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I dont understand, or see any point to racism, but I know I'm not the only one. I'm not a racist, but it seems that the affirmative action is based on race, not need. I mean, what about the poor white trash kids?
I dont think racism should exist so heavily. I mean, we're all on this planet together, and we should support everyone together, no matter what color, and the people who should get support, are the ones who need it, not just based on race or religion. Racism and reverse racism should just drop out of existance in all forms. There is more people who think this right?

2007-02-04 16:50:15 · 7 answers · asked by Troy E 1 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

7 answers

racism is pointless it will never really go away, if your not part of one race, your part of something else, its human nature

2007-02-04 16:55:09 · answer #1 · answered by el chavo 4 · 1 0

Well it's because it's more of stereotypes. Most black people listen to rap, and have braids in their hair, and talk like they don't know english and so on. Not all but most. Most of the ghettos are made of up blacks, and other minority races. Now myself I don't associate with people like that, regardless of their race. It just so happens they tend to be black. I have nothing in common with people who listen to rap, talk about "dis" and "dat", and I pretty much stereotype all blacks as being that way. It's not that I don't like them because they are black, but for the most part they are all the same. So call me racist, but I already know it, so it's not something new to me.

Affirmative action is a bunch of crap, but it goes back to Blacks blaming all their problems on racism. Hello just because white people owned slaves doesn't mean A.) You suffered (you weren't even around for it) and B. It doesn't go on today, so get over it. Most Jews don't hate White people because Hitler was white.
The problem is Blacks (not all) like to cry racism over everything, because it's not really looked up upon to be racist, and there are things such as hate crimes, and lawsuits that are very easily won, due to race. It's crap. But it's life. That's why I stay away from it.

Why do whites have to have so many blacks in a magazine, why do we have cater to them, when if you watch BET or some other black channel or publication, they don't have to have white? Oh wait because we can't sue for discrimination.

2007-02-05 16:41:44 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Why is every other damn question about racism. Quit feeling sorry for your damn selves, get over it, and move on. Find a charity or something to devote some time to. Jesus Christ, I mean if it is not for save the children by some celeb who only cares because they were sentenced to community service, or some whining people who are worried about being discriminated against because they are black or female or skinny or fat or jewish or gay or whatever. It's really enough. Is the BIGGEST thing in your life that you need to worry about? Seriously. IF it is, you really need to get a life, that has real problems.

2007-02-04 16:54:23 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Well, I guess being racist could be the result of several psycological factors. I know people who are racist because of upbringing, and others who became racist after meeting a few people who they didn't like of a certain race. It could also be a result of fear/intimidation (like people being afraid/racist against Arabs because of 9/11). The result could be beacause they see a certain race as being weak (Hitler's mother was a Jew, and the reason he hated jews is because his dad beat his mom and he saw them as being weak because of his mom being so sumbissive to his dad's beatings).

Regardless, there is no good valid reason to hold someone's race against them. It is a result of ignorance or a mental illness either way you go. However, there is with it, as with most any other thing, a psycological-OR-sociolgical root/base to the problem.

2007-02-04 17:00:15 · answer #4 · answered by rocknrollcommando 2 · 1 1

Racisim is a defense mechanism. It is the only way some people know how to judge a person they do not know, when it is likely they just fear them.
There is really no good point in being racisit but there is a point to it.

2007-02-04 17:49:06 · answer #5 · answered by WORLD FAMOUS 3 · 0 0

I guess it's a way for some people to exercise authority and superiority over others. It's just another form of bullying if you ask me.

2007-02-04 20:35:04 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

lol. agree

2007-02-04 17:02:48 · answer #7 · answered by rostov 5 · 0 0

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