I'm a freshman in high school and as for those of you who have been in my footsteps I'm still trying to figure out where I want to be 5 years from now.
So far, I have a GPA that's in the 4.0 scale, and I'm part of the student body council. If my confidence isn't torn up by the time I'm out of here, I might think about applying to Yale, Harvard, and UVA. I want to pursue a career as a lawyer, fashion journalist, archeologist, historian, CIA/FBI agent, psychologist, businesswoman, or an entertainer.
I live in a small town and live the same life everyday.. so I'm hoping I can be successful and get to travel to exotic places and meet new people when I'm older.. that is, if things don't get too worse in the world as it is today.
Can anyone give me any advice? Like what to do right now? Or anything that can change a young girl's life. I also might enjoy listening to your experiences and life stories as well. Thanks!
18 answers
asked by
Society & Culture
➔ Other - Society & Culture
wow...it's a difficult thing you're asking for...no one can make those decisions for you...this is something you are going to have to figure out for yourself...however I can give you my opinion and hope it helps you clear things up in your head...I think many of your choices might be more motivated by what you think is a glamourous or interesting profession rather than by your actual knowledge of what they imply...talk to people from those fields so that you can have a better idea of what the job really is about and find out if you fulfill the requirements...then try to make a realistic decision...remember your job is something you will do for the rest of your life so make sure it's something you like and do with your heart
2007-02-04 08:29:41
answer #1
answered by Queen of the Rÿche 5
Two pieces of advice:
1. Charlie "Tremendous" Jones said: "You will be the same person five years from now apart from the people you meet and the books you read." So, keep talking to people and learn new ideas (though, hold onto a epistemological framework as well - I'm not advising that you sway with any new doctrine that arrives).
2. Learn how to handle money well. I recommend Dave Ramsey's 13-week course: Financial Peace University (other than the membership kit [which are the materials for the class], nobody there should sell you any financial products. It is a class where you learn how to handle money as a life plan - not get rich quick.)
If you keep feeding your mind and know how to handle money well (and do not get into debt, ever), then you will have a very prosperous life. Good luck.
2007-02-04 09:12:54
answer #2
answered by Sidewinder 3
Sure I can give you advice, and sure it may just help change your life. High school may be too early to know what it is you will be doing 5 years from now. Good advice - don't rush it, one step at a time. Although your grade average is fine, it does not represent your true intelligence or potential. The careers you have listed seem too wide and unfocused, they also seem inspired by the glamour of entertainment via television. Although you may receive several answers here, it seems like you are not looking for any further contact, which shows your limitations. Perhaps you can tell me why it is you "live with shame and regret"? Also, why would your "confidence be torn up by the time you leave high school"??
2007-02-05 15:39:03
answer #3
answered by WMD 7
I , like you, was also trying to decide what to do in college. I considered working for NASA because I was good at everything and had determination. If you're trying to become a lawyer or businesswomen then I suggest that right you focus on the student body. It will help you with persuasding others. To continue about my life I also wanted to be about ten different careers. One hint is to narrow down your choices it will help trust me. Study and focus on those, you can actually do two of these at once like be a lawyer and still work on fashion jounalism.Wel to continue, i studied and concentrated on everyhting i dreamed for, I happened to become my second choice, a doctor. So anything can happen so keep your mind wide open.Good Luck hope I've helped!
2007-02-04 08:33:06
answer #4
answered by Mommy_of_4 2
It's great that you are trying to make plans at this early stage. I wish I had started that soon. It sounds like you are pretty smart, so you should try to get into the most prestigious school for whatever field you are going into. First you need to decide on a career before you start looking for colleges, so you have about 2 years left to decide. If you get into an ivy league school you should be pretty much set for life. Watch out for so-called friends and family that will be very jealous, and will try to keep you down. I guarantee they are there wearing a mask of friendship all the time. You have to be really tough, especially when going gets tough.
2007-02-04 08:26:20
answer #5
answered by martin h 6
Don't worry just live. You only get to be this age once don't ruin it by putting unneeded pressure on yourself. If you are smart and out going and work hard everything will work out for you. One thing I can tell you is the person who you are today is definitely not who you will be in 5 years TRUST ME!! You have a lot of growing to do as an individual and you never know how your interests might change. And last but not least.....Enjoy the ride:)
2007-02-04 08:23:18
answer #6
answered by The Angry Stick Man 6
Keep up your good grades, get a part time job to help pay for the cost of things you will need in the next 4 years. Apply for scholarships when it is time, talk to your guidance counselor and stay away from serious relationships. You Go and don't count on other people to get you through life. My daughter is in the same boat as you age and grade wise and this has been my advice. We will help her with her 1st 4 years of collage but after that is unknown. Stay Focused.
2007-02-04 08:22:57
answer #7
answered by justme 6
Well the only advice I can give you is keep thinking about it haha. I'm 17 and I went through every career there is I’ve finally decided on being a doctor though. Hopefully I will stick to this one and not abandon it.
2007-02-04 08:33:10
answer #8
answered by Beaverscanttalk 4
Choose something that you'll enjoy doing, something that will make this world a better place, and something that will make you proud of yourself. Of the careers you mentioned, psychology sounds the best to me.
P.S. If you ever consider full-time Christian work, go to Hyles-Anderson College in Crownpoint, Indiana. It's an old fashioned, fundamental baptist college. It will definitely change your life. You might want to take into consideration your religious beliefs first.
2007-02-04 08:25:41
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Young lady,
It is fine thing to be ambitious, to have an idea of what you want to achieve in your life and have the means to do it. But I will sharte with you something that you may refute, but if you trsut that I have no reason to mislead you, then this will greatly improve the quality of you life, and the people you surround yourself with.
Life has purpose and meaning, it is not by chance you and I are here. It is okay to seek a good job, but it is better to seek what GOD has in store for you. You see, though people may try to direct your path, only GOD truly knows what is best for you. It is not that he controls you, he wants to increase you, make you into what you are able to be. So my advice is along with the things you have set for you life, try to develop a relationship with GOD thru Christ, i am certain that by the time you graduate high school, and going on the college, youll see the benefit of having Christ in your life. Its not about money, but true wealth. That my dear, is something youll have to seek to understand for yourself.
2007-02-04 08:32:56
answer #10
answered by DODO 1