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i am 17 and im just found out that i am pregnant by my boyfriend i am about a month along now but there is i problem my mom is telling me i should get an abortion and that i am not ready for this but i have my own opinion about it i dont like the idea of killing an unborn child and this is also not my first time i would be gettin an abortion so the way i see it is if god gave me another life then it is ment for me to have this child but i am just so confused because i dont know what to do get the abortion or not get the abortion and i have to make my decision by feb.10,2007 because she already has the apointment set up for me to get it and i told her that i wasnt doing it but she doesnt listen and i know that she cant make me do it because i have womens rights and im old enough to make my own decision but if you all could help me make my decision i would really appreciate it -Thanks-

2007-02-05 04:37:12 · 64 answers · asked by Keisha 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

64 answers

oh my gosh!! YOUR MOM IS WAY OUT OF LINE! DON'T DO IT. IT IS MURDER. I CAN'T BELIEVE SHE IS DOING THAT. If you can't take care of it, then give it up for adoption. There are plenty of ways to go about that. Some even let you select the parents. THere are tons of couples who can't have children. But if you want to be a mother to your child, then that's even better. I hope, though that you have a stable family. Don't marry your boyfriend just because you have a child together. IF you want to get married because you love each other, then that's excellent!!!

2007-02-05 04:40:58 · answer #1 · answered by april_hwth 4 · 6 5

Keisha, there are hundreds of thousand of young women exactly like you right now.

You can look at this decision morally. If you believe an unborn fetus is the same as a baby then abortion is murder and the answer is easy.

You can look at this decision practically. Your life will no longer be yours - it will be dedicated to your baby. No more going to movies with friends, hanging out, hooking up with your boyfriend, dating, parties, football games. Now it's diapers, the flu, struggling to finish high school and college with a baby. Statistically there's almost no chance your boyfriend will be around in a couple of years, so now you're a single mom trying to date. Trying to find a mate and some stability, with a very poor chance of finding either. In a flash you've become a statistic.

You can look at it through your own eyes, that you do not want to have an abortion. But who's going to babysit when you can't? Your mom? Who'll pay for formula, for diapers, the doctor bills, for clothes, medicine, toys? Mom? She's probably trying to keep the home together, maybe save for your college. If she has some extra change maybe put a little away for retirement, so she doesn't have to work until she's 75. Think about your mom and answer the question, Are you REALLY in a position to completely ignore the impact this baby will have on her? That's the height of selfishness - the height of immaturity. All you can see is how much fun a little baby will be - you can't see how much harder your mom is going to have to work to support it. You could be killing her. Did you think about that?

You really f*cked up by having unprotected sex. You are now in a position to completely screw up your life, and your mom's life, because of your stupidity. Having, or not having the abortion will not change that stupidity. If you were more mature, you would consider the results of keeping this child, instead of only the guilt you carry with you. You will never bring your other child back, abortion or no; but keeping this baby will ensure that your life and your family will have expenses and responsibilities that it will never be able to overcome.

Congratulations. Please use a condom. You're only 17.

2007-02-05 18:41:32 · answer #2 · answered by ZenPenguin 7 · 3 1

If you think you are old to make your own decisions, then why don't you live alone and make a living on your own. Then, you surely have a right to do anything you want. Since you are under age, your mom is responsible for you legally.

Why don't you think about what kind of mother you would be without being able to support your child who surely deserves everything that other children have. You may think killing an unborn child is bad, what about poverty for the child and mother who cannot support a child, and / or child who cannot get enough support and attention, because a mother has to work full time and more to make a living.

Think about the child once it's born and here in this world, which is not very kind world. Don't think too much about what you think is right or wrong, because you are too young and inexperienced now. Your mom has valid point in doing what she is doing, she is only thinking about you. And MOST OF ALL, why don't you use contraceptives, so you don't get into this situations again. This whole thing is not your mom's fault, it's only you being not responsible enough to be an adult, if you were an adult, you would be thinking all of this.

2007-02-05 05:33:43 · answer #3 · answered by Pluto 3 · 1 1

This is obviously a decision that you yourself needs to make in the end. You will get tons of opinions from different answerers but in the end you need to look in your heart and find the right answer. I would beg you not to do an abortion- i don't care what way people swing things- there is no denying that it is murder. It is even more real to me as of late because my sister had one done last week because the waste of space and time boyfriend that got her pregnant decided he and she was not ready to support a child and thousands of other stupid reasons. I believe that God works all things for a reason and even if we don't always understand what these reasons are we need to trust him for everything. No matter what our family told my sister, she still chose the easiest way out for her and her selfish low life boyfriend. The sad thing is that there are hundreds of couples dying to give a baby a good home that couldn't conceive on their own. There is financial help and always a way for support for your baby and you will find it will change your life like nothing else. Even if this means standing up to your mother or anyone else that insists this will ruin your life - abortion is something you will regret for the rest of your life. Even if you find in yourself that you are un-ready to be a parent, give someone a chance that would otherwise not be able to. Look in your heart- the right answer has been there all along:)

2007-02-05 04:46:27 · answer #4 · answered by leahpar77 2 · 0 0

You don't let anyone tell you what to do with your body. This choice is completely up to you. If you feel that you shouldn't do it, then by all means don't do it. Just prepare yourself for the consequences as well. You know that your mother wants you to have this abortion, so get yourself prepared to find a place to live, a job, and whatever else it is going to take for you to raise this baby. It won't be easy, but trust me, the guilt you will feel for the rest of your life would be much worse if you let someone else make this decision for you. Do what you want to do, not what someone else wants you to do. And please, start using protection....this isn't the first time you have been in this situation and you are only 17? Give yourself the life you deserve, and this child if you choose to bring it into the world.

2007-02-05 07:23:42 · answer #5 · answered by Stephanie 2 · 1 0

You already know the answer. Abortion is murder no ifs, ands, or buts.

Raising a child is also extremely difficult when you are not married with a full time source of support. While that is an option so is adoption. Many, many families are looking to love and support a child. They will cover your medical expenses and, in some cases (open adoptions) allow you to be a small part of the child's life when he/she is growing up. You would not, however, have ANY parental rights.

You need to research open and closed adoptions and determine if either are right for you (you have time so call several agencies).

Otherwise, you will need the boy's legal name, his birth date, and SS number to obtain a court order for child support. Yes, I know that can be a nasty procedure but it is also a necessity to provide some financial support for your child for the next 18+ years.

There is NO way to provide you all the info you need in this answer so you need resources. Start with your pastor/priest/rabbi if you have one. Next use a school counselor or professional mental heath counselor in your county. Finally if none of those are available consult with Social Services/Child Protective Services in your county..

One thing that is IMPORTANT to remember. . .
Your mother is going to be a grandmother when you have your child. That is creating a multiple number of emotional, psychological, and maturity issues with her as well. After all, you are HER little girl and HER little girl is pregnant AND not married. She is not a happy camper with you OR your boyfriend and your decisions affect not only you and your child, but your parents, HIS parents, and those around you.

Take your time making your decisions. Get as much counsel (professional) as possible. Pray about your decisions. Then, and only then make it. Abortion should NOT be an option.

2007-02-05 05:28:05 · answer #6 · answered by snddupree 5 · 0 0

it's good that you know that no one can tell you what to do when it comes to your reproductive rights and if you don't want an abortion that's fine but i think it would be a good idea to stop and think a minute about how much your life will change if you have the baby. will you give it up for adoption? how are you going to get the money to pay for its clothes, diapers, medical bills, etc? what about school? who's going to watch him/her while you're in school? if you're planning to go to college- some colleges have day care centers for young mothers, but not all. is the baby going to have a responsible father in his/her life? what about all the emotional changes that come with pregnancy and giving birth (or getting an abortion, actually)? remember, the main priority is to ensure that your baby will have the best life possible. if you have all these questions answered and are sure you are prepared to raise a child this young, go for it. another thing i'd like to mention is that both giving birth and having a lot of abortions can have negative health effects. two abortions probably won't do much, but you really need to get on some form of birth control because you do not want to have to deal with this again. i'm not telling you to have an abortion or to keep the baby, but i think you need to make some changes in your life to make sure this doesn't happen again. these situations are obviously very stressful! finally i would suggest talking to a doctor at a clinic like planned parenthood, i have heard that they have some good counselors for people in your situation. ok, i hope i helped and good luck! =)

2007-02-05 12:10:05 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Having a baby at your age would really change your whole life around.... BUT i agree with you.... God gave you another baby... maybe it's for the best.... sometimes you never know what to expect... i mean i believe that everything happens for a reason.... it may not make sense right now but there is no regret later.... I think that you are old enough to make this choice too... Even if you are not ready for a baby, think of adoption..... there are millions of couple willing and waiting to adopt......you can even have an open adoption where you can be in your childs life..... whatever you decide, good luck

2007-02-05 04:45:42 · answer #8 · answered by molly_tony 3 · 1 0

I believe that the right thing for you to do would be, if you think that you are able to care for a child and support a child.....Physically, mentally, emotioanlly and financially then you should have this baby. Some people do not know what it takes to have a child and that is how babies get abandonded and mistreated these days. It requires a lot of hard work and determination. I would think about it more and weigh out the positives and negatives of having a child right now in your life and see what you come up with. After you sit and think about this life changing decison, you will know in your heart the right choice.

2007-02-05 04:44:39 · answer #9 · answered by kaelynnsmommy 3 · 0 0

I wouldn't get one!

you are old enough to make your own desisions and killing an unborn baby isn't the right thing to do. You are mature enough to take care of your own child and regardless of what your mother is thinking right now. If you want to keep this baby then keep it!

A baby is a gift and your life will change alot after the baby is born but they are presious and love you forever regardless of how old you are. I know alot of people on this are problable saying something like "why didn't you learn from the 1st time" but all I have to say to them is that this baby is already here and no one can do anything about it now so just hush up.

Tell your mom that you want to keep this baby if that is what you want to do. Like I said your life will change alot I know mine did I got pregnant at 18 and was confused and worried and mad that I would have to change my life when I felt as if I wasn't ready to.

But when I held my baby in my arms I knew then that all the changed I had to make would come willingly and that I would move the world if I had to. I live my life by these words "It only takes a moment to be a mother. It takes a life time to be a mom."

The choice is your own. Not your mothers. You can still go to school and college and still be a mom to your child. It will be harder to do but you will have more derturmination that most college and highschool students because you have a baby to make a future for.

Personally I don't believe in abortion because it just feels wrong to me. So many women try to have babies but can't because of something wrong with there bodies and they would make really great mothers and Alot of bad mothers have babies each year that abuse and neglect them.

If you truly don't want this baby then still go through the pregnancy and consider adobtion. Because I know that once you hold your baby and carry your baby that you won't want to give it away but if you do at least someone who can't have a baby will at least be able to have yours and take care of it in the way that you want it taken care of.

I hope you the best and if you really want to keep this baby then tell that to your mom and tell her that even though you are young you can still be a good mother. Things happen..I got pregnant and I thought I would regret it but once I carryed my son and held him in my arms after 7 hrs of labor I knew then that. This is what I was ment to be. I was ment to be his mommy and he my son.

And no matter the glances in the store check out line, Or the old ladies saying bad things behind my back. I still held my son proudly and showed him off to everyone because it didn't matter to me what everone else thought..Just what he thought..and when he told me he loved me for the 1st time. Everything became right in the world.

2007-02-05 04:58:22 · answer #10 · answered by Roe 2 · 0 0

No, don't gt the abortion. you're young, and it will be hard for you to raise the baby. no doubt about that. but i think u make a good point that god gave u a second baby, maybe a second chance of raising a child, even though you had an abortion with the first one. i also agree that abortion does not exactly seem "right". that's kinda tricky to define, but i think that if u have the willingness and care enough to raise a baby, you can do it. Good luck to you!

2007-02-05 07:24:15 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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