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6 answers

no..although i can honestly say i have thought about that subject..never said in my mind hey i think im gonna do it or anything.
especially these days i think about it alot.

i can understand why people would think about it...i am going through the pain that many have. many people would because they are depressed. lovesickness which is what im going through is a common thing. unrequited love which some say is not real love, can be very painful nevertheless and you know you cant have that person, you figure you can never be happy without them so why keep the unhappiness that will never end? depression is the worst because it not only affects your mind but your body as well...you feel tired all the time, you have really bad headaches maybe even migraines, you lose your appetite, i think you can feel quite sick thats why they call it loveSICK. overtime you can develop serious health problems if nothing is done...why deal with the emotion and the bad health too. maybe you figure that youre gonna die eventually from your health problems due to depression. why not get it over with?
many times these feelings are due to love but it could be everything in combination....no real goals in life, feel you cant acheive your dream, problem with parents, lonely and/or feel like noone cares and again health problems of any sort especially cancer.
although i know the reasons of suicide..i still dont understand why someone could actually DO it. you think they would give it more thought before doing it and then realize its not worth it.
again i have thought about it...when i was depressed yesterday i said if i wasnt afraid to die, id do it
good thing im chicken huh?
im so afraid of death that i actually had many dreams about it as a child and a few years ago..i would try to avoid it as much as i can. i even remember that night of the terrible lightning storm..summers ago and there was a picnic that day. we were outside far away from any shelter. well i got so scared that i ran inside like noone has ever ran before. i got so tired but the whole time i was immensely crying and yelling "GOD I DONT WANT TO DIE! Please help me." my screams were bloody murder i tell ya.
my point is why cant people have at least a little of this fear like me? it would be alot better
its ridiculous young people my age are said to do it the most...they have their whole life ahead of them. dont they even care that people will miss them? whatever the problem they should be able to work it out. talk to a counselor..anyone.

there are exceptions however to a person ending their life:
1) the way my grandma died.. although it was hard for all of us, we realize it was better for her. toward her last days, she was going mentally ill and i dunno..she just had so much pain. her time was getting to be up. im not sure if it qualifies as suicide but it would be "ending a life". she let herself go in her sleep, which was her own choice. this is the same way her husband died. think of it sorta as people about to go in the hospital and they have a do not rescucitate order. its basically true, she didnt want anyone to rescucitate her (Hospice was with her) so basically im saying if they lived a full life
2) sometimes if they had cancer or the like..and knew they were going to die soon. when they have fulfilled lifetime goals, spent time with family.
other than that i really dont see why a person would go ahead.
once its done, its done. theres no turning back...they say suicide is a sin and youd go to hell for it. i dont understand that, its not a good idea to do it but a person shouldnt be punished forever, its not technically being selfish. the person is troubled and doesnt know what to do about it. anyway i dont think they should take that risk, theyll wish they HAD talked to someone when theyre rotting in the fiery pits of hell.

2007-02-06 23:11:22 · answer #1 · answered by Garbo's snowflake 6 · 0 0

i haven't tried it (many people on this site have though, i've browsed through some of the hundreds of results you get when entering "suicide" or "kill myself" or something else like that in Y/A search) but i often think about it.
There are many reasons; one of them could be not knowing what you want/not wanting anything.
Then you have nothing to yearn for and nothing you want to achieve. Without dreams and goals life may seem worthless, then come questions like "Why do i live", "What's the meaning of my life - IS there a meaning?". What's the point in getting out of bed and going to work/school, why do it, it makes no difference in the world, has no real impact on people. Everything seems empty and unimportant. Why just be, exist if there is no greater goal to my being? Why go through a life like this before dying anyway some time in the future, i might as well die now.

There is of course a lot more but i haven't seen much written on this particular matter/reason...

2007-02-05 09:40:15 · answer #2 · answered by Did i just say something silly? 3 · 0 0

Yes, I have. For me, it was because I couldn't find anything that I loved, or anything that I realized at the time, and also because I realized around fifth grade that it wasn't normal to have never had a friend. I couldn't get one, so throughout the earlier portion of middle school I was depressed to the point where I wanted to die. (I later found some amazing friends and realized all the things I loved in life: art, music, my cats, etc. Also, seeing death firsthand probably showed me how gruesome it really was and that I really didn't want that.) Other people have just wanted to get away and not known the means how. A kid in my school system killed himself because his family was torn apart and his mother quickly remarried, he ended up with a lot of little siblings after being an only child, he had a lot of responsibility thrust upon him - involving that he knocked up his seventh grader girlfriend, according to rumour. People mainly decide their life is bad when they witness how well other people have it and think, oh, I want that! instead of looking at the good things in life, instead of realizing they could be in a rape camp in Africa or starving to death, homeless, on the streets of New York. It can also be brought about by depression caused by certain chemical imbalances in their body/brain. There's a lot of reasons people would want to commit suicide; there's really no answer.

2016-05-24 19:05:54 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes, I tried several times and almost suceeded.I was in a very bad state of mind. Horribly depressed and I could see no end to my awful suffering. I was convinced that my family would be much better off without me and that it would be the noblest thing I could do for them.I had a hormone imbalance from post partum and was dealing with p.t.s.d. flashbacks of my own childhood abuse. I now know that I was very ill when I attempted suicide. I am so glad that I didn't succeed. Suicide is a reaction to a terrible illness just as kidney failure follows diabetis.PEACE.

2007-02-05 10:51:06 · answer #4 · answered by Clover 3 · 0 0

desperation. extreme desperation.

I spent 10 years suicidal, never attemped it, researched lots of ways to do it.
made up my mind about the best way...
and then got through it by being an optimist (if that is at all possible as a suicidal person..or a chicken what ever way you look at it!!!)
i would get to the end of the day and say "oh well that was crap, i want to die... i will see how tomorrow is and if that is no better I will do it then.." by some sort of miracle tomorrow never came.

2007-02-05 08:43:20 · answer #5 · answered by millibb 2 · 0 0

That is a a large answer you are looking for. Some take their life for physical pain or emotional pain, it is said that suicide is a brain disease. Some people do not have a mechanism to shut off the common reaction to not take their own life. Most do.
My dad killed himself, all we know he was taking antidepressants for 3 years, no reason given on why he gave up.

2007-02-05 08:57:57 · answer #6 · answered by stbill 3 · 0 0

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