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it has alwyas been a train wreck,,breeding corruption and economic despotism

so why do people in Latin America still believe in it,,,,and why do crazy liberals over here believe in it

how do they get duped into this, it's not going to help any poor people

2007-02-05 02:26:41 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

blue,,,name me your good example of socialism

capitalism,,,if you work hard you can move up the social ladder,,,,,most people are lazy

socialism,,,whatever you do,,you be be the same thing,,,,,oh yeah better

2007-02-05 02:30:34 · update #1

exactly ph that is why I worry

2007-02-05 02:31:06 · update #2

im not talking about social healthcareim taqlking about a total socialist system,,,there is no success

2007-02-05 02:32:07 · update #3

13 answers

You are correct. Under capitalism, people have opportunity and are only limited by their motivation, work ethic, and ambition. Only in a free society is this possible.
Sometimes people are attracted to the idea of socialism because in theory in would be extremely fair. In practice, however, those at the top are the "haves" and those at the bottom are the "have-nots". Personal responsibility and choice are taken away.

2007-02-05 02:32:13 · answer #1 · answered by martinmagini 6 · 2 7

On the contrary, socialism always helps out the common people, if most of the common people are poor. It's the rich that don't benefit from socialism. It works for the people in Latin America, Socialism only becomes a corrupt train wreck when the leaders are corrupt train wrecks. If you have good leaders implementing Socialism, it works great, same as communism would. Under a socialist system, it will eventually become corrupt as the power it wields attracts unsavory rulers.

2007-02-05 02:33:37 · answer #2 · answered by Pfo 7 · 3 2

In 1917, Russia was an impoverished agricultural nation.

In less than 35 years it was tied for the most powerful nation on earth.

The fact that the US forced it into collapse with an arms race is not a criticism of the system. Socialism has every chance for success if capitalists would leave it alone.

People make a mistake when they think there is no chance for advancement under socialism. A doctor makes more than a taxi driver. Get a clue.

2007-02-05 02:37:52 · answer #3 · answered by bettysdad 5 · 2 1

The ideal of socialism is one which has not been adhered to if it was then it would do a great deal for the poor. It has been used in a corrupt way. However so has the ideal of capitalism which does not even pretend that every one is equal but that the pursuit of money is the ultimate prize. I would rather have an ideal in which people were not measured by there economic value. the reference to latin america in all probabilty refers to the current government in Venezuela where Chavez has retaken control from U.S multi nationals and is using the money for the people good luck to him. Why does someone have to be a liberal to believe in equality?.

2007-02-05 02:33:41 · answer #4 · answered by iain d 2 · 2 1

Well, what has government without a safety net done to help the common people? Sure, I believe that in many cases, if people work hard enough, they can become successful. That being said, though, that doesn't always happen. Also, do you think that people should be allowed to fall by the wayside? There's a reason why FDR was elected in 1932. The reason was the Great Depression and there were a lot of people who were fed up with living in shantytowns thanks to Herbert Hoover's belief in rugged individualism. Call me a bleeding heart if you want to, but I'm not a big fan of social Darwinism. I'm not in favor of handouts, but I am in favor of handups.

2007-02-05 02:34:26 · answer #5 · answered by tangerine 7 · 3 1

Your argument is simplistic and makes sweeping generalizations that you obviously didn't bother to research. First of all, there's a big difference between socialism and communism. There's hardline communism, such as it was practiced in the former Soviet Union and its satellite countries, and continues to be practiced in places like China, Cuba, and most extremely North Korea.

Then there's socialism- which led to many things we (even in the US) take for granted these days, such as labor laws and environmental protection (even conservative Theodore Roosevelt espoused this by the way when he set aside land for national parks, a far cry from his successors who want to drill in Alaska). But I digress.

Back to labor laws. The reason why it's illegal in this country to hire, say, kids, or to have working environments that show no concern whatsoever for the safety and well-being of the workers, is because of *socialist* activists such as but not limited to Upton Sinclair. His novel, "The Jungle", exposed despicable and unsanitary conditions at meat factories in Chicago, which led to major policy changes and more stringent regulations. He was derided as a "muckracker", incidentally. To which I'd respond, if there's muck, it jolly well SHOULD be raked.

One major form of socialism that is clearly the norm in the western industrialized world- and one that has indeed "helped common/poor people"- is the idea that health care is a right. That is why socialized medicine is practiced in places like Britain, Canada, Germany, France, the Benelux countries, Sweden, Japan, etc. If you choose to bash their health care system as a knee-jerk reaction, why not meet with people over there and ask them if they'd like to trade places with whatever coverage you have. I think you'd be in for quite a shock.

2007-02-05 02:43:24 · answer #6 · answered by David 7 · 0 0

Don't confuse Socialism with National Health Care. If that were true, then the military is Socialist too, as we all pay into it, and it protects us all. Aspects of any government are Socialist.

2007-02-05 02:34:49 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

America is sorta socialist and it seems to be doing OK...I am liberal, but i don't want total socialism....but I don't want a capitalist system with no controls either...a balance is fine

2007-02-05 02:34:43 · answer #8 · answered by Ford Prefect 7 · 2 0

>>>>Socialism has never once helped the common people?
it has alwyas been a train wreck,,breeding corruption and economic despotism <<<

"CAPITALISM has never once helped the common people?
it has alwyas been a train wreck,,breeding corruption and economic despotism "

THERE. Corrected that for ya.


Perhaps you should read my answer again.
I am not arguing FOR Socialism, I am arguing AGAINST rabid Capitalism.

This country worships Capitalism, and yet all American Corporations benefit from SOCIALIST principles. Our governments supports Big Business with our tax dollars, incentives, tax breaks, free advertising overseas, etc.

This is what kills me.

The same people who scream "Bloody Murder!" at the mere mention of "Socialism" clearly have no clue what it really is. AMERICA ENGAGES IN SOCIALISM WHERE BIG BUSINESS IS CONCERNED. Have you already forgotten the 650 MILLION dollar check bush, sr. wrote out to "save" the corrupt Savings and Loans in Texas? And that was just the "up-front" money. It ultimately cost John Q. Public BILLIONS to clean up the corrupt mess left. (Neil and Jeb were both involved, incidentally."

If you truly want to know what the ideal system is, it's SOCIAL DEMOCRACY.

Google it.

2007-02-05 02:28:43 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 5 7

*socialism* has been the *only* thing that has helped the common people...but maybe you would prefer an 18hr. workday in a sweatshop for poverty level wages. Do some more reading.

2007-02-05 02:33:51 · answer #10 · answered by Pete Schwetty 5 · 4 2

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