Be patient and save money for an authentic purse. Do not succumb to fakes or replicas. You get what you pay for. With fakes, you do not have quality at all and it's quite apparent to anyone who is a fashion connoisseur.
It's very gratifying to own a real designer item. You're not paying just for the label, but the art, quality, and distinct design. You can try to go on eBay and various other sites online to get the purse discounted. But if you really insist on replicas, I'm sure you can google it. My advice is, good things come to those who wait. :)
2007-02-07 14:19:35
answer #1
answered by punkangel070 2
Ok this one is not a "knock off" per say , but it is just like one of the balenciaga bags. It's the bag that nikki hilton carries all the time.
Purse party has their own verision of the bag, it's call the Big City bag and it's only $69 and has a 60 day warranty. Go to the site below to check it out and you can order there.
2007-02-04 09:56:43
answer #2
answered by pursepartyamber 2
That's so lame. Why not save the money and buy an actual one? You do realize anyone who buys these bags that are real, just think your are a loser for rocking a fake bag right? No one respects that. Go to Ebay you can find real ones for cheaper, not dirt cheap but be careful there are more fakes than real....but someone as tacky as your probably wont care.
2007-02-07 14:08:33
answer #3
answered by DnBprincess850 5
I wouldn't do the replicas. Maybe no one else know's but you'll know. Just scrimp and save save save to get the purse you want. Every designer even Louis Vuitton has a cheap version of their bags. You just have to search. I've seen websites like have prada on sale. Don't settle just be a smart spender.
2007-02-04 09:54:54
answer #4
answered by Bonita Applebaum 5
don't do replicas its disgusting i work at luis vuitton and i take us alot of work to make the products for them and youll to get them and make moey or wear fake stuff youll shouldn't buy replicas just buy the real thinng we are way better quality
2007-02-04 10:07:59
answer #5
answered by Hey!! 1
that what I found but my aunt she used to be in the air force and she had this special pass to this mall for people like her she can take as many peopl as she wants and they had purses that weren't real and alot of cheap things. I forgot what it was called but if I remember I 'll edit and come back! â¥
2007-02-04 10:06:52
answer #6
answered by :) 4
can i just tell you 1 thing???? ok if u cant afford the purse...dont wear it....ur just gunna embarriss urself!!!! dont wear fake stuff its embarising...everyone will look at you like wtfff
but if u rlly wanna embariss urself then here
2007-02-04 09:54:28
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
2007-02-04 10:01:36
answer #8
answered by talltree147 3