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Clue. Mankind inherited it over the preceeding centuries. Plays an important part in our daily life.

2007-02-04 09:56:17 · 26 answers · asked by DR Ramakrishna N R 1 in Arts & Humanities History

26 answers


2007-02-04 20:49:28 · answer #1 · answered by shabaz khan 2 · 1 0

Fire wasn't an invention. it was a discovery. man just discovered that when flintsotnes are struck together they produvce spark. Fire existed before mankind came into existance.

Wheel was half invention, half discovery. It's the discovery of the roundness of the lumber, which man started using as a wheel for the first time and later carved the same thing out to produce a perfect wheel.

The best thing man could invent for himself were the tools. Most of those tools are still used by us. Like a man then created sharp object carved out of a stone to cut objects, and now we use a derivative of the same object - the knife.

Most useful invention of the mankind is 'Language'. A tool for communication. Without which it would have been difficult to us to convey messages and enhance the progress of our race. That is a distinct feature that seperates human beings from animals, the ability to communicate. Thoug now a days we use different derivatives of languages, but the root invention was the same. No wonder most of the languages have a lot of words in common.


2007-02-05 13:55:30 · answer #2 · answered by plato's ghost 5 · 0 0

A lot of people will say the wheel. But, we really have no solid evidence that a man in fact invented the wheel. A woman could have easily been the one to have invented it, and a man may have just taken credit for it.

What is the greatest invention of man? It would be the fact that he can be happy and live a life while considering women his equal. It would be the realization that women can play an equal role in society, and he can be content. The realization and acceptance of women as his equal has got to be the his greatest invention. Although, I am sure that a woman helped him to invent it.

2007-02-04 18:03:45 · answer #3 · answered by Smith101 1 · 0 3

With no offense, to you or any others who answer, I offer this. I won't GUESS either BTW.

"Greatest" is relative first of all, and certainly other VALID answers apply, but in the top 3 at the very least has to be "PLASTICS"

Consider where WE, in this century, and the one recently passed; would be without Plastic. I'm not at all trying to promote it. Certainly it has as many down sides as UP, but in point of fact you very likely would not have been able to ask this Q HERE without its advent,,, even thanking T Edison.

Good luck with your poll.

Steven Wolf

2007-02-04 18:07:13 · answer #4 · answered by DIY Doc 7 · 0 1

In my opinion "The Electric Bulb" is the greatest invention made my Thomas Alva Edison.

2007-02-04 23:27:02 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


2007-02-04 18:05:12 · answer #6 · answered by gmizuno25 1 · 0 0

greatest invention is internet and if not then u would not be asking this question in yahoo
or maybe mobile or telphone as without that i dont know how we wuld contact immediately.

or maybe aeroplane as how would we travel to foreign countries so fast and many more things....

2007-02-04 18:39:27 · answer #7 · answered by simran 3 · 0 0

The internet

2007-02-04 18:06:04 · answer #8 · answered by Zag 4 · 0 0

Everything changes in our world and all it takes is just time. The mankind has started its evolution more than 3000 years ago from the invention of the fire and the discovery of the circle, but during this long period it has managed to make a great progress and now we do not talk about fire and circles but Internet and Virtual Reality...
Here in our timeline you can see how people evolutionised from the invention of the printing press in 1450 to the modern inventions like the DVD.

So which of the following can we name is the great or least? All are of eual of importance to modern man.

In this 1395, in Mainz - a small industrial city in southwestern Germany, was born the inventor of the printing press - Johannes Gutenberg.
On February 15, 1564 the Italian astronomer, physicist and of course inventor Galileo Galilei was born in Pisa. He invented or let to the invention of many scientific instruments and other inventions among which are the telescope, the water thermometer...

In 1608 in Faenza, Italy was born Evangelista Torricelli. In 1643 he explained the concept "atmospheric pressure" and invented the barometer - a device for measuring the "atmospheric pressure". At the same time in Holland Hans Lipperchey invented the telescope...

On June 19, 1623 in Clermont-Ferrand, France was born the French mathematician and physicist Blaise Pascal. He invented in 1642 the adding machine, the forerunner of the modern calculators...

The Dutch physicist, astronomer and mathematician Christiaan Huygens was born in Hague. In the same year - 1629 the Italian inventor Giovanni Branca invented the steam turbine...

Isaac Newton, one of the greatest mathematicians and physicists of all times, was born in Woolsthorpe, near Grantham, England. In the same year in France Blaise Pascal invented the adding machine...

The barometer was invented by the Italian mathematician and physicist Evangelista Torricelli...

In 1656 the Dutch physicist Christiaan Huygens invented the pendulum clock...

Only 60 years after the invention of the telescope by Hans Lipperchey Isaac Newton "gave the people" the reflecting telescope...

On 17th of January was born in Boston, USA the famous inventor Benjamin Franklin, best known for inventing the lightning rod in 1752 and the bifocal lens in 1780...

The Italian Bartolomeo Cristofori invented the piano and gave the music one of the most melodious instrument

On the 19th of January, 1736 in Greenock, Scotland was born James Watt - the inventor of the steam engine...

In 1740 and 1745, in Annonay, France were born the brothers Joseph Michel and Jacques Etienne Montgolfier. They invented the hot-air balloon in 1783 and in the same year made the first successful flight with the new invention

In Como, Italy was born the Italian physicist and inventor of the electric battery Count Alessandro Volta...

On 13 September 1755, in Newport, Delaware was born Oliver Evans - an inventor of the refrigerator and the high pressure steam engine...

In Newington, on 22th of September 1791 was born the British physicist and inventor Michael Faraday...

In 1795 Joseph Bramah invented the hydraulic press...

The beginning of the 19th century is illuminated with the invention of the electric battery, invented by the Italian Count Alessandro Volta

The German Karl Sauerbronn invented the draisine later known as "bicycle"...

The forerunner of the today's computer keyboards - the typewriter was invented. Its inventor was the American inventor William Austin Burt ...

Ten years after the inventions of the electric motor in the year 1831 Michael Faraday invented the dynamo...

In the capital of Sweden, Stockholm was born Alfred Bernhard Nobel - one of the greatest chemists and inventors(inventor of the dynamite)...

The telegraph was invented by the British and American inventors Charles Wheatstone and Samuel Morse...

One year after the invention of the first telegraph Samuel Morse "invented the language of the telegraph" known most as Morse code. Also in this year in Konstanz, Germany was born the inventor of the dirigible - Ferdinand Zeppelin...

In 1844 the Massachusetts farmer Elias Howe who invented the sewing machine...

In this year were born two of the greatest inventors of the all times. On February 17, in Milan, Ohio was born the inventor of the light bulb and film projector Thomas Alva Edison. 20 days after the birth of Edison, on Match 3, in Edinburgh, England was born Alexander Graham Bell - the inventor of the telephone...

In 1854, in Waterville, New York was born the inventor of the Kodak camera George Eastman

The most efficacious medicine against headache and some other pains - the aspirin was invented by the German Felix Hoffman...

1879 was the year when Thomas Alva Edison invented the electric light bulb... In this year on March 14, in Ulm, Germany was born one of the greatest minds that mankind knows - Albert Einstein...

In 1895 the German physicist Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen discovered the X-rays...

Enrico Fermi, a man best known for his contributions to nuclear physics and the development quantum theory, was born in Rome on September 29, 1901.

The brothers Wilbur and Orville Wright invented the first aeroplane and the same year made the first flight with the new inventions...

Albert Einstein developed the well-known theory of relativity - E=mc2...

The nylon(comes from New York and LONdon) was invented by scientists from NY and London among which was the American chemist Wallace Hume Carothers who is thought the inventor of the nylon...

In this year the British physicist Robert Watson-Watt invented the first radar...

This is the year when on 28th of October at Rochester, New York was born the inventor of the microprocessor - Dr. Marcian Edward or just Ted" Hoff...

1945 was the year in which American government scientists invented the atomic bomb - the most powerful and destructive weapon that mankind knows...

The microwave oven was inventor. Its inventor was the American Percy Spencer...

The American Peter Carl Goldmark invented the color television...

The device in the computer that we use every day along with our keyboard - the well known "mouse" was invented by Douglas Engelbart

The heart of the computer - the microprocessor was invented by Marcian Edward Hoff probably better known as Ted Hoff...

In that year 1976, the American Steve Jobs "invented" the Apple - the first personal computer...

The CD(means Compact Disk) was invented by the Dutch Joop Sinjou and the Japanese Toshi tada Doi...

In the 1991 Tim Berners-Lee discovered the WWW(World Wide Web)...

The Digital Video Disc or just DVD was invented in 1995 and until now has been improved much... It can hold up the amount of data of more than 10 CDs...

2007-02-04 20:28:51 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

The GHD hair straightener, surely

2007-02-04 18:04:33 · answer #10 · answered by Brenda R 2 · 1 0


2007-02-04 17:58:51 · answer #11 · answered by minootoo 7 · 1 0

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