTHING? Anything at all? Much less the fact that they might have been abused? It makes me sick to even think of it. Molesters should get massive shock treatments too. Such a waste of person. They should not be able to see the light of day.

2007-02-06 00:15:34 · answer #3 · answered by Me2 5 · 0 0

The laws against ANY kind of sexual misconduct are too lenient in America. Most sexual predators are repeat offenders. Not to sound sexist...but what the heck...you can bet if it were men being hunted by these predators, they would probably get the death penalty. Women and children just don't carry as much weight with the law makers.

2007-02-05 22:47:10 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I would say yes. Child molestation is a serious problem, and offenders tend to repeat the offense. With this in mind, I think they should be locked up for MUCH longer, if not for life, after their first offense. There's no other good solution that I can think of.

2007-02-05 22:48:05 · answer #5 · answered by ~*Bubbles*~ 3 · 1 0

YES!!! Anything short of life in priison or a death sentence is too lenient for child molestation and rape

2007-02-05 22:43:55 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

Without a doubt.

2007-02-05 22:53:08 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yep. When caught, they should be removed from society forever. As in "life in prison without parole". There is no cure for pedophelia...

2007-02-05 22:48:36 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

have you ever seen what they do to CM's in prison? that
makes up for any shortccomings that the law didnt cover.

2007-02-05 22:45:57 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0


2007-02-05 22:46:55 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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