Clinton's affair was ruining the country?
2007-02-04 13:10:01
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Oh please, please, please explain to me how Clinton's affair was ruining our country. It was only an issue because the Repblicans were looking for something to use against him. I would love to hear about how Clinton cheating on his wife effected his ability to preside over the country in any way whatsoever. How many people did Clinton's affair kill? Zero. However, Bush's gaffe has cost us thousand's of American lives. The Republicans call themselves "conservative", yet feel that it is ok for the country to throw millions of dollars into proving that Clinton lied about an affair. They also feel that it's ok to spend millions upon millions of dollars on a war that was not only unjustified, but unwinnable without complete occupation of the country, which would cost billions of dollars. Give me a choice between Clinton and Bush, I'll take Clinton every time. It must really bother you knowing that if Clinton could run for office right now, he would smoke anyone that the Republicans could put against him, especially GW. But, it's probably just the media's fault, right? Did you ever stop to think that the reason the mainstream media doesn't support conservative ideas is because they are not mainstream ideas and that most people don't agree with them? Stop blaming the media and come up with GOOD ideas that work for more than just the top 10% incomes.
2007-02-04 14:26:05
answer #2
answered by rob 3
"liberals today are worse to Bush than we were to Clinton"? What do you mean "were"? As far as I can tell, you folks bash Clinton and blame him on a daily basis for the 9-11 attacks. Well, Bush had more intelligence on 9-11 than Clinton did. Also, Clinton did not introduce the Patriot Act & did not invoke signing statements at least 800 times while he was in office. I don't like the guy that much, but I'd rather have the guy that lied about a b****** than the guy who lied about WMD.
2007-02-04 13:28:24
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Yes, conservatives were this bad to Clinton as liberals are being to
Bush. Of course it wouldn't be so bad if he didn't constantly give them stones to throw at him.
He has become an example of an owned politician. He does what he's told to. I really wonder what it is his puppet masters are using for strings. Is it only money?
I'm not strictly speaking a liberal or a conservative. I have beliefs that are on both sides of that so called divide, so don't put my statements down as blind hatred. I'm just a man calling it as I see it.
2007-02-04 13:25:29
answer #4
answered by last_defender 3
Ruining the country, hmmmm, and just how was our country being ruined? Bush is a liar and took us into a war because of his own initiatives...Don't act so self righteous... You gave it to Clinton as bad if not worse than any liberal and frankly what Bush has done to our country, not to mention Iraq, is a tragedy. No one knows what to do now, no one knows what is best for us or our honorable men and women fighting in what seems to be a losing battle...Those who support the war seem to think Bush was so tough for taking us into Iraq and even tougher for wanting to send more troops...I think that if he was so tough he should of done it right in the first place, but he was soft, inexperienced, and doing it for all the wrong reasons... He's not tough, just careless and uncaring...
2007-02-04 13:32:46
answer #5
answered by Annie Red Head 3
I seem to remember Rush Limbaugh on my local TELEVISON station [in eastern Missouri (NBC, channel 5), the area in which he was born, PRAISED beyond belief, and parroted by the slow-witted and intelligent alike] at least 5 days a week during the YEARS that his show was on the air, DAILY bashing Clinton and pounding the Conservative rhetoric dogma into the minds of pliable Americans. The term "liberal" (in the labeling, demeaning context that it is INTENDED from Conservatives) gained its widespread popularity in the Conservative discourse during this time, and he can certainly take a very large part of the credit for fueling the intolerence of different views from the Right, especially in the WAY in which it is expressed.
The 90's and the FARRRRRR right Christain Conservatives shaped the "morals" and positions that TODAY"S Self-described Conservatives say are at their center. Unfortunately the bashing, labeling, extreme generalization, and at times, mean-spirited political exchange are now the MAIN tools used in expounding their positions.
Clinton (along with his abstract, invisible army of liberal followers, armed with the media and the other tools of their "evil empire") was THE main topic/target of the Right, during this time. In all honesty, I was not in the habit of watching ALL of Rush's shows, but I don't remember (on the days I watched) hearing support for that administration on the days that I listened ( I was aPolitical Science undergrad, so ALL politics interest me).
Time has a way of blurring memory, especially about one's self, but in my humble opinion-----YES! You guys were EASILY that bad and worse, considering now there are Conservatives (that don't subscribe to the "one lemming over the cliff after the other" mentality that seems to be the overall view from the Right) that feel this President is wrong in his actions and are vocal about it also. So we Liberals don't stand ALONE in our criticism of this President's actions. Loyality to one's party or figurehead is admirable, but it needs to be tempered with humanity and logic also.
For 27 years and counting (since 1980) the Reagan-esque form of Conservatism and the Republicans have been in power ('80-'88, Reagan---'88-'92, Bush--- '92-'00, Democractic President w/both houses of Congress under Conservative Republican control---'00-'08 G.W.Bush and BOTH houses of Congress, up until a couple of months ago). Even today, the majority of mayors and governors in America TODAY are Republican and subscribe to Conservative "values".
Considering your agenda has been pushed by those in all those major positions of power, in one way or the other, for all this time.....what do you guys have to complain about?
2007-02-08 05:12:47
answer #6
answered by bignupe2000 2
Liberals are self loathing creatures.
That explains a lot of what they do that makes no sense.
Liberals are the new fascist Nazi's.
They can't tolerate any opinion different than their's.
Look what they do to college speakers. They throw urine, pies, pull fire alarms, start fights, etc etc, to keep conservative's from speaking.
They want to pass laws to eliminate talk radio.
Liberals are intolerant, bigoted fascists, incapable of allowing free speech.
Islamicfascists have pledged to murder you and me.
Liberals want to help them.
Conservatives want to fight them.
Liberalism is ok when it is practiced.
But todays America's liberals, are not real liberals.
They are against change of all types and devoid of new idea's or solutions to problems.
Conservatives offered many new programs and initiatives the last 6 years, and liberals always fought against them, with never an original idea or solution to offer in return.
Liberals love it whan a woman murders a child that is unborn but hate it when criminals who rape, murder and commit attrocities get the death penality.
In reality the liberals of today are Stalinists and Marxists. Their belief that government is the solution to all problems and no wealth should be privately owned is what drives todays liberals.
They are also anti-American. They believe America is the worlds problem and the world would be better off without America in it.
Liberals are all for forsaking the poor weak and downtrodden if America's military is involved in keeping them alive, but insist on keeping America's poor weak and downtrodden in their miserable existance because of 'political correctness', (New Orleans and any urban city).
2007-02-04 13:51:56
answer #7
answered by Feelsgood 2
at least the liberals supported clinton + the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998
... right up until we actually did something... then they turned and looked away.
Bush just gets crap for everything by liberals....
they misunderstood the midterm election results... they actually think that now, what they say matters...
thats why they get so mad at Bush when they don't get their way...
sorry liberals, idk who made you think that something changed, and now people listen to you... but sorry... we let the liberals talk so that after the politicians get done reading really long and pointless documents, they can pull out a paper from the "comic-relief folder" and read some stupid, almost hilarious anti-administration liberal article.
Liberals are good for 2 things.
1. Giving Republicans a good lauf when they get stressed out...
2. Motivating Republicans to stay on their toes, in fear of a liberal take-over. AKA the day hel* freezes over.
2007-02-04 13:55:13
answer #8
answered by Corey 4
No. Clinton was impeached for trying to keep his sex life secret. Bush has killed THOUSANDS of Americans based on KNOWN bad intel...and Bush point blanks makes fun at not knowing where the WMD were even at the beginning of the war with Iraq. Clinton has never made fun or not supported the military. Bush has cr*pped on the Vets of today, Clinton was there for them and made sure they were taken care of.
Bush starts wars and doesn't even SUPPLY the military with the needed armor.
You know, maybe Bush needs to be impeached for all the lies that he has done. Or what about breaking his Oath of Office to protect and uphold the Constitution?
2007-02-04 13:20:01
answer #9
answered by hera 4
I'm sorry but if you think that extramarital blow-jobs are more worthy of getting worked up about than a war based on blatantly fabricated evidence (and which "bleeding heart hippie liberals" such as the late Gerald Ford and many retired generals have openly condemned), you're a moron. What was ruining the country, incidentally, was holier-than-thou hypocrites such as yourself who feel that Clinton's sex life was something that we needed to look into. I'll inevitably get thumbs downs for this but that doesn't matter.
2007-02-04 13:18:33
answer #10
answered by David 7
I got news for you. A lot of repubs do not beleive the situation we are in has helped Bush. If the truth were only known, a lot of the people on this site who are cutting him down, voted for him. And to add a little extra, Clinton was hated by the repubs but they liked him so well they let him go.
2007-02-04 13:16:49
answer #11
answered by Anonymous