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How does this affect your life and how does everything work out? Do the parents get too mad or are they usually more supportive? Right now me (18) and my girlfriend (17) are waiting for her time of the month and then getting a test. We have already decided to stop with sex for awhile but have already decided to deal with any consequences that might come up. Anything will help. Thank you

2007-02-05 11:39:48 · 17 answers · asked by Mark 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

17 answers

Well hopefully she is not pregnant. If she is tell your parents right away. Only you know your parents they do not all act the same. Good Luck

2007-02-06 00:11:46 · answer #1 · answered by ?Sherbear ? 6 · 0 0

Well, you definitely have to tell both sets of parents. Like it or not, they will probably find out just through the natural progression of events if you don't. It is much better to be honest.

Now, frankly, I'm going to do that annoying adult finger wag and say that you shouldn't have been up to what you've been up to. Then again, that makes me a hypocrite because I had my first son just shy of 19 when I was a junior in college...and I definitely didn't "plan" for him. I ended up disowned by and estranged from my father, but, I've made a very happy life with my husband (first son's dad and dad to all of my kids). So, in terms of my marriage and my family, I can say from experience that things can turn out well even with a rocky start.

The finger wagging is more to say, it is SO much better/nicer/easier to go through a pregnancy married and financially secure. Between the nasty hormonal ups and downs and the emotional stress of being "an unwed teen" it isn't pleasant. Put the baby dancing on hold for a while, let your relationship grow, hey, maybe even get an education or even married? Then, go for it. You will be glad you waited the couple of extra years. You can survive a rocky start but it is a much more enjoyable experience to actively try to get pregnant and succeed when the timing is a bit better. Far less stressful and STRESS is really not good for a pregnancy.

Also, pregnancy isn't always a cake walk. Even if you are younger you can have complications that endanger the mom's health or the baby's. Having experienced the loss of a pregnancy in the later portion of pregnancy (24 weeks) I can tell you it is much easier to bear knowing that you have the financial resources to take care of things properly at a hospital, make memorial arrangements and also the emotional support of family/spouse who were supportive of the pregnancy to begin with.

Good luck. You can make it if she is pregnant and have a happy life....but it will be a lot of work. If she's not, wait a while! You have time on your side...no need to rush things! :-)

2007-02-05 11:59:54 · answer #2 · answered by Charlie 2 · 0 0

I think that dealing with teen pregnancy is an overwhelming issue for parents....

The concern though, is not is the child, but is in the act that you engaged in to get the child....

Children are surely a blessing....as long as you have a good support system, you can make it through whatever the situation is...

I know that sex is a big issue for teens, but I think that the real question is, what need are you really seeking to fulfill...and why....

(aside from just physical pleasure....you will never be at peace in your soul, because you will always be worried about the consequences of sex....and there are a lot of consequences...)

Sex is made for married people because there is a level of commitment there to work things out in a mature manner (If circumstances show up)....and independently....

Making it as a teen parent is not easy, but there are a lot of groups out there to help to support teen families.....take advantage.....if you need to...

Otherwise, refrain....celibacy is the answer to it all...it will protect you from pregnancy and diseases....

2007-02-05 11:55:49 · answer #3 · answered by LIFECOACH 3 · 0 0

Your old enough to be able to deal with it like adults. When i hear teen pregnancy anymore I think of 13-14 year olds. But not that its any less of a big deal..I was 19 when i found out I was pregnant..and telling my mom was my biggest fear. It really did make a big impact on my life..but I have to say it was a very positive one. I say God gave me this baby to save my own life, because I was in a very bad way...I lived in a house where everyone sold and did many kinds of drugs, huge parties every night, and just really horrible things to do. But once I found out I was pregnant all that changed for me..so finding out I was pregnant really did have a huge impact on my life. The only thing I regret is that i stopped going to college in my 2nd year but I do plan to go back as soon as the baby is born. So Its going to change your life and your parents will be a little shocked if nothing else at first..my mom actually told me I wasnt her daughter anymore...But after about 2 hours she was SO HAPPY!! Just wait till you get to plan the baby shower and start picking out names and all that stuff it really changes people. Good Luck I wish you the best.

2007-02-05 11:48:30 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you find yourself in a position where your girlfriend is pregnant you may be in some trouble. Seeings how you are 18 and she is only 17 that would be considered statutory rape and if the parents press charges, you may go to jail. Now as for your girlfriend, if she has parents that she can tell anything to then she may have an eaiser time breaking it to them that she is pregnant, on the other hand if they arn't people that she can just talk to then it is going to be harder. Either way she should tell them cause trust me, you can only hide it for so long.. And it changes your life in a big way! It turns everything upside down...The responsibility is huge and the commitment is for life.

2007-02-05 13:23:07 · answer #5 · answered by Kayla H 2 · 0 0

well it really depends on what the parents are like. From the way you sound it sounds like it might be a bit on the harder side. The main thing is that you stick by her. It might be easier if you are with her with her parents, yet it might be easier if you stay away while she tells her parents. only she will know what's best - ask her. But make sure you get her HONEST answer, sometimes girls lie to see if you really love them. You sound like a fairly responsible guy, which I commend you for (if you are). If she is pregnant, you need to get married, you owe to this possible child/any future ones to give them a real life. One with a LOVING AND KIND CARING father and mother. If ya'll do start a family, show your kids - every days for the next 50 years, that you LOVE your wife - their mom. Kiss her everyday...tell her you love her...etc. Anyway sorry man I'm getting off track.
Good idea to stop having sex. :)
If the parents love their daughter enough (and you, your parents, etc.) most parents are usually upset and dissapointed, but want the guy to stick around, no mom wants her son to be the one who ditches a girl, no mom (much less a dad lol)wants their daughter ditched. They will usually be supportive, some will offter to baby-sit :) some will offer to pay for an abortion. i beg of you NOT to get an abortion. that baby is real. it is a true baby, from moment of conception. anyways, stick by your girl and deal with everything with her, like you are now.
You're a good guy.

2007-02-05 11:47:54 · answer #6 · answered by :) 1 · 0 0

I was in this same situation not 2 long ago, me and my boyfriend planned to tell our parents 2gether that I was pregnant I was 4 weeks and a couple of days late and I finally got my period so give it sum time it could also be late because she is stressing so hard that she might be pregnant. be prepared for anything I kno my mother would have kicked me out make sure if that is an issue for u that yall will have sum place 2 go...hope this helps... I kno what hell this could B!!!

2007-02-05 12:06:19 · answer #7 · answered by 2Much4U 3 · 0 0

Parents do get really really mad at first, and then calm down some and start to deal with the situation. They are mostly upset that your life and a baby's life is going to be really hard, and they only want what is best. If you find out you guys are, then you will find out what they are feeling.
It sounds like you starting to make wise and mature decisions. Keep on, and focus [both of you] on things you do want in the future, that seems to help with temptations of the present. Blessings.

2007-02-05 11:53:07 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm 22 years old and 8 months pregnant. My parents were disappointed but they got over it. They realized it's not the end of the world and I still plan on going back to school to finish. I believe everything happens for a reason!

2007-02-05 11:56:34 · answer #9 · answered by boredoutmymind 2 · 0 0

Parents all deal with is differently...but many will be supportive if they see that both of you are committed to providing and caring for the baby.

I hope that your girlfriend isn't pregnant and that you are able to let you relationship grow and welcome children when you are both really ready for them. If the timing is now - stay committed to being a good father and supportive mate. Do what you need to do to provide for the family you have created and in the end - it will work out.

2007-02-05 11:43:37 · answer #10 · answered by bgmom 3 · 1 0

Good luck. I hope the test is negative if her period doesn't show up soon. As far as parent reactions, it depends on the parents. Parents who are against pre-marital sex are going to be pretty mad. Parents who don't care about that might be mad but will probably be more mad about the inconveniece (as in, they are now probably going to have to support not only their own child but their GRANDCHILD too, and babies are VERY expensive!).

2007-02-05 11:44:01 · answer #11 · answered by bibliophile31 6 · 0 0

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