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When compared to childhood and being a teenager.
Please give details of why you think adult life is not all that it cracks up to be. If you could be any age, what age would you be and why?

2007-02-05 14:30:34 · 25 answers · asked by ORANGE JET 3 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

25 answers

I'm 18 now, turning 19. I ran away from home to go to California when I was 16, thought I could get a place to live, get a job etc. Seemed easy enough. I always hated my family and they gave me no independence. They were always in my buissness, blah blah blah. I wanted to do something on my own, ahndle myself..
Well, when I got there (I had a friend turn on my electric and gas), at the end of the month, I was in a shitty *** apartment, no one to help me, bundles of bills to pay and and toilet in my tub.
I was waitressing at the Velmont doing 3 shifts and eventually got my gas turned off on me and since I had no hot water, I could't shower, so I'd have to wash with baby whipes and wash my hair under the freezing cold water in the sink. Oh, and I didn't have a phone either.
I thought I could run away with my and never be nagged at for not walking the dog, or watching too many movies, or staying out late and getting a DWI.
Not so easy.
Well, now, I'm a paid escort to be a closeted married lesbian's girlfriend. And I don't just get paid to talk.
So, yeah, adulthood for me.....I could live without it.

I guess if I could be any age I'd be 16 again, I'd enjoy having no worries, having time alone, time with friends, so what if I had to take my dog out? I had no other responsibilities. I think if you're not mentally-challenged and you plan out things and have a future adulthood can be great. I was spoiled and hasty and it came at me fast and I'd change it in a heartbeat.
I really wish I could have done something with my life, gone to college or gotten married.
I'd like to think that one day I will be though, I may have gotten a litle de-railed but I'm still going to the same place.

Good thing is I got my heat back on (apartments not bad now either)........

2007-02-05 14:46:19 · answer #1 · answered by Thief of Hearts 1 · 0 1

For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/6DgLP

No it's not at all! It is also important for adult life but I find since I've been an adult that you tend to actually soclialise a lot less and it becomes harder. When you are a child or teenager you see your friends at least 5 days a week at school but when you are an adult and at that age when you haven't settled into a real life routine, i.e haven't found or started your first full time job yet etc, life is very unsettling and you often find you lose so much contact with former friends as they go in different directions. Although I may have a boyfriend so am hardly ever actually on my own, I find it incredibily hard not having as many friends as I used to and not being garunteed to see them so much. Adult life without much of a social life, just makes you wonder what you are missing out on and everybody needs regular interaction with other people. Spending so much time alone is not enough for anybody really and can make people very depressed. Adults need things to look forward to and friends just as much as children and teenagers maybe even more so as adult life is very difficult I think and you are not sheltered like you were when you were younger and still in school. When you become an adult you realise just how hard and cruel the world can be and it's not really the opportunity filled place you used to think it was so a social life is essential as it is a welcome distraction from money worries, job problems, stress etc.

2016-03-29 16:53:01 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Adult life is overrated! I'm 31, have a full time job, 2 kids, a fiance, a dog, a puppy, new trucks and a house and rental unit. That's a hell of a lot responsibility!

I actually like my age though. I've learned a lot, am comfortable in my own skin and have a job I actually love. If I could still have all the knowledge I have now, I would start my teen years over and make better choices.

2007-02-05 14:36:55 · answer #3 · answered by SatinDoll1976 3 · 0 0

Adult life is so overrated. I have a friend who is turning 18 and he still doesn't know what to do with his life. He's under a lot of stress to move out very soon. Providing for ones self isn't easy, buying food is the worst. Still, when your an adult you have a lot more freedom. I'm a teen right now, and enjoying having a job, but not really having to provide for myself. Life is good.

2007-02-05 14:38:18 · answer #4 · answered by upirblood 1 · 0 0

Life Is Overrated

2016-10-31 08:41:35 · answer #5 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I was just talking to my mother about that during lunch today- I liked being 17 years old. I was very happy, driving around with friendsa and hardly any bills- then life slapped me in the face once I turned 18 and had to work. YUK! Then I moved out at 24 and am responsible for EVERYTHING!! My parent's can't bail me out of situations anymore or pay for my rent. Yes, adult life is overrated. I MUST AGREE! But, then once you are married and have a loving family, its wonderful. :D

Love the hair!

2007-02-05 14:35:31 · answer #6 · answered by ♪ Tony's girl ♪ 4 · 0 0

OMG. I wish every day that I was 14 again. This was the best year of my life. I had so much fun and never had to worry about anything exzept my hair and what my friends were doing for the weekend. I partied and skipped school. I made stupid mistakes and had no cares in the world. I wouldn't give it up for anything. This is when I met the bestfriends that I ever had and even my husband. It all ended way to fast and I had to grow up. Now I work all week long to pay my bills and have everything to worry about. I wish I could start all over again, even if I couldn't change a single thing.

2007-02-05 14:36:44 · answer #7 · answered by noname 2 · 2 0

This Site Might Help You.

Who thinks that adult life is so overrated?
When compared to childhood and being a teenager.
Please give details of why you think adult life is not all that it cracks up to be. If you could be any age, what age would you be and why?

2015-08-18 20:52:19 · answer #8 · answered by ? 1 · 0 0

Adulthood is okay, its not the best. I am an adult, I have my own life and my "right to privacy" as opposed to my family demanding to know everything I was doing back when I was underage. (Heck, I wasn't even allowed to go around the corner to the elementary school playground when I was 16..)

Although now I can't even call things "privacy" because the same family members I had problems with now gossip and pry into my personal life on a daily basis about who I SHOULD date, why I shouldn't date out of my race, when I should start having sex, how many kids I should have and when I should get married.

I felt safer and stabler back when I was about 4-5 years old, the only thing I had to worry about was going to preschool/kindergarden and learning how to count. Everything else was given to me (food, water, shelter), especially love and attention.. when you grow older (18 years old and up, sometimes even earlier than that) you start to realize Aunt "Jane" and Uncle "John" only payed attention to you because you were cute, not because they loved you as a person or cared about your well-being. You finally realize who really cared, and it can be a rather rude awakening...

2007-02-05 14:49:20 · answer #9 · answered by Rae-Rae Nikkoles <3 3 · 0 0

I'd rather be an adult than a child anyday, but that's because I grew up with a bi-polar mother.

But adulthood is overrated - it cracks me up when kids are in such a hurry to grow up. Adulthood is just like highschool except you get a pay check (hopefully).

I like be in control of my life.

2007-02-05 14:33:05 · answer #10 · answered by LifesAMystery 3 · 0 0

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