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Seriously. Real ECW fans don't want to see this stupid Bobby Lashley as champion. Those fans are the little kids who come to watch smackdown, and stay the whole show (Smackdown and ECW travel together). Real ECW fans wouldn't want to see idiots like Matt Striker and that black boxer guy beating up originals. What they should be showing is the real ECW originals like The sandman, Tommy Dreamer, Balls Mahoney, Al Snow (what happened to him!?!?!?!?!?!) Sabu, and last, but not least Rob, Van Dam. You remember when Smackdown sucked and ECW came out and was pretty good? Thats because Smackdown got rid of their old writer, who went to ECW. Smackdown got a new writer, making a better show, and ECW started paying Paul Haymen [see i can't even remember how to spell his name] to stay at home, and got a new crappier writer.

2007-02-04 10:09:04 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Sports Wrestling

YES!!!!!!! thank you for reminding me. Before it went on TV, almost every match was hardcore. then it went to just the main even every night, then random through the episode, then it dissapeared. It is so stupid. If those people were real ECW fans, all you would see is ECW and metallica shirts on them.. lol... a couple weeks ago, i saw a couple 80 year old ladies FRONT ROW AT ECW???? what has this show come to?

2007-02-04 10:27:57 · update #1

at first when it came on TV, it wasnt that bad yet. But now, it is finally safe to say that ECW is just "Extremley Crappy Wrestling" or "Even Crappier Wrestling..." lol

2007-02-04 10:32:51 · update #2

10 answers

First I'd like to say that Bobby Lashley is Lou Thez re-incarnate. A real straight forward wrestler. No gimmicks, no non-sense. Just black boots, black trunks, and real skills.

That said, the new ECW sucks. Under WWE's ownership, a lot of moves are banned because they are so dangerous. This is compounded with problems with network censors (ECW had this problem too when they were televised). Another contributing factor is that many Smackdown fans (little kids) stay after the tapping of Smackdown to watch the show, hence they have to pull back. Its true, some of the better ECW broadcasts have been the ones not taped on the same night as Smackdown.

ECW really needs an overhaul. My first suggestion is to kick it back an hour or so to help get around network censor crap. Second, bring in someone who can write decent scripts. Third, the brand needs a mid-card title to help push the talent. Fourth (yes I know I started my answer by defending him) get rid of Lashley as champion. Send him to RAW or back to Smackdown, those are the shows he really belongs on. Finally, tape ECW and Smackdown seperate. Fix these problems and it won't matter if the talent is an original ECW alumni or new meat.

2007-02-04 12:07:52 · answer #1 · answered by no more heroes 2001 5 · 1 0

Bobby Lashely is one hell of a dominating wrestler, even if it was real. Still, I do agree with you. Paul Haymen should come back as the old Haymen and start letting Sandman, Dreamer, Sabu, RVD, and Mahoney (Snow was released) actually wrestle. Striker sucks and Test isn't even real competition for Lashley. The Alpha Male can be good on ECW but Burke doesn't look like the right material.

2007-02-04 10:16:30 · answer #2 · answered by Dead 3 · 0 0

First off Al Snow got canned a week or so ago that saw Tatanka & Sylvester Terkay go as well.For sure Striker is a waste of space but what does Sandman do these days exactly?He lasted all of 2 seconds in the Rumble.He just bashes a beer can on his head & that's it.Dreamer,Mahoney & Sabu are originals yeah, but they're way past it.That's why you don't see them on ECW much.Bobby is the future of WWE but it won't be ECW.It's on it's last legs & when ECW goes down the toilet it will be RVD, Test, Cor Von & Bobby Lashley who make the cut.
ECW isn't extreme anymore.You get chairs, ladders & hammers etc every week now on Raw or S/D.Time to give it a decent burial.But hey, i'm from the UK so what do i know?

2007-02-04 13:47:35 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Are you nuts? ECW has great talent like Punk, Burke, Thorne, and Cor Von. I agree the storylines suck and the ones that can be good are rushed. There is a lot of talent in ECW that isnt used or used properly. You have two female wrestlers who are never given a shot to perform in Ariel and Trinity. Give it time, with new writers and possibly a couple more wrestlers it will get better

2016-05-24 06:48:38 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yea i completely agree with you and the scary fact is Lashley isnt even the worst part ECW isnt even in extreme rules anymore. Now they only have extreme rules on ppv and they didnt even do that at the Royal Rumble. wwe has downsized ecw hence why people come to the show with signs that say wwecw

2007-02-04 10:16:22 · answer #5 · answered by King of Kings fan 5 · 0 0

I agree with you, but alas the meal ticket for ECW are kids. Tommy Dreamer and the like are getting too old to play and they are only putting out cookie cutter wrestlers that can turn a buck as quick as possible.

2007-02-04 10:18:23 · answer #6 · answered by JellyCat 4 · 0 0

Heck yeah, I think this whole Lashly thing is boring.I remember tables, ladders, chairs, thumbtacks,and barbed wire,.now they don't show a shadow of what ecw was back in the '90s. I love all the extremists and the weapons nothing else.ECWECWECW

2007-02-04 10:16:36 · answer #7 · answered by lacot 5558 2 · 0 0

wwe's version of ecw is pathetic for a number of reasons-firstly its in no way extreme,the storylines are terrible,its in the wwe arena and filmed in front of the s/down crowd then its also only an hour long! i didnt think id ever say it but id prefer velocity back

2007-02-04 10:25:23 · answer #8 · answered by marky_fightthepower 4 · 0 0

real ecw fans dont even watch this water down version of it it sucks

2007-02-04 10:52:12 · answer #9 · answered by paul lee 2 · 0 0

ECW ain't extreme no more.

2007-02-04 10:31:29 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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