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They want to give out free money to dead beats, ppl who live in the projects and have kids every year to keep getting free money. I mean I can see helping out our veterans but it sickens me to see the free loaders at the grocery store using food stamps and actually get better stuff than me when my family has to work thier behinds off. Dont act like you dont see it. Someone coming from the ghetto with about 7 kids. Geez its so pathetic. Mooching of the govt! Its sad!

2007-02-05 07:57:58 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

Stereotyping? Crap I am poor! I dont need a free ride though!

2007-02-05 08:10:19 · update #1

Im not wealthy! I dont need a free ride and dont mooch off the govt! I have hit rock bottom before!

2007-02-05 08:12:22 · update #2

26 answers

Yep, its usually the dollar menu for me, but they get whatever they f they want. Lazy azz moochers.

2007-02-05 08:01:41 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 6 8

I agree that there are abusers of the system but sometimes hard working people need a little help to get back on their feet again. Don't think that hardship will never happen to you. An accident..an argument with the spouse that turns bad..a momentary lapse of judgment. A lot more people go from riches to rags then the other way around. Being compassionate towards others makes me feel better then selfish pursuits. I don't have much free time because I'm always working but I do volunteer for the Special Olympics and nothing makes me feel better then when the parents thank me for it.

2007-02-05 16:16:39 · answer #2 · answered by charlie_the_carpenter 5 · 2 1

You do know that you are stereotyping alot of people who are poor calling them dead beats don't you. Many poor people who live in the ghetto have 2 to 3 jobs just to make ends meet. I don't call that lazy do you? I am personally tired of people like you who think you are superior to others based on the money you may claim to have. Too me that is more pathetic than someone being poor. Tell you what. As soon as you start complaining about the rich elitists and corporations mooching off the government in the form of billions of dollars in government provided subsidaries and tax write offs to the point where these multi-billion dollar corporations who already get billions in profits each year get tax rebates in the billions, then maybe I will listen to what you have to say. But until then please get a reality check as to whom is really ripping you and the government off.

If you aren't stereotyping and you truly are poor, then you are buying into the stereotype perpetuated by the media and the right wing in the country.

2007-02-05 16:06:15 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 6 3

You mean deadbeats like old widowers and widows who make $600 or $700 a month from Social Security and try to make ends meet? Do you mean deadbeats, like little children who need vaccinations or just food? Are there abusers? Yes. But most people really are just trying to do the best they can here in life and sometimes need a little help doing it.

Isee the abusers, now and again, but I also see the others I mentioned with families and without, not making enough to make ends meet as it is and buying very carefully to try.

There, but for the grace of God, go you and I.

2007-02-05 16:13:20 · answer #4 · answered by rumbler_12 7 · 7 2

First of all, why would you have less against these people if they didn't come from "the ghetto" or didn't "live in the projects." If they came from suburban America, this wouldn't bother you so much, would it? I think we can read the code here.

A few facts about the food stamps program are listed below. Notice especially that the average household size is 2.3 people and that whites are the largest participating group.

According to the United States Department of Agriculture, statistics for the food stamp program are as follows[1]:

* 51 percent of all participants are children (18 or younger), and 65 percent of them live in single-parent households.
* 55 percent of food stamp households include children.
* 9 percent of all participants are elderly (age 60 or over).
* 79 percent of all benefits go to households with children, 16 percent go to households with disabled persons, and 7 percent go to households with elderly persons.
* 36 percent of households with children were headed by a single parent, the overwhelming majority of whom were women.
* The average household size is 2.3 persons.
* The average gross monthly income per food stamp household is $640.
* 41 percent of participants are white; 36 percent are African-American, non-Hispanic; 18 percent are Hispanic; 3 percent are Asian, 2 percent are Native American, and 1 percent are of unknown race or ethnicity.

2007-02-05 16:15:40 · answer #5 · answered by ktd_73 4 · 4 2

That's how they operate. The only way they know how to get votes is government largesse, and they need a majority so they need to keep a majority of the people dependent, or "one unfortunate incident away" from being dependent, upon the government dole. Since and because of the tax cuts (BOTH Reagan AND Bush) a greater proportion of the country is becoming financially independent of government, and that scares Democrats because it means that the only time they can win elections is when they get a perfect storm of two major scandals, a war going poorly AND "macaca."

2007-02-05 16:26:53 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

Because, no matter the issue, liberals always believe that the answer is to steal.

We need to help our fellow man, whether they are poor, disabled, elderly, or whatever. If you have money sitting in the bank, and you don't help your fellow man, you disgust me and don't deserve to live in the same society as me. However, the method of helping is important.

Here is the problem with liberals: they don't try to convince you to help. They don't lead they way in giving to charities. They don't lead the way in volunteering. Instead of being a leader and an example, they choose they lazy way and force you to participate. They force the rich to give to the poor. They force whites to give up opportunities to minorities. They force the young to pay for the old.

There is a big difference between giving $100 to the poor because you choose to, and giving $100 to the poor because you have a gun to your head. Liberals prefer the "gun to the head' method, it is slavery and it is evil.

Support freedom, end social programs now.

2007-02-05 16:40:30 · answer #7 · answered by Aegis of Freedom 7 · 2 4

Liberals don't want to take the money of hard working people, they want the people who have most of the money to pay their fair share, and to stop getting government handouts (more of our tax money goes to the already rich than to the poor).

We want that money used for infrastructure, education, and to prevent people from starving (and other things).

You may think it right to let people starve to death just because they can't find work, but human beings find the idea disgusting.

2007-02-05 20:49:16 · answer #8 · answered by tehabwa 7 · 3 2

because retarded people like you dont realize that everybody does not have an equal opportunity to work and make money. education is not even remotely close to the same in poorer neighborhoods, and that trickles down by children not getting as good of an education as the wealthier ones. students in my state are using textbooks that do not include the fall of the soviet union! do you realize how much history we have had since then. how can a kid in that environment have the same opportunity as a kid in a school that gets new books every 2 years. how can those kids compete on the SATs with kids who have recent knowledge. its not their lack of determination...its lack of opportunity. do you actually think these people want to live on barely enough money to survive? do you think they live in luxury? do you think they want to live in the projects? (typical racists comment to call them "ghettos.")

so yes, somebody has to help these people. until we live in a society where every man and woman, of every culture has a shot at total equal opportunity, we need to support those that are less fortunate. do you think they actually want to have so many kids? first, they cant afford birth control. yes, its cheap and easy, but when you are struggling to feed your family, thats not exactly your top priority. so i guess sex should only be reserved for the privaleged folks. then the mother gets stuck with her kids because the dad doesnt stay around. so yes, they have 3 or 4 kids, but they have to stay home and take care of them. life isnt as easy as you want it to be. it really bugs me to hear people like you talk so negative about others. why are you so cold hearted, and dont give a crap about others? dont you read the Bible?

2007-02-05 16:16:04 · answer #9 · answered by 2010 CWS Champs! 3 · 5 4

ummm... I feel like if I get started on this you probably won't read it anyway.

the government has a responsibility to help its less fortunate citizens, to protect them from starvation and substandard living just as it is responsible for providing protection from internal and external violence. If government does not do this, it has no right to exist. It's called the social contract. Not all of them are lazy or stupid, because in our economy there are not enough well-paying jobs... but of course, in this kind of competition, the lazy or stupid are often the first to be left behind. Our government does all it can to make sure they're looking for jobs, and the help they give to families does not improve the lives of people who have children... they are having more children because they want to or are stupid, not to make more money. Should the government say they can't have more children? Are we in communist china? Just because they are lazy or stupid doesn't mean they should starve to death.

If you don't like your own lifestyle or your own wages, don't complain at the government for preventing those who couldn't find work from starving to death. blame them for destroying our economy for the sake of war, or start a union and demand your boss pay you better.

2007-02-05 16:06:53 · answer #10 · answered by Aleksandr 4 · 7 4


I’m glad you ask this question; I apologize for some of the answers these liberal idiots have given. I agree with you and I think these deadbeats should take a lesson from the illegal immigrants who live in poverty in their country and cross our borders to work and support their families. No one said anything about taking anything away from the elderly; we are talking about deadbeats, people who put forth no effort to support themselves or their families and us the system to their advantage. These people like all liberal believe they should get something for nothing.
And don’t give me that BS about everyone doesn’t have the opportunity to get a good job. I grew up in poverty and went to school and it didn’t cost my family anything. I got a job and put myself through tech school and I got a better job. I went back to school at my own expense and got a better job. Anyone who has the will to succeed can. When you can live free off of the taxpayer why should you try to get a job.
It’s the way liberal buy votes.

2007-02-05 17:20:18 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 5

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