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With her wishes to take all of big oil`s profits and use them for government programs, and her ideas on changing healthcare in America, do you think America is ready to turn socialist ? What else does she have in plan for our America ?

2007-02-05 03:20:17 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

Andy T- Americans are "paranoid" about socialism because socialism has proven to be a failure in most every historical case.

2007-02-05 04:01:14 · update #1

16 answers

Her arrogance far exceeds her ability. What gives her the idea she as a 'senator' can do anything conserning corporate profits? Has she really lost her mind, to even mention such a thing will get her votes but I guess it's like all the other politicians sqawlking about things they can do nothing about. If you take from one for makeing to much will you give to another for not makeing enough, like Delta airlines? Waht really kills me are some people are ignorant enough to think she can do this the way they listen to these air-head t.v.anchorpeople blab on and on about impeaching Bush. Whether I agree or not these are statements of pure STUPIDITY. Hey followers don't drink the red cool-aid.

2007-02-05 03:31:09 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Any change in America's healthcare would be an improvement wouldn't it?

Why do all Americans have this paranoia about socialism, you seem to think that no other country has the freedom that you have, well you are wrong, most European countries have just as much if not more freedom, they have twice if not three times more vacation than Americans, they do not have to worry about going to the doctor and being hit with huge medical bills, if Hilary Clinton is trying to spend money on the general welfare of Americans then good on her, You need to ask yourself what are the country's priorities, call it what you like but if it means stopping selfishness and greed then that can't be a bad thing.

Leefyquee, first off, I never said I was a socialist, secondly I have lived in both the UK and US, so I do know what I am talking about, in what way do you have more freedom exactly??. do you have the freedom of knowing that if you become ill you will not have to lose everything you own just to pay for what should be in most part free in a rich country, NO!!! do you have the amount of FREE time that most European workers enjoy, and don't have to work ridiculous hours due to gross inefficiency, NO!!!

In many ways I honestly feel sorry for Americans, they are sadly deluded by this so called freedom they think they have, if they had the time spare in which to travel they would find that other countries have in many ways more real freedom than they have.

2007-02-05 03:49:01 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I am not sure Hillary is as Socialist as you think. When viewed from an extreme Right (Fascist) point of view anything that is not of that extreme is Socialist. The same applies for those on the far left (Communist or Anarchist) when they look at anyone who is not as far radical as they are they look like a Nazi, for example.

The fact is, she is more liberal than many of us would like. How is your healthcare? Can you afford the premiums? Will you be able to afford those same premiums plus co-pay etc. once you have retired? If you are a young person starting out and you have a child. Does that child have good healt care. Can you afford to pay the premiums and deductables?

Social Security is Socialist so let me ask you if you have saved enough for retirement without the help of Social Security? Will you need to make tough decisions like whether to buy medication or food?

Would you like to see people dying on your doorstep because they are unable, due to sickness or some past decision they made that was bad to get work and there is no food or shelter for them?

Do we have an obligation (Christians do) to look after our fellow human beings?

If taxation is not the way to pay for these programs than we have to get money somewhere. Why not tap those best able to afford it?

You see, it is all based on percentage. I'll make it easy for you. If we have a flat tax of 10% for everyone then the person making 40 thousand a year would pay 4 thousand in taxes bringing their total income to 30 thousand. If a person makes 40 million dollars a year and they pay 10% it would be 400 thousand in taxes. That seems like alot but look at it this way. Which of the two in this example can buy a descent house, always be assured of nice clothing, food on the table, and quality medical care whether they have earned it or not? Do you really think 30 thousand is enough to live on in most places in America today and still maintain a high quality of life? Perhaps in Podunk where everyone knows your business but in cities and large towns that isn't going to work.

Those who believe that churches and businesses can contribute voluntarily and magically everyone is taken care of live in a fantacy world. Not all billionaires are like Bill Gates many are greedy and want to keep all their money for themselves. They earned it why not? Some church collects a couple hundered dollars every Sunday. How many people can they help? A few, perhaps but the need is greater than that.

You look at a complex problem as so many do with simplicity. Nothing wrong with simplicity but in issues like you discuss we who have it should contribute more so those who don't have can at least subsist. If that is Socialism so be it.

2007-02-05 03:42:06 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

It is not a question of only America, the world is ready for Hillary.

2007-02-05 03:28:32 · answer #4 · answered by GO HILLARY 7 · 3 0

was america ready for bushs' state run police force? you better wake up, hillary supported the war, and then switched teams to run for president. their are no canidates only money bought politicians. Is america ready to be remade into what it was supposed to be?

2007-02-05 03:30:08 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Hillary has had her silver spoon. Its time for her to scoot over and let other Americans step up to the plate and Show their expertise.
Hillary is in congress now.
What has she done.
Other Women and men are out there to the challenge.

2007-02-05 03:24:20 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

George Washington warned us that Political events will in basic terms divide us, yet we surpassed over his suggestion. If in basic terms we've been given rid of political events and their ''pastimes'', then perchance, in basic terms perchance, shall we get s*** completed!

2016-10-01 11:18:01 · answer #7 · answered by persaud 4 · 0 0

She will be the downfall of this country and I for one will not be here if she is voted in to office.I have always said to others compelling about don't help if you don't like it leave well that's what I will do Canada here I come.

2007-02-05 03:24:49 · answer #8 · answered by Chris 2 · 1 1

If she's going to bring it, bring it on so that we can learn from its mistakes that we should never implement it again. Plus I'd like some fodder to throw back at liberals when they whine about Bush.

2007-02-05 03:24:02 · answer #9 · answered by Pfo 7 · 3 1

America is ready for Hillary's Salvation.

The sixth angel poured his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up in order to prepare the way for the kings from the east. And I saw three foul spirits like frogs coming from the mouth of the dragon, from the mouth of the beast, and from the mouth of the false prophet.

These are demonic spirits, performing signs, who go abroad to the kings of the whole world, to assemble them for battle on the great day of God the Almighty.

2007-02-05 03:23:16 · answer #10 · answered by Kwan Kong 5 · 0 5

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