Personally, I think whether to spank or not is a choice that every parent makes, but I believe that it should deffinately not be done out of anger, but to show the child that there's a consequence if he/she does something wrong repeatedly. That's what my mom did, she'd give us warnings, explanained why we shouldn't do something, and if we still chose not to obey, she'd spank us and send us to our room.
It worked, and I never felt abused.
2007-02-04 11:43:33
answer #1
answered by lost in space 6
I advocate it because it works!! Sorry i totally disagree. Parents have been spanking their children for generations with very positive results. Why fix something that's not broken?
I don't put to much thought into studies on child rearing. They change everyday, why? Because their is no fixed way of raising children. Just because someone is a PHD in no way means they can raise a morally sound child into adulthood. Most studies and polls done on child rearing these days are usually biased to the researchers agenda.
We personally use spanking when necessary. I am not sure what you mean by spanking, but for us, it's hand to bottom only. No belts, paddles, brushes.... and no permanent marks. I know for you that wouldn't make a difference, but for the law it does.
I have taken many different strategies from the Dr. Phil's, Super Nanny's or the world. When those tactics break down, yes it's time for a spanking. We draw a line for our children, and for us it works.
I know this is not the answer you want to hear, but it's my opinion.
Good Luck
2007-02-05 22:07:26
answer #2
answered by olschoolmom 7
I have to say that I think spanking is an effective punishment for my children. Other parents choose a different method and that's fine for them. What I think causes problems is when parents don't have a discipline strategy. Those parents who don't know how to use time outs, don't know how to talk with their kids, don't know how to set boundaries or realistic expectations, those parents have kids who are terrible. Those are the parents who either beat their kids or who don't do any kind of punishment at all, or worse yet, resort to calling their kids names (like you're stupid, can't you do anything right, etc). So rather than insisting spanking causes harm to children in the future, I'd like to look at why so many kids today don't know how to make good decisions, don't know appropriate boundaries, and can't think for themselves. All this hokey pokey about building self esteem has gone way over the deep end to where people are afraid to discipline their kids in any way. I totally agree with the people who have said that in the past 20 years, when spanking has become taboo, kids have become irresponsible and disrespectful.
2007-02-05 14:18:47
answer #3
answered by Susan B 3
If a child is well behaved and never needs spanking I am all for that. However, some kids needs a spanking if no other discipline works. There's a way to spank and not to spank. My siblings and I were spanked and we surely needed it. We grew up respecting people, their property, with good morals and etc. The Bible supports it-spare the rod-spoil the child. If Mama had not disciplined me by spanking or switching I am positive I would have been a terrible person out of control.
2007-02-04 11:47:23
answer #4
answered by cswint2000 5
I am 12 and in 7th grade. My sister is 16 and a Senior. We both get spanked and you know what? it is effective. it changes our behavior, lets us know we azre cared enough about that our parents want us to behave, it is really nothing so horrible. It is not abusive or sexual. It is humiliating for certain and it hurts a lot but it also is done and over with. Being ignored, or grounded, or put in a corner to think your dark thoughts is far worse. Because you begin to wonder if they really love you and care about you anymore. Grounding is just not fun either. So there it is from a kid. It is the best weay to handle problems. Bare the kids butt spank them and be done with it. Now my school was postponed for 2 hours and that time is almost here so I better get my boots on and get ready for the bus.
2007-02-05 04:25:09
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I think alot of people aren't telling the truth on here.
You can't believe what you read on here.
Also if so many people actually advocate it.
Obviously it doesn't work, because the kids are worse then ever.
2007-02-07 04:30:33
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
yeah, its definately wrong. what's the matter w/ people? i also agree about the flaming. you ask a simple question and it blows up in your face. jeez!
2007-02-04 11:38:35
answer #7
answered by look _inside 2
Welcome to the internet.
2007-02-04 11:36:07
answer #8
answered by qamper 5