they retail for about £200 so i reckon maybe around £150 as its new and sealed, but if u have an ebay account i would consider putting it on there as it may go for more, u could also try asvertising sites for example
2007-02-04 04:00:10
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
This is really simple and believe it or not it is not a scam! This is the latest in consumer marketing technique.
If you are like me and assumed that you get nothing in life for free then you are correct, however this is not a con. To prove this I have put a Realplayer link at the bottom of the page linking to the BBC website where they featured a similar offer to this one.
Follow these steps to get yourself a free Nintendo Wii, all it will take is a little bit of time and effort.
This is 100% legitimate, you will not have to sell your soul or anything (you only have to do that if you want a PS3!!!)
STEP 1: Go to the address below (copy and paste):
STEP 2: Register on the above website, this costs nothing and you don't even have to go on after this if you don't want to. You can also tick a button to keep your email address discreet so that you are not inundated with spam.
STEP 3: Now you get a number of offers from different companies. You need to choose one of the offers and complete the criteria. Below I have listed one of the offers, but there are others you can choose from. The beauty of this offer (which is the one I signed up for) is that it doesn't actually cost you anything as you are free to cancel after the free trial as you will have already fulfilled your obligation:
* ScreenSelect has recently merged with LOVEFiLM to create Europe's largest online DVD rental service. Now trading under the LOVEFiLM brand name, an already exceptional service has just got even better. Stocking every UK DVD - a staggering 60,000+ from new releases to TV boxsets, Music, comedy and more. DVDs are sent and returned by prepaid 1st class post and there are no late fees - ever. Sign-up for a no-commitments 6 FREE DVD rental trial, and start receiving DVD's.
STEP 4: Refer people to do the same as you are just about to do, you only need 8 people to do as you did and the console is yours. You will get your own link that you can email out to friends, post on forums etc.
If you're still thinking that this must be a scam then BBC Newsnight made a program based on these offers and it explains exactly how these companies make their money and how they can afford to give away these items.
I recommend watching it if you haven't done this type of thing before!
You will need Realplayer to view the video clip
Thanks for reading this, I hope that you sign up through the link above, then you get 8 people to do the same for you!! Maybe one day I'll play you online at Tennis!!!
2007-02-05 05:35:23
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Penny stocks are loosely categorized companies with share prices of below $5 and with market caps of under $200 million. They are sometimes referred to as "the slot machines of the equity market" because of the money involved. There may be a good place for penny stocks in the portfolio of an experienced, advanced investor, however, if you follow this guide you will learn the most efficient strategies
2015-01-25 02:23:00
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
trade-ins would be your worst option as they pay crap plus they wont take into consideration that its sealed etc. DON'T DO IT!! Best bet would be ebay or selling in your locl freead paper.
2007-02-04 05:57:00
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
You would probably get more for it by selling it on ebay.
2007-02-04 03:53:16
answer #5
answered by garlicjnr2001 3
if its brand new you should be able to do a straight trade
2007-02-04 04:20:41
answer #6
answered by infamous360 2