just get him something he likes. it doesn't have to be real expensive but price is your choice. Me, i like when my girl gets me a teddy bear or something like that. And if i can afford it i will be getting her a dozen roses. Just use your instincts...if you think he would like it, get it.
2007-02-04 12:54:42
answer #1
answered by wickid_klown02 1
if i were the guy i would want something from the heart. you know? somthing that will make me realy remember this valentines day. it doesnt have to be something that costs a lot, just something that lets him know, u luv him.
2007-02-04 12:38:46
answer #2
answered by Abdirahman 1
it depends on what kind of guy he is.
romantic-a teddy bear (personal experience-he loved it)
emo/goth/scene-a shirt of his fav band
preppy/well-groomed-colonge (i know i spelt that wrong)
if hes something eles...sorry i cant help you.
2007-02-04 12:36:32
answer #3
answered by cheerleadingfobfan 1
Dont give him perfumes or girlie stuffs like lotions, soaps or even tie. Anything techie or gadgets are appreciated.
2007-02-04 12:41:44
answer #4
answered by Lee C 2