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27 answers

Only those who hate her and don't let reality stop them from over the top accusations. Many people have their panties in a twist over Universal Health Care and her support of this is what makes them scream "socialist" at her. It's ridiculous. She is not the only American who believes we need a workable health care system - the one we have is broken beyond repair. There are scores of countries all over the world, in Europe and beyond who have found UHC to be a workable concept. In Europe most of these plans are financed by a mixture of private/public contributions. I applaud her and the others who are at least trying to find a solution to our broken system.

Also, you'll hear this in regard to her "take a village" concept. People, again, going way over the top, claim she wants the government to have control over our children. For crying out loud, most of these people haven't even bothered to read the book she wrote about this and just parrot what other Hillary haters drone on about. I find it admirable that Hillary Clinton wishes the best health care and education for our country's children. She doesn't want the government to control your children, she wants the government to provide programs to make sure our children have what they should have in a country as rich as ours. She also wishes a return to the days when neighbors knew each other and watched out for each other's kids. I'm old enough to look back fondly at the days when we kids could freely roam the neighborhood because all of our parents were effectively being co-parents in keeping an eye on us. We didn't have to check the Internet to see if Pete the Pedophile had moved into the house on the corner, we already knew. The "village" we had back then in this country was a good one and she's not the only one who thinks we can return to it.

Those who hate her stop at nothing to discredit her, and that includes out and out lies, old accusations about unproven crap, and mouthing platitudes about socialism and communism that don't have a basis in fact. I guess we should get used to it. I think most Americans can see and think clearly and aren't given to hysterical false accusations without proof. Let her critics blather on, I think it does nothing but hurt them, help her, and make them seem like exactly what they are - scared Republicans who know they are losing their grip on this country and others who have been brainwashed about Hillary Clinton's intentions by those who have a bottomless well of hate for her that they feed with anything they can wrap their minds around. Whether it is true or not isn't a real big concern to these people.

2007-02-05 03:58:53 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Did George Bush bring socialized Homeland Security to America?

2007-02-05 12:11:07 · answer #2 · answered by bettysdad 5 · 2 1

Hillary has and will continue to present political solutions that are deemed socialist. Even in the office of the president - if she achieved that - however, she (nor anyone else) would have the power to shift the US from its current capitalistic state to one of purely socialism.

2007-02-05 11:37:02 · answer #3 · answered by Super Ruper 6 · 2 0

Yeah, like Hillary is going to win office.........throw away the constitution, and the bill of rights and start socialism........what a stupid question.

Here's a question for you: Why would you think someithing so stupid in "your right mind"?

If you actually think Hillary has a chance at the oval office you need to re think your strategy for asking questions.

She won't win simply b/c she put up with Bill's affair and didn't divorce him. A divorce would have given her a better chance.
It goes back to morals........Republicans will and are going to smear her all over the place win the elections near.

2007-02-05 11:32:25 · answer #4 · answered by John G 2 · 1 3

Four words: Council on Foreign Relations.

2007-02-05 11:48:26 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No. Hellary isn't bringing just socialism with her, she's bringing Communism. If Hellary had her way she would take all our firearms away so we can't fight back, she would shut down all the churches and take God/Jesus out of the equation (because she's Satanic), she would allow drugs, pornography, prostitution, gambling and alcholism to continue to decimate our population, she would support the murder of innocent little babies who haven't harmed a soul (and yet call it reproductive rights), she would let convicted serial murderers go free on the streets (with the help of trial attorneys like John Edwards), she would nationalize the entire economy (healthcare and oil would merely be the first steps), she would sqelch free speech (starting with political correctness), the only public assemblies that would be allowed would be those that promoted her political agenda, the 3rd Amendment would be thrown out entirely (as Slick Willy began down this road with his proposal that US military personnel must fire on unarmed American civilians if ordered to do so by UN authority, a proposal that is now fact if you bother to read at all), our entire judicial process would be trashed just as liberals have already proven by promoting judicial activism, your rights as a defendant will be marginalized especially if you criticize Hellary's government.

In fact, if you bother to read at all, you'll find Hellary's political agenda to be in line with the Communist Party's agenda just as John Kerry's did in 2004. Anyone who says otherwise, without reading the facts, is a fool. I challenge anyone to meet me in public and debate the facts of Communism and the political agenda of just about any Demonrat for they are one and the same.

2007-02-05 11:47:55 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Old Cows get put out to pasture. Where have you been. Euthanasia is on the books.
If your poor and indigent and with out money they can legally put you down; and not care how patriotic you were when you were alive.
Don't Put bums in office.
Hillary is a glorified Wife to a president, and here senator retirement, and what more does she need the wealth and fame for???
Don't make america better it only insults the masses.

2007-02-05 11:31:04 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

Its no more socialist than giving a handout to the airline companies after 9/11. (You'll notice that the lower priced airlines actually refused the handout...)

I love how idealogues freak out over what someone on the opposing "team" says or does, but they ignore it within their own party of choice.

2007-02-05 11:36:00 · answer #8 · answered by mamasquirrel 5 · 3 2

I'm not a Hillary supporter, but I believe since taxpayers' money is being used indiscriminately and on anything the government wants, and the highest taxes are being waged on the poor and the middle class, then Socialism is in order.

2007-02-05 11:28:06 · answer #9 · answered by Big Bear 7 · 4 4

Socialism came to the U.S. in 1913 and was firmly established later by FDR's New Deal. But what else do you call national healthcare?

2007-02-05 11:28:04 · answer #10 · answered by Zombie 7 · 6 2

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