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I was minding my own business, just like everyone else in our country. Then those savages attacked us, all because we are a free and caring country.

Then, liberals sided with those who hate us for our freedoms, and now they are putting everyone's lives in jeopardy, all so that they can try and make Bush look bad.

Have you forgotten, liberals?

2007-02-04 12:37:53 · 23 answers · asked by altoonapostingclub 1 in Politics & Government Politics

23 answers

They haven't forgotten, they just seen an opportunity to attack the president, and jumped on it. It wasn't too long after when they concocted that stupid conspiracy that the government was behind the 9/11 attacks. It's not about what's best for the country it's about what's best for them and what's gonna win the popularity contest.

2007-02-04 12:43:42 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 7


2007-02-04 20:44:17 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

No, I have not forgotten.

I was at Philadelphia International Airport that morning.
My flight was to leave a 10:40 am, bound for L.A.
I didn't arrive in L.A. until 5 days later.

Where's that BinLaden guy again?
....and you say Liberals sided with the enemy?

Letting BinLaden run free and waging a war on a country that had nothing to do with 9/11 is what is putting the lives of everyone in the world in jeopardy.

BRING THEM HOME......ALIVE.............



2007-02-04 23:44:35 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

No, but we were not minding our own business. We help to create Bin Laden and Al Quada during the Afghan War. We wanted to be the only super power by getting rid of the Soviet Union. Zbigniew Brzezinski, as President Carter’s National Security Adviser, rhetorically asks, “What is most important to the history of the world? The Taliban or the collapse of the Soviet empire? Some stirred-up Muslims or the liberation of Central Europe and the end of the Cold War?” [Le Nouvel Observateur (Paris), 1/1998; Mirror, 1/29/2002] It was even our meddling in the Middle East that lead to these terrorists groups. Terrorists aren't the only savages either, we did things like the Tuskegee Syphilis Study. Where we let syphilis go untreated in black Americans just to see the effects. We even did human radiation experiments during the Manhattan Project. Locked our own citizens up who were of Japanese ancestry in camps. Completly violating their rights. These are things that the American government did to its own people. As for free, we used to be. But thanks to legislation like the Patriot Act and Military Commissions Act we are not. The Patriot Act allows FBI to have the authority to obtain client records from banks by merely requesting the records in a "National Security Letter." To get the records, the FBI doesn't have to appear before a judge, nor demonstrate "probable cause" - reason to believe that the targeted client is involved in criminal or terrorist activity. This completely violates the Constitution's Fourth Amendment. Then we have the Military Commisons Act of 2006. This legislation in its early stages caused so much contraversy that a lot of the Senators and judges said it contradicted the Bill of Rights. And it does, not only does this legislation allow the President to suspend the Habeaus Corpas, Lincoln did this however the Supreme Court in 1866 ruled he had no constitutional right to do so, but it also allows him to define what torture is. And could even allow him, or future Presidents, to define what treason is. He can lock anybody up as an unlawful enemy combantant without charges being brought against them. Even U.S. citizens. Of course, as citizens they will have access to courts, but under procedures alien to the Bill of Rights. The Real ID Act allows for a national ID card. If you do not believe me read the bills from the Library of Congress website. I would think twice about what you said, and who the real savages are.

2007-02-04 21:25:57 · answer #4 · answered by j 4 · 4 0

There is too much information involving Bush with the attacks to look the other way!

When you finally come to accept this FACT then we can talk!
I sat in my livingroom all day and watched it on television.
Building 7 wasn't anywhere near the towers to sustain enough damage to fall!
In an interview on PBS Mr. Silverstein who is the man who owned the buildings stated firefighters "pulled" the building!
To implode a building of that size would have required prior demolition materials strategically placed throughout the building!
It could not have been accomplished in a matter of hours!
You don't have to believe me check it out for yourself!
GW Bush's brother Marvin was involved with the security of the WTC. Scott Forbes a man who worked for a company house within the WTC wrote a letter that has been publicly published since the towers fell asking government officials why on two seperate weekends in the WTC they had weekend long "powerdowns" the buildings were vacant and large numbers of "workers" were there doing "service work".......then after that when the towers were reopened to everyday workers they removed "bomb sniffing dogs" from the WTC.
Can this all be explained any other way?

Don't bother using the video link.......INTERESTINGLY it is not available! Still a conspiracy???????

But google still has the video of Silverstein
Check it out yourself:

Here is the written text of Scott Forbes letter to the 9/11 commission;

2007-02-04 21:08:47 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

I was minding my own business too, friend. I think you are confusing the word "liberal" with "media." I don't know of any liberals "trying to make Bush look bad" it really seems to me the MEDIA is behind that. I'm a liberal and I don't side with those who "hate our freedoms," nor do I put "everyone's lives in jeopardy." Where do you get your information from? I haven't forgotten anything about 9-11...the worst part was trying to explain it to a child when I didn't understand it myself. So why don't you get yourself an education and stop insulting those of us who don't agree with you and get a life. Thanks for the generalization and the two points.

2007-02-04 20:57:17 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

This is such a bullshit question. I'm a liberal on social issues, though a fairly staunch conservative on economic ones.

Liberals don't stand with the terrorists any more than you do. We were as appalled on 9-11. Hunt the bastards down and take them out.

We saw, however, that Iraq and Al-Qaeda had nothing to do with one another. We believe that our Constitutional Freedoms are worth protecting--even if that means a few terrorist attacks. We believe in the right to criticize incompetence and half-truths. If freedom puts lives in jeopardy--so be it, freedom has its price.

Terrorism does not give a blank check to a President to do whatever he pleases, to be incompetent, or to be above reproach. If Bill Clinton were President on 9/11 and invaded Iraq, you can be damn sure you'd be criticizing him like the liberals criticize Bush.

I was driving myself to school and was as shocked and angry as you were.

2007-02-04 20:59:25 · answer #7 · answered by Jamie 3 · 4 1

The only people who celebrated that day were the terrorists and the NEO-CONS who finally had the excuse that they needed to finally be able to go to war with Iraq. They had been wanting to go to war with Iraq for years but Bush the first and Clinton did not fall for their stupid plan. But they took advantage of the attack and the took advantage of the fact that they had a President in the White House that could be easily convinced to go to war with Iraq and who would not listen to his own father's judgment that going to war with Iraq was just not a good idea.

2007-02-04 21:41:40 · answer #8 · answered by Carlos D 4 · 3 0

You mean besides sleeping off their nights hang over or drug induced coma.

Everyone knows the liberal bedwetting moonbats weren't working.

Liberals are self loathing creatures.

That explains a lot of what they do that makes no sense.

Liberals are the new fascist Nazi's.

They can't tolerate any opinion different than their's.

Look what they do to college speakers. They throw urine, pies, pull fire alarms, start fights, etc etc, to keep conservative's from speaking.

They want to pass laws to eliminate talk radio.

Liberals are intolerant, bigoted fascists, incapable of allowing free speech.

Islamicfascists have pledged to murder you and me.

Liberals want to help them.

Conservatives want to fight them.

Liberalism is ok when it is practiced.

But todays America's liberals, are not real liberals.

They are against change of all types and devoid of new idea's or solutions to problems.

Conservatives offered many new programs and initiatives the last 6 years, and liberals always fought against them, with never an original idea or solution to offer in return.

Liberals love it whan a woman murders a child that is unborn but hate it when criminals who rape, murder and commit attrocities get the death penality.

In reality the liberals of today are Stalinists and Marxists. Their belief that government is the solution to all problems and no wealth should be privately owned is what drives todays liberals.

They are also anti-American. They believe America is the worlds problem and the world would be better off without America in it.

Liberals are all for forsaking the poor weak and downtrodden if America's military is involved in keeping them alive, but insist on keeping America's poor weak and downtrodden in their miserable existance because of 'political correctness', (New Orleans and any urban city).

2007-02-04 22:00:16 · answer #9 · answered by Feelsgood 2 · 0 4

I was doing my job at work trying to earn my extra tax dollar watching in horror on the Internet much like today when I found this close-minded question,but I always throw someone a bone and try to make them think they are special,that is my freedom of choice do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

2007-02-05 08:52:56 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

"I was minding my own business, just like everyone else in our country."

Really? Seems to me that Conservatives have got their noses in just about everyone's business.

"Then those savages attacked us, all because we are a free and caring country."

Free? Not my idea of freedom. Caring? Most of the planet would disagree. The USA doesn't do anything for nothing. There's always a price and the U.S. always gets the better end of the deal.

"Then, liberals sided with those who hate us for our freedoms, and now they are putting everyone's lives in jeopardy, all so that they can try and make Bush look bad."

Bush makes himself look bad. Liberals are just casting a light on that.

"Have you forgotten, liberals?"

No, but conservatives and Bush have. Do you remember who's responsible for 9/11?

He's not hiding in Iraq.

2007-02-04 20:49:05 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 5 5

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