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It would seem more effective than praying outside of abortion clinics, harrassing doctors and patients and writing laws that act as roadblocks to the abortion process.

2007-02-05 11:58:09 · 12 answers · asked by I'll Take That One! 4 in Politics & Government Politics

Despite the fact that I'm a pansy-baby-gay-geek, I watched some of the video that sweetie posted (the critical third part). The ultrasound footage is way too grainy to make out if what the dude is saying is actually happening. Heres a Planned Parenthood page that deals with inacuracies in the movie. http://www.plannedparenthood.org/news-articles-press/politics-policy-issues/abortion-access/anti-abortion-video-6136.htm
Once again, if you don't want any abortions at 12 weeks, make sure there are enough birth control methods readily available to people. Including Plan B.

2007-02-05 12:29:24 · update #1

12 answers

I know a girl who grew up in foster care and she chose to have an abortion. That convinced me

2007-02-05 12:21:12 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I know prayer doesn't seem very effectual but it really is.
Actually prolifers have tried to head off the abortion industry with the best approach...the one that has worked time and again for decreasing unwanted pregnancies and STDs....abstinance education.
They also endorse adoption agencies and adoption counseling.
It's not about control....it's about education. (I know you won't believe me but) There's a better way. That way isn't about casual sex when ever and with whom ever. It's about safety and making decisions that empower a women to treat her body as the sacred and special thing it is. Casual sex isn't fullilling. Yes it might be "adventurous or gratifying" but once the thrill or the adventure and the afterglow wears off, it's just back to being empty...
If you are going to have premarital sex, then yes by all means, please be responsible---USE Birth control and condoms PLEASE!!! It's much better to take full responsibility for doing an act that requires a huge amount of responsibility than to have to hear that "oh sh*t positive" test result concerning pregnancy, HIV or/and STDs from your doctor. ANd no one wants to have to go to their sexual partner(s) and break the not-so-good news to them.
The biggest thing for the anti-abortion people too isn't just that it's a baby's life at stake, it's also that there's a whole lot of ramifications that can follow....usually for the woman but also or the man. That's why there are post-abortive stress counselors and post abortive healing ministries all over. The anti abortion people want to save men and women from the heartache, devestation and depression that usually follows.
Just like HIV and STDs....there's always a process that follows. If you can avoid it----it's wise to do so...than have to find out just how difficult the process is.
I understand all the bitterness concerning the pro-life views. But believe me, it's just a handful of prolifers that bother docs and stand outside of clinics and protest. There are many more that simply want to help educate people...and help pick up the pieces.
I was fortunate....I was my mom's 17 year old choice. I am very happy she chose life. However, my mother also used birth control----but she wasn't responsible about using it as directed. The result was me. And six years later, when she acted irresponsibly again, the result was my sister. And 17 months later, after (you guessed it) an irresponsible moment, my youngest sister was born. Providing birth control isn't a bad idea...and many places do educate about the use and benefits of birth control. However, abstinance is the best option---simply because, even with proper education, there has to be a level of responsibilty. But in most cases the responsibility levels are no higher than the ones displayed by my mother.
SO I guess the question now is, how to get the point accross that sex isn't just fun and games to people who range from ages as young as 11 to those who are as old 60. Or better yet, isn't it just better to teach men and women that their bodies are worth a whole lot more than a quick fling, short romance or one night stand????

2007-02-06 15:47:38 · answer #2 · answered by mbdoula 2 · 1 0

That's true, but they already had birth-control pulled out of schools and are thus responsible for many that are having abortions. I guess they thought the kids have control of their hormones and would remain abstained like Catholic Priests did!

I hate the term Pro-life as they are not! They would have a fetus live and a living woman die, they are for our soldiers being killed, and they are for the death penalty! You see any oxymoron's in their views!

Oh, they are also apposed to helping children they then would create, cutting children's Medicaid benefits and other services, like VNA Well-baby clinics! In other words, they want them to have them and then they wash their hands clean like Pontious Pilot!

They aren't God, the Constitution was framed to keep RELIGION OUT of politics, not the other way around!! And they do not represent the majority of America, or even the majority of religion.

The Catholic Church has NO ISSUE with abortion on moral grounds, and never has!

2007-02-05 12:17:19 · answer #3 · answered by cantcu 7 · 2 2

They want to revoke the right to abortion and birth control, and then when the number of unwed mothers on welfare increase, they will reduce welfare benefits and celebrate as they watch women and children starve in the streets.

2007-02-05 12:09:30 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

I agree. But you have to remember abortion is only part of their bullshit. They are against birth control too. The real agenda is to control women and girls and their behaviour and bodies. The real agenda is to limit women's freedoms, her body and life. They won't admit it but it is in their language and their doctrine. They blame women for having abortions. They blame women for having children out of wedlock. They blame women for raising criminals even if there is a father present. They blame women for all the ills of society. So you see, it's not just about abortion, it's about control.

SweetiPie17 or Anna 14: You prove my case. And you keep proving it with the kind of name calling you use. I see hate has gotten you far.

I've done alot of research, sweetipie Anna14. I've been to many many counter protests against Operation Rescue and saw Randel Terry literally swinging in the trees. Let me tell you something. You get so emotional with this argument. I've never told anyone to get an abortion or encouraged anyone to do that like you claim I do. It is you who is accusing people of being baby killers just because they believe it is a woman's choice and not YOURs to make. Now grow up and accept the fact that even if abortion is outlawed, it will not end abortion. Start working for passing out condems and birth control and accept that women will have sex whether you like it or not. And, it is better to try to prevent pregnancy and abortion thru birth control than it is to try to legislate and control a woman's body. You will stop alot more abortions doing this than all the rants and name calling that you are doing.

2007-02-05 12:02:01 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 6 3

I suppose because many believe that birth control interferes with life. I guess many of them don't want us to have "control" over any of that. I'd like to know how many pro-lifers are totally pro-life in every way otherwise their pro-life stance is nothing more than hypocrisy.

2007-02-05 12:18:06 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Because most of the hardcore pro-life people are also against birth control.

2007-02-05 12:00:56 · answer #7 · answered by JerH1 7 · 7 1

I think that allowing people who choose to get pregnant own up to their irresponsibility would prevent others from choosing to get pregnant as they would see the results.

I'm pro-choice. I believe in a man's and woman's right to choose to get pregnant.

2007-02-05 12:02:29 · answer #8 · answered by Chi Guy 5 · 2 1

They believe in "the more the merrrier" myth -

"Let's all have too many kids that we can't afford so we can live of an already strained government system!"

2007-02-05 12:04:40 · answer #9 · answered by T Time 6 · 6 1


Watch the video (if you can handle the truth which I DOUBT because I am guessing you are a pansy-baby-gay-geek) and let me know if you don't change your tune, pilgrim.

ARTGURL It's peple like you who make babies die. Why can't peple like you grow a brain? Because apparently you didn't develop one in the womb.... You know where you were helplessly vulnerable to be killed by ruthless jerks like yourself? And how far have you gotten making inaccurate assumtions about an entire group of people who happen to value life? Sounds like a typical person who doesn't do any research and lets the media and her friends tell her how to think.

The only rant I am seeing is yours. Thou shalt not kill... I guess that doesn't apply to babies though. Oh, and the Pill which you refer to as avoiding pregnancy actually causes abortions, so how can a pro-life person support something that aborts babies? That would contradict their beliefs.
Have you ever actually HAD an abortion? Do you actually KNOW first-hand what happens?

I know what it is like to lose a baby in the womb. I know the heartache and devastation first-hand. I know what is like to hear the heartbeat at 10 weeks! The excitement and joy that little heartbeat brings is indescribable. I also know what it is like to give birth four times and hear my baby's first cries.

Do you know the pain women go through post-abortion? Do you even realize how many women suffer from guilt, depression and suicidal thoughts even suicide??? Not to mention marital strife as well.... I think the solution doesn't lie in passing out condoms and handing out the Pill... People, especially fertile teenagers, get pregnant on these forms of birth control all the time.

I agree that people will still get abortions illegally. So we should make everything that is wrong legal? I guess you also think we should legalize murder, stealing and rape because hey, people are still gonna do it anyway!

Obviously, you will not change your mind so I am wasting my time typing here. I can only hope that someday you will learn why this legalizing abortion was a bad idea. Good thing your mom didn't believe in abortion or you wouldn't be here.

2007-02-05 12:02:43 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 9

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