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who won it and give me ur reasons why

2007-02-05 10:39:49 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Arts & Humanities History

8 answers

Now for an answer from a trained historian.

The War of 1812 was a draw. Every noted historian agrees on this point. We did not gain anything and nor did the British. But by the same token we didn't lose anything but neither did the British.

However on an emotional level it was a great victory for the U.S. for the following reasons:

1. We will not have to EVER fight another war with England. They learned to leave us alone.
2. We went up against the most powerful nation on earth and they did not defeat us.
3. The problems that led to the War of 1812 did not reemerge after the war concluded.
4. America entered a period of intense nationalism and patriotism following the end of the War of 1812
5.The United States gained great respect throughout Europe when we fought England and they could not defeat us--so much respect that in only nine years John Quincy Adams will write the Monroe Doctrine for President Monroe to announce to the world in December of 1823 in which told Europe to keep their hands off the Western Hemisphere. Without a draw in the War of 1812, we would have never dared make such a bold statement.

And there you have it. Ta-Da!

2007-02-05 11:56:54 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2


2016-12-25 04:22:18 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

American Historians will just about always answer this that the Americans won, or that it was a stalemate. They are both incorrect.

In short, the British won.

In terms of the Objectives achieved, the British acheived all theirs, the Americans did not. Also in terms of "holding the field" after the battle (which is traditionally a measure of who won a conflict). At the end of the War, the British held part of Maine and was on US soil near Mobile, unchallenged.

The British objective was to
(1) Drive the US forces back across the border (which they did)
(2) Teach the US forces a lesson (Burning Washington)
They also took possession of part of Maine, which they then gave back.

The US objectives
(1) Stop impressement. The Brits had already stopped impressment before the War started, however they did not agree to stop the practice anyway.
(2) Invade Canada. The US forces were all repulsed
(3) Annex Canadian Territory. They held no Canadian territory, and the British actually took American Territory

So the British acheived all their objectives, the US achieved none. The Treaty of Ghent returned the parties to their original turf, but as far as the UK is concerned, they defeated the invader and won the War.

2007-02-07 13:30:00 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 4 1

The relationship between Britain and the United States had been frigid since the latter gained their independence from the former. Trade had been substantial but diplomatic relations consisted of each party ignoring the other’s existence.

In 1793, Britain went to war against France in what became known as the Napoleonic Wars. The United States was neutral during this conflict but hostilities between the two belligerents interfered with its trade. The Royal Navy blockaded French ports and obliged all neutral shipping, especially American vessels, bound for France, to call first at a British port and pay duties on its cargo before being allowed to proceed. Furthermore the Royal Navy frequently stopped United States ships and pressed into service those seamen who had either deserted from the Royal Navy or were vaguely suspected of having deserted. This policy so incensed United States officials, that on 18th June 1812, President James Maddison declared war on Great Britain.

The Americans were ill prepared for war. An initial incursion into Canada was easily rebuffed. There were some minor naval skirmishes particularly involving the USS Constitution, which sank several Royal Navy vessels. The British army was too involved in Europe to send troops to fight, but British interests were preserved by supplying the Shawnee tribe with armaments to attack wagon trains, heading for Oregon. The Americans sent an expeditionary force into Canada, which burnt the city of York, now Toronto, and hurriedly retreated.

By 1814, after a series of victories in Europe, Britain had available resources to mount an offensive. An amphibious British force landed at Chesapeake Bay and after defeating the American army at the battle of Blandensberg, captured the city of Washington, destroyed the Capitol building and burnt down the president’s house. This residence was rebuilt soon after but had to be painted white in order to hide the burn marks, hence the name of the White House.

After such a disturbing and humiliating defeat, the Americans called a truce and signed a peace treaty, the Treaty of Ghent, which restored matters to the state they were in before the war.

2007-02-07 08:46:16 · answer #4 · answered by Retired 7 · 0 0

The history of this war that I read stated the war was a draw, no concessions were made on either side and no territory given up except for Carlton Island which went to New York. If the US did not win they also did not lose. Also we did win the last battle in New Orleans but the peace had already been signed.

2016-05-24 19:42:41 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The Americans think that they won it - whereas the British are certain that they did. It was a rather pointless scrap that changed nothing important, and can best be described as a draw.

2007-02-05 10:44:34 · answer #6 · answered by Tony B 6 · 2 0

The US won because the British went home. The US took possession of land owned by Britan. The US was recognized as a country and because Napoleon had the British busy in Europe so they could not send troops to America to regain what they lost in the Revolution.

2007-02-05 10:58:17 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 5

The US

Treaty of Ghent and Battle of New Orleans
Main article: Battle of New Orleans

"New Orleans" 1815 by Herbert Morton StoopsOn December 24, 1814, diplomats from the two countries, meeting in Ghent, Belgium, signed the Treaty of Ghent. This was ratified by the Americans on February 17, 1815.

Unaware of the peace, Jackson's forces moved to New Orleans, Louisiana, in late 1814 to defend against a large-scale British invasion. Jackson decisively defeated the British at the Battle of New Orleans on January 8, with over 2000 British casualties and fewer than 100 American losses. It was hailed as a great victory, making Andrew Jackson a national hero, eventually propelling him to the presidency. The British gave up on New Orleans but moved to attack Mobile, defeating the American garrison at the Battle of Fort Bowyer and capturing the fort on February 12. When news of peace arrived on Feb. 13 they sailed home.

By the terms of the treaty, all land captured by either side was returned to the previous owner; the Americans received fishing rights in the Gulf of St. Lawrence; and all outstanding debts and property taken was to be returned or paid for. Instead of returning captured slaves, the British paid cash for them.

During the blockade of the Chesapeake, in fact, Rear Admiral Cockburn had been instructed to encourage American slaves to defect to the Crown. Royal Marine units were raised from these escaped slaves on occupied Chesapeake islands, and they fought for the Crown. Some men and their dependents were taken to the naval base in Bermuda from which the blockade was orchestrated, where they were employed about the dockyard and where a further Marine unit was raised from their numbers as a dockyard guard. Orders were eventually given to send these Marines to the British Army to be re-enlisted into West Indian Regiments. Many resisted this change of service and were given land to settle in the West Indies. Many of those who agreed to transfer to the Army found themselves back in the United States, taking part in the Louisiana campaign.

Main article: Results of the War of 1812
The Treaty of Ghent established the status quo ante bellum; that is, there were no territorial changes made by either side. The issue of impressing American seamen was made moot when the Royal Navy stopped impressment after the defeat of Napoleon. Relations between the United States and Britain remained peaceful, except in 1846 and 1861, for the rest of the nineteenth century, and the two countries became close allies in the twentieth century. Border adjustments between the United States and British North America were made in the Treaty of 1818. (A border dispute along the Maine-New Brunswick border was settled by the 1842 Webster-Ashburton Treaty after the bloodless Aroostook War.)

United States
The United States achieved their main goals of ending impressment in practice and restoring free trade, and ending the Indian threat on the western and southern borders; the first was largely assisted by the end of the Napoleonic wars. Of even greater importance was the gaining of a psychological sense of complete independence as people celebrated their "second war of independence."[5] Nationalism soared after the Battle of New Orleans proved Americans could defeat the British army. The opposition Federalist Party collapsed and an Era of Good Feelings ensued. Three of the war heroes used their celebrity to win national office: Andrew Jackson (elected president in 1828 and 1832) Richard Mentor Johnson (elected vice president in 1836) and William Henry Harrison (elected president in 1840).

British North America
The War of 1812 was seen by the people in British North America, and later Canada, as a major victory, although not a complete one. The British forces were able to repulse repeated Americans attempts to invade Canada, with the exception of the Battle of York. The victories provided British North Americans with a sense of confidence and erased any stigma of being on the losing side of the American revolution. The Battle of York demonstrated the vulnerability of Upper and Lower Canada. The possibility of another American invasion would influence the future of Canada.

In the 1820s, work began on La Citadelle at Quebec City as a defence against the United States. The fort remains an operational base of the Canadian Forces. In the 1820s, work began on the Halifax citadel to defend the port against American attacks. This fort remained in operation through World War II. In the 1830s, the British built Fort Henry at Kingston to defend the Rideau Canal This fort remained operational until 1891.

The British and United Empire Loyalists elite, rejecting democracy and republicanism, tried to set Canadians on a different course from that of their former enemy. To foster nationalism they sponsored a popular myth to the effect that the civilian militia had won the war. The long-term implication is that Canada did not need a regular professional army. [6]

Great Britain
The war is scarcely remembered in Britain because it was overshadowed by the far larger, more dramatic and more influential triumph over Napoleon. With the exile of Napoleon to Elba in 1814, Britain felt it had achieved its main policy goals as well (Napoleon returned for 100 days, after the war of 1812 was settled.)

The Royal Navy, however, was acutely conscious that the United States Navy had won most of the single-ship duels during the War. Also, American privateers and commerce raiders had captured numerous British merchant ships, sending insurance rates up and embarrassing the Admiralty. On the other hand, the Royal Navy had been able to deploy overwhelming strength to American waters, annihilating American maritime trade. The Royal Navy made some changes to its practices in construction and gunnery and focused more on accuracy than on rate of fire as had been the case. It remained the most powerful navy in the world for at least the next 100 years.

for much longer bibliography see Detailed Bibliography of war of 1812

Benn, Carl. The War of 1812 online version; Oxford, UK 2002 (ISBN 41764663), British perspective; short
Burt, Alfred L. The United States, Great Britain, and British North America from the Revolution to the Establishment of Peace after the War of 1812. (1940), detailed history by Canadian scholar; online
Heidler, Donald & Jeanne T. Heidler (eds) Encyclopedia of the War of 1812 (2nd ed 2004) 636pp; most comprehensive guide; 500 entries by 70 scholars from several countries
Hickey, Donald R. Don't Give Up the Ship! Myths of the War of 1812. (2006) ISBN 0-252-03179-2
Hickey, Donald R. The War of 1812: A Forgotten Conflict. ISBN 0-252-06059-8 (1990), standard history by American scholar; emphasis on military
Hitsman, J. M. The Incredible War of 1812 (1965), survey by Canadian scholar
Horsman, Reginald. The Causes of the War of 1812. (1962). ISBN 0-498-04087-9
Marshall Smelser. The Democratic Republic 1801-1815 (1968). general survey of American politics and diplomacy
Stagg, John C. A. Mr. Madison's War: Politics, Diplomacy, and Warfare in the Early American republic, 1783-1830. (1983).
Taylor, George Rogers, ed. The War of 1812: Past Justifications and Present Interpretations (1963), selections from historians and primary sources

2007-02-05 10:58:25 · answer #8 · answered by Carlene W 5 · 2 3

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