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To get rid of Team rocket in Saffron city, you need to complete the silph Co. maze. I'll explain how to get there and give you an idea of what to do when inside. I'll warn you now, this will be a HUGE answer.

There are actually two things you can do in Saffron city right now. Firstly, you can challenge the Fighting Doji. If your pokémon are level 38 or above and you have a strong psychic or ghost Pokémon (Preferably both), you'll be fine. Beat all of the normal trainers and you can challenge the leader of the Dojo. You can choose either a Hitmonlee or a Hitmonchan when you defeat the leader of the dojo, but only one. They're both Fighting type Pokémon. Hitmonlee's the better one in my opinoin due to a higher special defence, since Fighting pokémon are most likely to be hit by a psychic attack, but Hitmonchan gains the elemental punches, which can be quite useful. You can also visit Mr. Psychic on the southern part of the town. He'll give you TM29. This contains the move Psychic. It does good damage and may lower special defence.

To liberate Saffron city, Firstly, head to Celadon city and go into the game corner. You should see a team rocket grunt guarding a poster. Defeat him and he'll leave. Examine the poster and you'll open the way to the rocket hideout. Inside the hideout, there are several rocket grunts. On the fourth floor, if you take the stairs and solve the floor mazes, you'll find a grunt who is guarding the lift key. Use the lift key to go down to the furth floor in the lift. There are two more grunts here guarding the door to Giovanni, the leader of team rocket.

Giovanni has a slew of powerful pokémon. His strongest here is a level 31 Kangaskhan. You need to hit this thing with fighting attacks to take it down quickly. A primeape is a good choice, since it has the speed to outrun Kangaskhan and the attack to do serious damage, especially with a move like Brick Break (availible from the department store) Once you beat Giovanni, you get the Silph scope.

You can now use the Silph scope to climb the pokémon tower. You can now identify the ghosts as gastly, the occasional haunter and the occasional cubone. Ghost pokémon are well worth having due to their huge movpool, numerous resistances and advantage against Psychic types. This makes them almost essential in your team. It's also a perfect candidate to learn the Psychic attack which you gained in Saffron city. If you're lucky to find one with a Thick Club, Cubone is also a worthwile pokémon, especially if it has the Rock Head trait. A thick club will double the Attack of Cubone and Marowak. With Thick Club as its hold item, Cubone and its evolved form Marowak have the highest attack in the game.

At the top is another ghost. The silph scope will identify this as a level 30 Marowak automatically. This thing is very powerful and cannot be captured. It's a ground pokémon, so use grass, ice and water attacks to defeat it. Flying pokémon or a pokémon with levitate will also help. The ghost pokémon are probably the best choice, because of Levitate, immunity to normal type attacks and access to Giga drain. Once you beat Marowak, you can now climb to the top. There's a few rocket grunts here. Defeat them and rescue Mr. Fuji.

Saving Mr. Fugi earns you the poké flute. You can use this to awaken the sleeping pokémon that were acting as roadblocks. The pokémon in question is a level 30 Snorlax, another pokémon worthy of being in a team. There's one near Lavendar and one near Celadon. Thesse things are very powerful. They have high attack, high hp, high special defence and access to rest, meaning that they are nearly impossible to defeat. Use attacks like spore to put it to sleep before it can put itself to sleep. Be warned that they will often be holding a chesto berry. Once it's comfortably asleep, weaken it into the red health section, putting it back to sleep if necessary. Once it's weak enough, start throwing your strongest poké ball at it until you capture it, weakening it again if necessary. Very rarely, you may find a Snorlax holding leftovers, which gives it constant HP recovery. If it's holding this item, the battle will be a nightmare. On the other hand, Leftovers is the preferred item to be held by a snorlax and this is the only way to get the item in the Fire Red/Leaf green versions of the game.

With the roadblock gone, you can go to Fuschia city. Train up along the way though. Once you're there, go into the safari zone. There are some rare pokémon here, including Tauros, Kangaskhan, Scyther and Chansey. Most of these are worth having if you can catch them. Scyther has great attack and Speed and has the movepool to take advantage of both. Tauros has a similar benefit, but has a more limited movepool. Chansey has a huge HP stat and a huge special defence, allowing it to absorb special attacks. More importantly, if you get to the secret house at the end, you will gain HM03 (Surf). Surf is the only HM move worth keeping on your team because of its power and accuracy. Also, find the gold teeth and give them to the warden. He will give you HM04 (Strength)

Once you're at level 43, challenge the gym in Fuschia. The gym trainers are fond of poison, psychic and ground pokémon. The gym leader uses exclusively poison pokémon. His strongest s a level 43 Weezing. Use psychic pokémon against him. (Ground won't work due to levitate). Ghost pokémon with the Psychic move will also work here.

Once you've beaten Koga, head back to Saffron. You'll find the guard outside the Silph Co. head office is having a snooze, allowing you free access to the building.

The Silph Co. base maze is incredibly complicated. In order to make things easier, you will need the card key. On one of the floors, there is a narrow passageway at the back, guarded by a Rocket grunt and a warp pad. If you step on the warp pad, then step off where you warp to and then back onto the same pad, you will end up back on the warp pad. This will allow you to reach the passage, fighting the Rocket grunt there.

Once you have the card key, you can open all of the doors, reducing the impact of the maze. Go through each of the floors and open all of the doors but DON'T step on any teleporters. You'll need to fight all of the grunts to get as much experience as you can. You need all of your pokémon to be at level 41 before you should continue. Don't be afraid to leave Silph Co. to train up, since the grunt will remain asleep even if you're ghone for ages. You'll also like a lot of the items that are scattered about.

If at any point you need healing, there's a bed where you can rest on the 9th floor. Just talk to the lady in between them to rest and restore your Pokémon. Once you have beaten all of the grunts you can reach, go to the third floor. There is a double room there. One room has a scientist and a teleporter and the other is practically empty other than a teleporter. Go through this teleporter. You will find your Rival in the room you arrive in.

Your rival is quite tough now. For one thing, most of his Pokémon have evolved. He'll have a Pidgeot, an Alakazam and, depending on his starter, a combination of two of the following; Growlithe, Exegecute and Gyarados. They wil be backed up by his starter, which is now in its final form of evolution and will be at level 40. Your Pokémon should all be at level 41. I'll explain why in a minute.

Once you beat your rival, talk to the Silph employee in the same room. He will give you a Lapras, an incredibly useful and rare Water/Ice type Pokémon. With a huge movepool including moves like Psychic, confuse ray and even Thunderbolt, Lapras is a worthy fighter on any team. For its trait, it can have either Shell Armor, which blocks Critical hits, or water absorb, which negates damage from water attacks and uses them to restore hp. Shell armor is probably the preferred trait, since nobody in their right mind would use a water attack on a Lapras due to it's good defences and HP.

Once you have Lapras, go back to the bed and heal. then go back to the same room and continue through the other wart tile. This will take you to the corridor where you can access the leader of Team Rocket. There is a Rocket Grunt in your way though. Beat him, heal if necessary and then go into the meeting room. Save before you do though, just in case you lose the battle.

Giovanni's team is very powerful. He still has some of his Pokémon that he had when you fought him in Celadon city, but Kangaskhan is not his most powerful anymore. His strongest now is a level 41 Nidoqueen. This is why I said to be at Level 41 before. It's a Ground/Poison type, so hit it with either Ground, Ice, Water or Psychic attacks to take it down quickly. Use a fighting attack against Kangaskhan and water attacks for the others. He also has a Nidorino, another pokémon vulnerable to psychic. That ghost you should've caught in Pokémon tower is looking pretty useful right about now isn't it? It's going to get even more useful in the future.

Once you beat Giovanni, talk to the president of silph and he will give you a Master ball. This is the best Poké ball availible, with a 100% capture ratio. You should save it for the very end of the game after you beat Team rocket at the sevii islands, where you can either catch a Legendary dog, which is a nightmare to catch otherwise, or the mighty Mewtwo. The Legendary dog will depend on your starter. If you chose Bulbasaur, you'll be against Entei. If you chose Charmander, you'll be against Suicune. If you chose Squirtle, you'll be against Raikou.

If you read all that without falling asleep, here's a cookie *gives you a cookie*. Hope I've been of some help.

2007-02-05 05:52:25 · answer #1 · answered by ahendersonbegg 5 · 7 0

Giovanni Team Rocket

2016-11-14 20:43:23 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

well...... you fight them

2007-02-05 04:58:49 · answer #3 · answered by Child Of The Moon 2 · 0 0

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