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2007-02-05 06:40:51 · 32 answers · asked by johninmelb 4 in Politics & Government Politics

32 answers

One could say many things like this. However, saying it does not make it so. Realism is a question of point of view. From a conservative point of view, yes they are more realistic. But from a liberal point of view, conservatives are crazy and outdated. I think liberals are perhaps a little too future oriented, and tend to not think about today so much, while conservatives tend to remember the past better and want things to be as they were. The trick is getting conservatives to look into the future while having liberals realize a little more about the present. Thanks and have a nice day.

2007-02-05 06:52:07 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 3

I think that a lot of people who have already answered are giving the point of view that has always hurt civilized society. If I like you, absolutely everything that you say and do is the right thing. If I do not like you, absolutely everything that you say and do is the wrong thing. Their views of correctness are based entirely on who they like, not the facts.

There are conservatives that I respect and there are liberals that I respect. There are also both conservatives and liberals for whom I have very little, if any, respect. My views on their statements, however are based on the statement, not who is saying it. Granted, I am suspicious of those who I don't respect. I always have to wonder what they are up to.

Too many of us are tied to a dogma. If we have an individual thought on a given subject, we tend to put it too much into the context of our dogma. Instead, we should look at the idea for what it is worth. Not just what our friends say about it nor how the teachings of our "group" relate to it.

Conservatives strongly tend to be Republicans. Liberals stongly tend to be Democrats. Some of the liberals are also Libertarians or Communists, but only the nut cases, in my opinion. Some of the conservatives tend to be Nazi's, oops, we don't use that term anymore. Again, that is just the nut cases.

Personally, I have seen both party's meetings. The Republicans are so much better organized than the Democrats that it is unbelievable. I'm not saying, at this point, which has the better ideas, but the organizational skills of the Democrats, in general totally stink.

Democratic meetings tend to be FUBAR, as they say in the military. Republican meetings tend to be well thought out and planned. Again, I'm not criticising the ideas, just the format.

Realistic? There are many examples on both sides that are very realistic. There are just as many examples, on both sides that are totally unrealistic.

The conservative's idea that pro-choice is murder and that pro-life is anything more than anti-abortion is idiotic. The liberal's idea that more gun control is necessary to stop killings and that capital punishment is murder is equally idiotic.

Many liberals think that war is never necessary. Many conservatives seem to think that war is always the best answer. Yes, I will get a lot of criticism for that statement, especially from conservatives. Both are unrealistic. War is a terrible thing, but sometimes it really is the only reasonable way out.

Trickle down economics is nuts. So is taking from the rich and giving to the poor. The rich should pay their fair share plus some extra because we are all in this world together and we should all help each other. The rich should not be punished for being rich, however. Why can't we all just get along :-)

The conservative idea that business should be free to do whatever they want is criminally wrong. The liberal idea that you can legislate companies to be good citizens is so stupid.

They both have good ideas and bad. It is unfortunate that we can't have a group with the best of both. I'm sure some idiot will say that his/her group does just that. Well, I've never met one who did, so please enlighten me.

The Libertarian platform promises that, but if you really read it, you will see how unrealistic it is. We are not even going into the Communists and Facists. That is too far off reality to even discuss.

Which is more realistic? Should we make a list and count it. The one with the highest count wins? How about lets just say is is an impossible question to accurately answer.

2007-02-05 07:31:29 · answer #2 · answered by Mia R 4 · 1 0

No, and neither could I say that liberals are more 'realistic' than conservatives. Conservative and Liberal are 'political positions based on belief in the government and how it should be 'run' and are not 'based on reality' ... and if anything being either one could actually lead some people to the (what I think is 'wrong') belief that they aren't required to 'help someone who has fallen' because they believe that 'government' should be in the business of 'doing that' ... but if someone standing next to me 'falls down' I would rather simply put out my hand and help him get to his feet, rather than 'sit back and let the government take care of it' ... that is why I am a 'realist' and it's also why I am a CATHOLIC.

2007-02-05 06:55:06 · answer #3 · answered by Kris L 7 · 0 1

The word 'realistic' and 'Liberal' in the same sentence creates an oxymoron. The Tories are certainly more realistic and have a better understanding of human nature than the Liberals, giving as much freedom as possible consistent with built in checks and balances. Liberals, are grossly lacking in pragmatism, and only appear tolerant when you agree with them. Did any of them stand up for smoking, at least in some of the pubs?

Your question seems to have brought the woolly thinking Liberals out in force. They should remember that religious/moral values don't change, because it is in the nature of values that they don't. Moral relativism, which ignores traditional values, promotes Liberal permissiveness and allows, for example, medical research to ignore religious and traditional moral values, and replace it with, if we can do it, we will do it attitude.

2007-02-06 08:39:00 · answer #4 · answered by Veritas 7 · 0 0

Realistic at what? winning checkers? Your question doesn't really ask a question, it is too too general. If it is in relationship to this war, then it is a resounding NO they are not realistic. The left (not the liberal democrat), has been saying way before the beginning of this war that Bush would fail. And, they were right. He is failing and no matter how many troops he sends to Iraq now will make no difference. Saudi citizens and gov't are funding and arming the Sunni's and Iran may now be arming the Shiite. It is way out of the U.S hands now, just like the left and some in the Pentagon predicted. I'd say the conservatives and remaining Bush followers are the most ill informed, if not completely uninformed, people on the planet.

2007-02-05 06:45:15 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 5 3

Conservatives believe that change is a bad thing. It is liberals who believe that change is needed and that new ideas and policies are needed to resolve problems and issues. To try and obliterate the liberal message, conservatives use fear uncertainty and doubt. For this reason it has become a term of abuse in the US while very few people understand what they are attacking.

The dictionary comes up with -


1) a. Not limited to or by established, traditional, orthodox, or authoritarian attitudes, views, or dogmas; free from bigotry. b. Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded. c. Of, relating to, or characteristic of liberalism. d. Liberal Of, designating, or characteristic of a political party founded on or associated with principles of social and political liberalism, especially in Great Britain, Canada, and the United States.

2) a. Tending to give freely; generous: a liberal benefactor. b. Generous in amount; ample: a liberal serving of potatoes.

Not strict or literal; loose or approximate: a liberal translation.

Of, relating to, or based on the traditional arts and sciences of a college or university curriculum: a liberal education.

3) a. Archaic Permissible or appropriate for a person of free birth; befitting a lady or gentleman. b. Obsolete Morally unrestrained; licentious.

Now personally most of the characteristics in the first definition seem pretty good.

I particularly like the idea that if you are not a liberal you are a bigot, dogmatic and closed to ideas of progress.

Bigotry is where intolerance is a state of mind. If you believe that society must always suffer bigotry - then stick with conservatism and avoid change. If not and you want to change that part of our world, then perhaps it is time to start looking at afew liberal ideas and policies.

Somewhere the whole idea of liberalism has been twisted and perverted by conservatives into some kind of insult. It isn't. Liberalism is about allowing new ideas a chance. Trying to find ways to move things forward and trying new approaches to solve age old problems.

I can see this being a problem for conservatives. After all, new ideas are dangerous things. They might actually improve things in a way that means some of their heart felt beliefs are challenged.

Take the example of tackling gun crime by reducing the availability and access to guns. Conservatives believe this isn't even something to be contemplated - even if the country has a problem with gun crime. It just wouldn't do that firearms were taken out of circulation. The current solutions may not have solved the problem, but trying new ideas isn't an option either.

The idea that individual freedoms are important is key to liberal thinking - but not at the price of social meltdown. EVERY Individual, regardless of gender, race, religion or sexual orientation is should be entitled to enjoy the same freedoms - that is hardly a statement of hate. It may be aspirational, but it certainly is worth finding ways of bringing it about rather than right it off without even trying.

In order that society be improved and continue to improve, liberals believe in fairness. That is why liberals believe that social programmes paid for by a fair taxation system (one where the tax burden is proportionally equal to both rich and poor) are important. That is why liberals believe in social welfare programmes, health care programmes, education etc. Again, these are messages of aspiration which require change which conservatives naturally shy away from.

Some liberals even believe that our planet is important. That is critical to the survival of mankind to ensure that resources are used effectively and the environment is protected. If all the world used resources the same way as the UK, it would require TEN PLANET EARTHS to supply our needs. New ideas and policies are needed to cope with the fact that the climate is changing due to greenhouse gas emisions and that everyone needs clean water and unpoluted land on which to grow food. The natural instinct of the conservative is to deny there is a problem and to not change policy.

There are people on this board who make posts that are full of bile and hatred - yet none of them do so while putting forward liberal ideas. In fact the vast majority seem to be putting forward ideas more like those found in fascist states.

True liberals are looking at the issues of society and trying to formulate alternative solutions to the policies that have failed in the past. Those that oppose trying something different have somehow hijacked the term and are now trying to convince people that liberals are something to be feared.

You may not believe that liberal policies will actually improve things. That is your perogative. In the democratic process you have your oportunity to decide. Yet sometimes you have to consider if the policies being followed are working. If the answer is no, then surely change is required and change is the natural instinct for a liberal.

2007-02-05 08:24:05 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The difference between Conservatives and Liberals appears to be passing Econ 101.

2007-02-05 06:51:50 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

To say so would be a broad generalization. While that statement might be able to be made regarding democrats and republicans in this country today, it is often true that liberals are being realistic when conservatives are hanging onto dated ideals and dogma.

2007-02-05 06:50:47 · answer #8 · answered by megagoogle 1 · 4 0

I "could" physically say that... but I'd be lying. I "could" but won't, unless I was just making a joke. YOU "could" if you wanted to but you'd be lying or delusional... which one I wouldn't venture to guess. Anyone who seriously says that is delusional, lying or being paid to say so. Sorry, but I have no nicer way of saying "Taurus Excresia." Repeating a lie won't make it true!

Keeping others from voicing their opinions or from exercising their Constitutional rights, freedoms and liberties to express themselves AIN'T gonna change the truth, either.

How can anyone even SEEM realistic when all their arguments are based on suppositions, guesswork, hypothetical jargon, name-calling, the same old tired out repeated slogans and nonsensical political propaganda?

I can understand someone entertaining this (ridiculous) notion if the conservatives would use verifiable and confirmable facts rather than sweet sounding lies and excuses and blaming others for their failures and hypocrisies... (please, enough with their hypocrisies and sleazy corruptions being exposed as they shamelessly hide the truth that the ENTIRE nation is finally becoming well aware of...).

HOW can I even entertain that notion when they won't even consider FACTS but rather what one's PERSONAL ideals are instead?

They supposedly "support" this contrived war but send others to do the fighting, dying and getting injured, wounded, maimed and disabled while the super rich and powerful continue to rob this nation blind by profiteering?

Rather than defend our Constitution, they make a mockery out of it by defending those that act like our very enemies (clandestine prisons, torturing prisoners, illegal searches of our own citizens, illegal wiretaps, illegal surveillance and spying on our own citizens that exercise their Constitutional rights, freedoms and liberties... shall I continue?), and eroding our Constitutional rights, liberties and freedoms, and give the USA a bad name and reputation throughout the civilized world!

Best wishes, anyway.

2007-02-05 06:50:47 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

How "realistic" is spending the USA into the sewer because Dictator Dumbya has a fantasy of Iraq oil profits for his cronies and Iraq "democracy"? Perhaps the latter is the cover story for the Dumbyabots who are now at 30% and dropping?

2007-02-05 06:56:38 · answer #10 · answered by rhino9joe 5 · 4 1

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