Yes, very! Look at all the options we have. Start by loving your neighbor. If that nieghbor does the same, love will be the solution.
2007-02-04 07:58:15
answer #1
answered by fe2bsho 3
Absolutely not!
This world system is going nowhere but down.
Why do I say that? Because I am a 40 year student of the Bible, and here is what I have learned there.
After God created Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, He gave them dominion or total rule over the earth and everything in it.
But then.....someone new appeared on the scene, which the Bible refers to as "the serpent." Do you know the story? He tempted Eve to disobey God and "eat of the forbidden fruit," and she yielded to his temptation. Adam and Eve, even forgiven by God, were given the consequences of being removed from the garden to "the real world." and dominion over this earth was then gained by Satan. If you know anything about him, he works continually at increasing world hunger/poverty, racial hatred, crime, etc.
A few decades ago, and actually as long as time existed, beginning with Cain and Able, Adam and Eve's offspring....if people wanted to do away with someone they killed them. Period.
Now in "Satan's" world, he is activally turning people into phycotics, or phycopaths, i.e. "crazy people!" In todays society, they don't just kill, they mutilate, dis-embody and torture people before they kill them.
It is states in the Bible, "Satan is the ruler of this earth...for a time, until such day, God will deal with him, and do away with him forever.
2007-02-04 07:54:42
answer #2
answered by In my life it is access to God 1
Of course I am. I think we Should all be. I mean, look at the world right Now. JUst a week ago Iran found a antibiotic for the aids disease which can help you to live with the disease without dying. YOu must take the shot about every two years or so.
I have faith in the world, but especially in ISLAM.
2007-02-04 07:45:25
answer #3
answered by Phlow 7
Mankind is completely INCAPABLE of doing that. Look at history. Doesn't look like we have a very good track record on the whole problem solving thing. It's a good thing that the Bible says that God will take care of all that stuff for us! Revelation 21:3,4
2007-02-04 07:44:34
answer #4
answered by Modified Blue 2
The human race already has - the issue lies in the fact that greed, selfishness, ignorance, bullishness, avarice and pride are all part of the sin of man, and they will never ever retreat from our hearts and minds until the day of the Lord.
And that's the truth.
2007-02-04 07:49:25
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
No such thing as the "human race." The human species is made up of many races.
2007-02-05 21:48:27
answer #6
answered by patriot333 4
We would like to think so...but without help and cooperation...I doubt it. People are too greedy, envious, wrathful, and gluttoness, which keeps us from doing the greater good of helping others more and seeing the big picture of how are actions affect others.
2007-02-04 07:46:53
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
no, unless someone isn't telling us something, we are headed for a complete global collapse. perhaps we will reorganize and learn from our mistakes after one or two of those, in which case, yes. but not if the asteroids get us first.
2007-02-04 07:44:45
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
No I think the human race is going to destroy itself someday
2007-02-04 07:45:45
answer #9
answered by angel 3
the human race is the problem so I'm sorry to say it will never end
2007-02-04 07:47:35
answer #10
answered by LAWRENCE Plamchops 2