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21 answers

Yes he should. You may not have a 9 to 5 job working outside of the home but you have a 24/7 job inside the home. It's sad to say but men and people with no kids just do not understand that being a stay at home mom is not all fun and games and soap operas. You have a kid, or kids to take care of, a house to keep clean, etc. You may not be at a job but I doubt you are home sleeping. A nap is expected, especially if you are a new mother. If you feel like it is unfair for your husband to get up with the baby at night because he works then tell him he needs to get up with the baby on the weekends and give you a break. I had the same problem. I went back to school and work only three days after having my first two children and got with them at night, plus had to go to school in the morning, and work in the evening. Fortunately for me though all of my kids starting sleeping through the night by the time they were 3 months old.

2007-02-05 03:12:16 · answer #1 · answered by shannonmangan 4 · 1 1

I have a 9 week old and I take care of him myself. I am a stay at home mom and my husband is in the Marine Corps. I feel my husband should get up with the baby once in a while(but most of the time baby sleeps all night). You didn't make the baby by yourself and you need to rest, too. He should feel like he wants to help and give you a break. Maybe you can work out a schedule where he helps you 2 or 3 nights a week. Even if he did a few feedings, it would help you a lot!

2007-02-05 02:44:20 · answer #2 · answered by Amy P 1 · 0 0

I stayed home with our daughter for the first year and was the primary provider. My husband and I had a lot of arguments over many things because I was a SAHM. I was exhausted all the time. He got to sleep all night and sleep in on the weekends. He got a break from his job and I never got a break from being a new Mommy. Maybe you two could work out something on the weekends (or whatever his daysoff may be) where you could get some time off. I would go into our bedroom for a few hours and just read, watch tv or just simply sleep. It's something that you could look forward to every week to rejuvinate and good bonding time for him and your new baby.

In all honesty, my husband used to drive all day at work and I really did not want him to be sleepy behind the wheel so I did take on all the feedings (I was breast feeding too). You do need time to rejuvinate and I'm sure you could work it out.

2007-02-05 02:58:45 · answer #3 · answered by 10 pts for me? 4 · 0 0

PLEASE...you are working to girlfriend. Not all babies are the same and my son doesnt nap long during the day. We both work. He works during the day 5 days a week and I work night shift 12 hours 3 nights a week. At night my baby feeds and goes to sleep so he misses out on 15-30 minutes rest. During the day, the baby feeds and looks at me like what are we going to do next! I get NO sleep in comparison to him. I think night shift duty with a baby is a lot lighter than day shift duty with a baby. He is a new parent as well...its expected that he loses some sleep...no? Maybe he can help out 2 or 3 nights?
I know some people may think differently but in my opinion both people have to sacrifice some sleep!

2007-02-05 02:47:30 · answer #4 · answered by Doris A 2 · 0 0

If you are still getting up every 2-3 hours then it is reasonable to ask him to take one feeding so that you can get a 4-5 hour stretch of uninterrupted sleep. There are a couple of ways you can do this so that he still gets adequate rest. For example, give your baby his 9-10 o'clock feeding. Now go directly to bed. Your husband can stay up a little later and give the baby a feeding at midnight. Then he goes to bed. We assume the baby is also asleep at this point! Now your husband can sleep through to six AM. He gets six hours and that should be adequate rest for him. Probably not as much as he would like, but he will manage. You will get up for the 2-3 AM feeding. At this point you will have had 4-5 hours of continuous sleep. You can catch a nap again after the feeding and before you need to get up for the day.

Another approach, let your husband go to sleep at his usual time or earlier and then he gets up for that 4-5 AM feeding and then he gets ready for work as usual. You sleep in until baby wakes up again. Sometimes this works better for the guys because they can get their 8 hours by going to bed at 9 or 10.

If you are already getting 4-5 hours of uninterrupted sleep then you are probably going to have to get used to the schedule you are on right now. Good sleep is a thing of the past for you! Teething, ear infections, nightmares, stomach viruses, whatever. You will not get consistent sleep until they are in elementary school! It's just the way it is. Take a nap in the afternoon if you can.

2007-02-05 02:50:16 · answer #5 · answered by anne p 3 · 0 0

I would let him sleep,my husband works Monday to Friday so I get up for all night feedings and on the weekend hes gets up in the morning both Saturday and Sunday and lets me sleep in as long as i want!I still do the night feedings on the weekend but the sleeping in is wonderful!Our jobs are 24/7 not 9 to 5 Mon to Fri.
I used to get ticked off at my husband sleeping soundly for 8 hours but I put a change to that,find something that works for you,I also like to have an afternoon nap when my husband gets home,he will put our son in a carrier and go for a good hour walk to it quiet!I was never able to nap with my son until I got him on a schedule and that was only about a month ago and he is 5 and half months!you will be there soon and your baby will start sleeping longer through the night,i do not get that luxury,I set my alarm every 3 hours through the nigh to feed my son,he has a heart defect and needs to gain as much weight as he can for his next surgery and he is not the biggest eater due to his weak heart.

2007-02-05 02:33:28 · answer #6 · answered by Baby Pearce 3 · 1 0

Try and find a compromise that works for both of you. If your husband stays up later than you do, get him to feed your baby before he goes to bed. Maybe your hubby can get up for feedings Saturday morning and let you sleep in for one day. I know it's very hard now and you are probably very tired, but in the next month or two your baby should start to sleep longer at night.

2007-02-05 02:32:02 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No. I was that husband. Most of us won't be left hurting if our sleep is interrupted for a few minutes a couple times a night. When my son was 2 months old, I actually did sleep through my wife's and son's calls. Then she gently told me that she did still need help during the night (about 10 times - if anyone has the patience of Job, it's her). She was actually nursing at the time, so I didn't have to feed him, but he did need changing. Since then, I've been up at least once a night on most nights.

I only hold one reservation. If your husband works a job which affects public safety (e.g. paramedic, police) then it might be better for your whole community if he is fully rested. Barring that, he should help at least periodically.

PS - If this is a major issue or indicative of other problems, don't be afraid to seek counseling

2007-02-05 03:02:47 · answer #8 · answered by John K 4 · 0 1

I think so. I always let my husband sleep when mine woke up in the middle of the night when they were little. I mean, he had to get up early every morning and go to work all day long. I could sleep on and off throughout the day. Now, if you work as well as him, I would say yes, he should help you in the middle of the night by taking turns getting up with the baby.

2007-02-05 02:25:57 · answer #9 · answered by mommyof2 3 · 1 0

it relatively is puzzling to deliver a sparkling toddler homestead, and a lot of mothers do no longer understand how little sleep they gets at night with a sparkling toddler. the answer is to take a seat down back-or sleep-in the process the day whilst the toddler sleeps. this is relatively the only ingredient you're able to do. you will discover simply by fact the toddler gets larger and slightly older and as you recover from childbirth which you will get slightly extra sleep at night. it relatively is common for toddlers to wake to fed for many months, so relax in the process the day once you may, or bypass to sleep whilst the toddler does (even regardless of if it relatively is 8:00!) examine teach that breastfeeding takes much less time than bottle feeding. whilst the toddler wakes at night, you have in basic terms to alter a diaper (which you may do besides) and feed the toddler. there is not any working to coach, heat, feed, and then freshen up after a feeding. changing to bottle feeding won't help you sleep, and is not any longer the healthiest determination for you or the toddler. if it is going nicely, i beg you to proceed. And regardless of if it relatively is not, seek for help from l. a. Leche League, a breastfeeding counselor or Lactation representative. This early sleeplessness would not final long. you may discover that each and every day you experience extra appropriate in case you consume nicely, get your water, and relax in the process the day. it is going to help, too, to get out into the gentle on a daily basis, even regardless of if it relatively is in basic terms for a jiffy, and get slightly walk in once you experience able. in case you hit upon that the "toddler blues" are lasting previous 10-14 days, or you experience hopeless or helpless, and none of those recommendations is working for you, please touch you scientific expert for help.

2016-10-01 11:15:26 · answer #10 · answered by persaud 4 · 0 0

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