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What kind of teas are good to detoxify your body?

2007-02-05 14:06:26 · 8 answers · asked by No need to be rude people, dam 1 in Health Alternative Medicine

8 answers

milk thistle will detox you liver and kidneys
Milk thistle, (also known as Silymarin), is commonly used to protect the liver from damage, as well as help the liver regenerate after damage has occurred. Milk thistle can be useful for those who use phenobarbitol, which can be toxic to the liver.

Herbal Detoxification
Generic diets for detoxification are good, but may not stimulate the liver, lungs or the kidneys as much as one would like. Therefore, herbal cleanses are indicated when we want to hone our cleanse to a "sharp edge" and be organ specific. Of course, herbs are foods too and provide one with vitamins, minerals and enzymes for excellent nutrition. Herbs are powerful, because they may be combined together to fortify those herbs that aid specific organs. For example, herbal combinations that aid the liver may be found in many organic food stores. The list below shows how herbal combinations help the various organs.

Herbal Combinations

LIV-A Dandelion, red beet, liverwort, parsley, horsetail, birch leaves, chamomile, blessed thistle, black cohosh, angelica, gentian, goldenrod

Uva ursi, parsley, dandelion, juniper berries JP-X Parsley, uva ursi, marshmallow, ginger, goldenseal, dong quai, cedar berries

LH Comfrey, marshmallow, mullein, slippery elm, senega, Chinese ephedra

While herbs may be taken at any time, they are best for detoxification purposes when they are used with a good diet also. It does not make any sense to take herbs to cleanse the liver if the bowels are clogged with junk or refined foods, since the liver dumps its toxins into the bowels. And while detoxification diets are effective by themselves, they may be reinforced and speeded up with herbs, which stimulate the eliminative organs.

Herbs may be used as teas, powders or extracts. Powders are usually encapsulated for easier swallowing, but are best when taken with meals and digestive enzymes. Extracts may be used when specific herbs are needed, but may be extracted with alcohol, which we need to avoid. Herbal teas are easily made and easily taken all throughout the day. They are mild and gentle and sometimes refreshing and sometimes bitter. Experimentation may be in order until one develops the right tea to drink. Herbal teas is a topic in itself, since there are so many and different ways to make them.

Example Herbal Cleanse

Drink a glass of lemon water or drink a glass of water with added: one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and one teaspoon of blackstrap molasses

Drink a glass of water with psyllium husk powder (follow with another glass of water).

Take 2-3 multi-digestive enzymes
Take liver herbs

In Between Meals
Drink herbals teas which support the liver, including Dandelion/licorice/ginger/fennel

Note: Following a good diet is mandatory for herbs to work optimally. See section on diets for detox.

Skin Cleansing
Detoxification should include some type of skin cleansing, because our skin it one of our best eliminative organs. Heavy metals are actually released through the skin's pores when we sweat. Sauna baths and steam rooms are great for removing toxins from the skin and regenerating one's health and energy. It has been documented that our skin's sweat glands when combined can perform as much detoxification as one (or both) kidneys. Therefore, it is very important to support our skin for detoxification to be maximal. If our kidneys are damaged, then helping the skin will help the kidneys ... indirectly, but effectively.

Good skin care is in order, if one's health is to benefit, also. Using chemicalized skin care products is not wise, even though they are cheaper. These chemicals may be absorbed into our circulation and provide more "toxins" for our liver to deal with. We are not made out of cast iron, and even the chemicals in our soaps and shampoos will make a difference with our health. Most people do not "see" the ill effects of these subtle chemicals, because their liver is able to metabolize them. But, individuals who are environmentally toxic will see a great change in their health when using natural soaps and shampoos. We should take their advice and use only natural skin care products also.

Cleansing our skin is rather simple. First, we need to bathe daily using natural soaps. Then we need to care for the skin by using only natural oils and products of natural origin. Even the clothes we wear can make a big difference in our health. Synthetic fibers do not absorb sweat (toxins), while natural fibers, like cotton, will absorb toxins. Dry skin brushing helps in removing the outer dead skin layers and keeps the pores open. Another good method of skin brushing is with vigorous toweling off after bathing. Towel roughly until the skin is slightly red. Change towels often because they will contain toxins.

Good skin care also requires good nutrition.[ii] Since our skin is mainly fat, we need high quality fats and oil from natural sources to give our skin health. Butter and olive oil are two excellent natural oils, which keep the skin in good condition. As always, the fats/oils should be natural ... only.

Detoxification Baths
Use 1/2 cup of baking soda or use 1/2 cup of Epsom salt or use 1/2 cup of sea salt. Soak for 15-20 minutes and then scrub the skin gently with soap on a natural fiber. Within a few minutes the water will turn murky and "dirty." The darkness to the water is heavy metals coming out of the skin (aluminum and mercury). Do this once a week during detox and once a month for maintenance.

Juice Fasting
Fasting with vegetable juices can be another excellent way to develop good health and cleanse the body of toxins. Juices, minus their pulp (fiber), contain an excellent source of vitamins, minerals and enzymes. When the pulp is not added, one is able to drink more juice than they are able to eat. For example, one can easily consume the juice of several heads of lettuce in one sitting, but may not be able to eat the lettuce whole. This allows the body to get an abundance of nutrients with minimal processing (digestion). Fasting on mono-juices also allows the body proper time to process these juices and helps to preserve our valuable digestive enzymes.

Juice fasting has helped many people over come serious diseases like cancer, because it gave them optimal nutrition and allowed the body to cleanse itself of toxins. [According to many nutritionists, cancer is merely a toxic condition.] With some juicers, the pulp is discarded, but it may be saved and added back for fiber (not too much). Juices contain good sources of antioxidants and enzymes, both of which are needed for cleansing and eliminating toxins. Juices are also easy to digest and help those with digestive problems.

2007-02-05 14:28:55 · answer #1 · answered by ladysilverhorn 4 · 0 1

I drink plain ole Green Tea for its antioxidant properties on a dayly basis.
I think when you purposefully go on a detox "fast" you can do more damage to your body than good.
Green tea first thing in the morning if you can with-hold the caffiene for an hour or so will do wonders for your digestion - as will another mug of green tea before bed.
Pepermint or Ginger tea are other sound choices.
They are all fabbo actually :D

2007-02-05 14:29:40 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Essiac, the old Ojibway indian remedy works because it is a balanced cleanser, it cleans colon liver kidneys and blood. Death begins in the colon, and the easiest way to clean that is with a salt flush. Two heaping teaspoons of salt in two quarts of warm water, drunk in the morning after not eating for 12 hours. Drink it in 1/2 hour, and plan on spending some time in the bathroom. Do that four days in a row, and your pipes will be clean.

2007-02-05 14:29:20 · answer #3 · answered by hasse_john 7 · 1 1

Cleanse blenz tea/ Dr. Stewarts liver detox tea/ Lacy LeBeau super dieters tea/ Traditional Medicines weightless cranberry tea/Tradional Medicines smooth move tea.All available at GNC stores , or try health food stores.

2007-02-05 14:56:25 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1


2017-02-19 15:40:54 · answer #5 · answered by cuevas 3 · 0 0

I use stillingia, red clover, pepermint and spearmint in combination with great results. And a good, cheap source for bulk herbs is 'herbalcom.com'. Best of luck.

2007-02-09 06:23:15 · answer #6 · answered by Dorothy and Toto 5 · 0 0

hi ?Jericho and Eve Are The Sh!t?, in my opinion, i trust that via artwork out and for this reason perspiration may be sensible detoxify. although, you should also handle the difficulty via your weightloss plan. Water is largely significant because it takes up a large part of our body and it helps us get rid of poisonous. also, you should improve your intake of culmination and greens. wish this helps and each and each and every of the perfect.

2016-11-25 19:21:23 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I believe there is actually caffeine in green tea as well.

2015-05-23 12:18:18 · answer #8 · answered by Gerry 2 · 0 0

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