Yeah, we had much better wrestling back then, mostly because Vince was competing with Bischoff. Yup, back when the tag titles were about as pretigious as the WWE Title. Back when we had the race to see who could get the hardcore championship. The hilarious Crash Holly at Disneyland skit. Stone Cold drenching everyone with beer. Yup, the good old days.
2007-02-04 14:08:31
answer #1
answered by J 3
The golden 80s had all the great wrestlers, like Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, Andre the Giant, Road Warriors, Demolition, Jake the Snake Roberts, Honky Tonk Man, Ravishing Rick Rude, the Hart foundation, the Rockers, among many others..
and let's not forget the commentators/interviewers who made the shows just as entertaining: gorilla monsoon, bobby the brain heenan, jesse the body ventura, and mean gene oakerland.
2007-02-04 19:45:42
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Wwe was way better back in the 90s for some reason it jst was...maybe cuz the rock and stone cold was there which made it more fun and better to watch dont get me rong i mean wwe is still doing a good job now jst now how it was back then.....something change
2007-02-04 20:01:27
answer #3
answered by AltCtrlEssie 3
I liked the feuds of the 90's and the wrestling from the 80's.
2007-02-04 19:42:50
answer #4
answered by WWE Girl 3
Sorry to say, but I think wrestling was great back in the '80's when it was WWF. Shows how old I am, but the wrestling back then was a lot better.
2007-02-04 19:39:32
answer #5
answered by ironchain15 6
the 80s had better wrestling but the 90s more than likely the attitude era was more enteraining
2007-02-04 19:43:05
answer #6
answered by random at its finest 6
Yes, I have to agree with ya'll. I really miss the good ol' days of Raw is War and Nitro. And really it's not as good anymore unless you go see it live! Am I wrong?
2007-02-04 22:16:54
answer #7
answered by izzitonme 4
i agree. that's when i first saw roddy piper. wwf 1980s were the best years.
2007-02-04 21:48:35
answer #8
answered by hotrod57 4