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hi every one im so upset at the the min went for a scan to day and found out i got polycystic ovaries and that i might not be able to have kids i cant belive it is there anything i can do or take to get rid of them i cant belive it im i mess please help x

2007-02-05 02:21:48 · 30 answers · asked by Saz 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Trying to Conceive

30 answers

Hi Saz,

I can relate to your question from my own personal experience. I was told I had polycystic ovaries when I was 16 and found it really hard to accept that I might never have babies and that alongside my only wish of becoming a mum was very hard to deal with, HOWEVER, there are things you can try.

1. If you are not having periods, then you can try Metformin, which is a drug usually linked with diabetes, but as PCOS is due to insulin levels in the body, the drug can help your body by reducing the insulin and actually kick starting your periods. It can also help with weight loss if you are overweight, as many people with PCOS are.

2. Try and stick to a healthy life-style - that's LIFE STYLE - NOT DIET - a diet only works whilst you stay on it, a new healthy lifestyle will keep your body fit and healthy. That means not smoking, drinking only minimal amounts of alcohol and eating plenty of fruit and veg.

3. DO NOT STRESS ABOUT WHAT MIGHT BE!!! All the while you're stressing about what MAY never happen, your body is reacting negatively and can actually make your chances worse. I know of several people who were told ' You may never have a child' and they have had beautiful babies! One friend was told 'You WILL NEVER carry a child' and she's a mum of two now! Another friend, with PCOS, was very stressy about never being able to have kids, until one day she realised she was young and that she wanted to enjoy life and just get on with things. A few months later, she went on holiday, came back and went to the doctors cos she was being sick every day, thinking she'd picked up a bug on holiday - and guess what?!?! It turned out she was pregnant! She now has a beautiful bouncing baby boy!

So basically, don't give up - speak to your doctor and ask about Metformin and just wait and see what happens - you never know!

2007-02-05 03:18:50 · answer #1 · answered by ♣♥BabyBlue♥♣ 3 · 0 0

I am 32 years old and I have been polycystic for 19 years. It actually took 13 years to find out why I had heavy periods, almost unbearable cramps, and uncontrollable weight. I took off 30 pounds before my wedding which took me 6 months. 3 weeks after my wedding I gained it all back and then some, and I wasn't doing anything differently. I think it was the piece of wedding cake I ate. PCOS is my nightmare! I've been through the Clomid, Metphormin, and Interuterine Insemination, and still nothing. I've been to the PCOS websites, I've read every book that my library carried and I've had no results. My doctor told me to just give up and not think about it. Yeah, that's easy! All I've ever wanted is a family. We're looking into adoption. It all takes money and a lot of it...even more disappointing when you don't have enough.

2007-02-05 05:31:53 · answer #2 · answered by sabuilder 1 · 0 0

Hi, try not to worry about having PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) I have it and I am now 27 weeks pregnant. It is true that it makes it a little more difficult to conceive because you won't ovulate as normally as you should and it's difficult to find out when you're ovulating but you will and so there is always a chance. When I found out I was pregnant I thought I was 2 weeks ahead of how long I actually was because I don't have a normal 28 day cycle, I went to my 12 week scan and found out I was only 10 weeks!

Unfortunately the only thing you can do to decrease the severity of the syndrome is to keep your weight down. The majority of people with PCOS are over weight (including myself) and annoyingly enough having the condition can make it easier to put on weight but harder to lose it. There are special diets (which I haven't tried myself), you can check them out on the net.

When you want to start trying for a family tell your doctor, usually a couple are given 18 months of trying before having help from an infertility clinic but with PCOS you only have to weight 12 months. It took me 2 years to conceive naturally, I did it without going to a infertility clinic but just in case there is the option there for you.

Feel free to email me if you need more advice.

2007-02-05 08:04:20 · answer #3 · answered by Bugs 3 · 0 0

I have pcos and have 2 children and am hopeful for a 3rd.

It took a long time and several IVF's but it is more than possible so don't give up hope! Some women with pco fall pregnant without any help at all!

Ask your docs about your suitablility for metformin, this has many theraputic valves for pco'ers, also try to maintain a healthy weight as this plays a big part in your ability to conceive with the condition.

Google PCOS, there are loads of good websites and support groups around, and statistically you are not alone, I think about 1 in 10 women have the condition.

Best of luck

2007-02-06 00:14:27 · answer #4 · answered by lisaandmax 2 · 0 0

Its alwful to hear that,my friend was also diagnosed at 20 about 3 weeks ago and the Doctor was real horrible about it just said you cant have kids sorry!I'm sorry to say there is no treatment for poly cystic ovaries but theres lots of hope sweetie so you just hang in there,Yes its harder to conceive with pcos can take years depending how severe you have it but many woman i hear of with it have eventually conceived and that's exactly what i told my friend and Ive told her to contact a support site via the net and that's really helped her cos theres loads of ladies in the same position and 70% have happy offspring.I also feel ill never conceive as i lost last July to ectopic i spent 3months or more crying and depressed and i didn't lose any of my fertility its just how these things make you feel,But Ive found new hope and if its meant for me it will happen i will carry a pregnancy full term as time goes by you get more used to the idea you may have a struggle ahead of you but if you want it bad enough you'll get there so try to be positive and hang in there.

2007-02-05 04:12:46 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Everything happens for a reason. Maybe God does not think that you are ready for a child yet. I had a lot of problems with my ovaries. I even had to get my right tube and ovary taken out and the doctor told me that I would probably not be able to have kids. My husband and I had unproteted sex for ten years and I came up pregnant. I had my second 11 1/2 months later so there is hope for you! Good Luck!

2007-02-05 02:46:24 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am sorry that your so upset but dont give up hope, with pcos you can still have a family, it may just be a little harder or take longer than other couples without fertility problems. My sister in law has pcos and she has improved her condition by doing several trhings but as yet she hasnt achieved pregnancy. If your over weight then you will certainly benefit from losing weight, eat healthily and take regular exercise, if your wanting to try for a family take folic acid. Agnus castus is a herbal remedy that can be good for balancing a womans hormones and for helping to regulate her periods. Progesterone can also be useful for this condition. If your not wishing to have a baby right now see your doctor about the contraceptive pill, dianette is meant to be good for people with pcos. If you look online there are alot of support groups for people with pcos, so your not alone. see your doctor for advice is you are worried about your future. In need be your doctor can arrange for you to see a fertility doctor but this can take some time. Be strong and good luck

2007-02-05 05:00:02 · answer #7 · answered by thedaddy 4 · 0 0

I was diagnosed with polycystic ovaries in 2003 but I now have 2 gorgeous children!! The first was conceived with the help of Clomid and the second without any assistance at all!!
So my advice would be calm down and don't panic! Speak to your GP about possibly taking Clomid. It might seem like the end of the world at the moment but believe me, there are ways & means!!

2007-02-05 03:01:42 · answer #8 · answered by TheYorkshireRose 3 · 0 0

hospitals say there is a big chance you wont be able to have kids but in truth there is a massive chance you will. I had exactly the same and have a near 3 year old and i am 6 weeks pregnant after trying for 4 months the first i wasnt even trying for and i met a good friend of mine through this and she to had a 3.5 year old without trying the only thing is, that now her ovaries are inactive so shes tryin for another and not succeeding so it really varied from person to person but keep your heap held high and dont let it weigh you down.
I really know how you feel though as i was told id never have kids and they tell u this so as not to get your hopes up
i really wish you very best of luck and my heart truly is with you

2007-02-05 02:27:45 · answer #9 · answered by itsmeeeeeeeee 2 · 2 0

Hi there saz I'm sorry to hear that you have pcos. I know how it feels to told you might not have kids as I have pcos too.
I had 2 kids to my ex and it wasn't until I started trying for a baby with my new partner that I found out about the pcos.
I always had irregular periods so never thought much about it as I had my 2 kids with no problems but I had put lots of weight on.
I had clomid it didn't work for me but it does for others.
I'm now changing my lifestyle to see if this makes a difference
It's a shock to the system to be told you could have trouble conceiving and might need help. You go through all sorts of emotions as most women think it's a natural process to meet the one and start a family only to be told it might not happen.
It can happen it's just harder for you but it is possible.
If you are over weight try to lose some as 10% weight loss could kick start you to ovulate.
I would suggest you try to eat a healthy diet with plenty of fresh fruit - vegetables - fish - dairy products - meat and fibre.
Do some gentle exercise like walking - swimming - cycling.
Drink water
Stop smoking and drinking alcohol
Cut out fast food and processed foods
Take prenatal vitamins
Take time to out enjoy yourself with your partner
I know its hard but try to not stress to much
Think positive it can happen

2007-02-05 05:29:59 · answer #10 · answered by anniebell 5 · 0 0

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