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Why do we worship movie stars and TV stars and sports stars while scientists and philosophers and educators remain anonymous?
Why do our teachers get paid so little while insignificant, self-centred entertainers receive millions?
Why do the masses gorge themselves on idiotic shows like Big Brother, Wrestlemania and brainless prime-time dramas when there is so much important and relevant information in the media that gets overlooked and delegated to the fringes?

I already have good theories as to how this came about but I am very interested in other views out there from like-minded individuals.
Thank you.

2007-02-05 13:15:45 · 17 answers · asked by ZZ9 3 in Social Science Sociology

sp0rtyt: I fear that it may be the RISE of the American empire that is causing this.

irish eyes: Balance is the magic word.

silent_shadows23: thanks for the compliment and ,yes, you make a valid point.

Mac: Thanks for the suggestion. I will check that movie out. Sounds like something I'd like to watch.

kvn8907: Admitedly I'm a little angry at how the bulk of western society make us look, yes.

JOURNEY: You are so right about the 'bigger question'. I don't think ANYONE has the answer. Maybe just realising it is a good start toward changing that.

love&peaceorelse: I'm referring to our Western culture and America is not alone although the lifestyle originated there.

SHELLY F: Realising what we are becoming resisting it may be enough to change it or at least balance it. Thanks for your words.

drdrakesr: VERY valid point.

msy629: You make excellent points in your argument but surely you can see the imbalance I point out, too.

2007-02-05 14:32:46 · update #1

Holly & Liz G and everyone that answered; Thank you so much. It's plain to see that not all of us are being lead by the nose into a world of banality.

2007-02-06 10:16:11 · update #2

17 answers

because instant gratification, cable, internet, movies on demand, everything already built and ready made......no imagination required, creates some pretty dumb individuals if they don't know how to balance it.

2007-02-05 13:21:10 · answer #1 · answered by irish eyes 5 · 1 0

I think that it has something to do with global warming. Just kidding!! I share your concerns. We have become a society of "non-thinkers" and it's getting worse everyday. And yes, our priorities are all screwed up. I think this is so because we've come to worship money, power, glamour, and drama. The more we have (even vicariously), the more we want. It's sad, really. There are people in the world who are oppressed, starving, cold, and dying. Yet, we are more concerned with who won the Superbowl or what will happen on the next episode of the Simple Life or Flavor of Love! It's pathetic!
While your question is an excellent one, I think the bigger question is, "What can we do about it?" I just honestly don't have the answer to that one.

2007-02-05 21:37:57 · answer #2 · answered by JOURNEY 5 · 1 0

its called y r u dumb. times change and some peopel just cant adapt to that. if u didnt notice, we we got so dumb, how come is it that u r typing on that computer rite now? ya i see ur point tho. u r actually pretty rite now that i see what u wrote under the main question- my bad srry. ya- u r rite. and our rites are being taken away as we speak. peopel just sit there at home watching crap like mtv, which takes over peopls lives, and worrying about how to become mor and more popular. we do seem to be losing our good old fashioned values. i agree 100%. poeple spend all their time with the media and new stuff coming out, that they have no idea what is going on in the world besides the war. there is so much more going on. enjoy it now everyone. in 6 years, everyhting we say and see will be recorded

2007-02-05 21:27:41 · answer #3 · answered by a cool person 3 · 2 0

Its because people like to be entertained. honestly who wants to deal with pain and misery and trying to solve problems all the time. unfortunately our own lifes are so hard and and we spend so much time working that in what little down time we have we like to turn to entertainment like the tv and movies to escape and relax and just be entertained. we like watch human drama which is what big brother and wrestling and dramas are all about, sports is the ultimate human drama.

In terms of money, the tv stars and sports stars make so much because, first of all there is enough of an audience to spend their money so that its profitable for the team owner to justify spending like they do. They are able to do this because they are a business in business to make money. Teacher's unfortunately are just government workers and schools are not run like a business. Nor should they be. If they were then money would equal better education, i know that it already does right now but would make it even more so. I think another part of the problem in terms of teachers and schools is that parent rely to much on the school to teach their kids. and parents do not do their part in terms of not just helping teachers, but also teaching their kids about other things not taught in school. but thats a tangent.

what im trying to say is that its cause people like to be entertained, which in turns generates the revenue to be able to pay these stars the kind of money that is available.

2007-02-05 22:15:38 · answer #4 · answered by Mike 6 · 2 0

Why do you think scientists are anymore "brilliant" than a movie star? We get snow in December and they tell us it's "global warming" It gets to 90 degrees in July and it's "global warming". There's a flood on the Mississippi, and it's "global warming", hell now we've got ALGORE trying to be a superstar "scientist".

Ever notice when the "right" political party is in power we don't have homeless people, global warming and everyone has free healthcare? If ONE good thing can come of the Libs taking back the house and senate I won't have to hear one story about Bush causing anymore hurricanes, or fuking global warming.

Now you go listen to those brilliant scientists tell us the USA is causing volcanos, earthquakes and hurricanes, because lord knows none of those events happened before this rotten country was founded.

2007-02-05 21:30:07 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

You know what? That is probably the most intellegent question I have seen on Yahoo answers. I believe that many ppl are star struck. Lost in there own dreams. Some ppl are always wanting to be famous and dream of being famous. That is why they "worship"them. Many ppl adore famous ppl and that is why they get paid so much. Alot of money goes into Hollywood. So they can afford to pay the price. People have lost the concept of fun and work. some don't want to work, they want to have fun. Sports, acting and other things as such take a lot of work. Some don't see that. That is why a lot of people don't make it. (They want fun not work)

2007-02-05 21:24:47 · answer #6 · answered by silent_shadows23 2 · 2 0

I agree with you. Do they still teach logic classes? I hear so many people make totally illogical statements. Also, they do not have the ability to figure out what they just said.

I think some people are being polarized to believe as others do - just to conform, (some people just follow like sheep).

It may be that those "on the fringes" as you say, are able to step out of complacency and be more successful.

2007-02-05 22:13:24 · answer #7 · answered by me 2 · 1 0

Human nature seems to be that we want instant gratification and feed off of the lives of others. Simply, we like to be entertained, and this age of technology has allowed us to become lazy. And with laziness, comes ignorance.

Movie and TV stars are in front of our faces constantly, whereas scientists and the like are behind the scenes, in a process that takes much too long to satisfy our wants for instant gratification. (Scientists may take years to discover something; it takes time for students to display what their teacher has taught them,etc.)

I could go on, but I'm falling asleep on the keyboard =/

2007-02-06 01:30:34 · answer #8 · answered by BeachBoarder 3 · 1 0

You know I have to readily agree that this is/was a great question to ask a forum! I couldn't have answered your question any better because it was all well-said. What I can say though is that I am also sick and tired of reality shows, stupid celebrities, disgusting rap artists, and talk show hosts who help to glorify the sensless spending of the rich and famous. How did we get so dumb? It's the American way of living!

2007-02-05 21:39:07 · answer #9 · answered by collegegirl 1 · 2 0

Check out the movie "Idiocracy" with Owen Wilson.
Its a great rendition of what life will be like 500 years from now.
Its worth a look ;)

2007-02-05 21:25:12 · answer #10 · answered by Mac 5 · 2 0

Intelligence is relative. You're just complaining because you're angry. Meanwhile, all humans (munus the severely retarded or otherwise impaired) are smarter than even the smartest of nematodes. I'd like to see a nimatode try to create a writing system, a nuclear bomb, or a microprocessor!

2007-02-05 21:32:04 · answer #11 · answered by kvn8907 3 · 0 1

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