No. Leases are legally binding contracts. If you want to get out of your lease, you should contact your landlord and find out what he would like for you to do. Some will charge an extra money or two of rent, until they find another tenant. If there is a waiting list for your apartment, he might just let you out of it.
If he is going to charge you a bundle, you can always search for someone to take your place, and then sublet to them (with your landlords permission).
2007-02-04 13:37:01
answer #1
answered by ? 5
Depends on your contract with the rental company. You need to read it. Also, it does help if you ask nicely and paid your rent on time. I actually had that happen, and we talk to the rental office and they had a policy that if you move out of town, you can back out of the contract. At that time we were just moving across town, but the people at the rental office was nice and let us off the hook. Just ask.
2007-02-04 13:36:41
answer #2
answered by cli168 3
I am in Pennsylvania. My lease states that I may break my lease in the case of purchasing a house. I must give my landlord 2 months notice though. It will probably depend on your your state representative they help with almost anything. Or just try asking your landlord lol.
2007-02-04 13:40:57
answer #3
answered by marie 3
In most cases, you break a lease you can be sued or your security deposit won't be returned. But to buy a home however, I don't know what the reprocussions are. Ask a banking officer or an attorney to know for sure.
2007-02-04 13:38:11
answer #4
answered by Roby G 3
unless your cool with the manager, your good. that person can disregard that and rip it up. If your not cool just check the agreement to see if you can sublease it to someone else while you go and do what you have to do. If you do move and have no one to rent you have to pay monthly until the contract expires. Also If you need to buy a house I can help you with that and the loan. shoot me an email at
2007-02-04 13:38:56
answer #5
answered by josephcodner 2
you loose everythang the money you have givin , the house,,everythang..
2007-02-04 13:39:04
answer #6
answered by xo_hippie_xo 5
i wouldnt think so
2007-02-04 13:39:46
answer #7
answered by Lisa B 1