I was hired by a large chain of stores to be manager of one of their stores. and would be trained by their top trainer, on my second day, I was told I would never make it. On the third day she told me I was too naive, not street smart and wouldn't know what to do in case of robbery and that to work in that invironment one had to be a, I can't use that word here, but which I am not on the fourth day she did no training with me. She then shipped me to another store in the same chain, to see if the manager there agreed with her. I was there for 3 hours and told to go home as the store was not busy. So now what do I do. Do I call head office and tell them that I am not impressed with the treatment or the lack of training, (she said some other things but I don't want to get into that here). Any suggestions, and what are my rights.
10 answers
asked by
maria t
Business & Finance
➔ Careers & Employment
why can't they train you?
2007-02-04 03:53:14
answer #1
answered by Jagger Otto 7
I would write a letter to whoever is over this person. But, if this is a tactic they have used with other people and the company knows about it, then you could lose the job anyway. I am wondering if you are jumping the gun and should you wait to see if your job is even in jeopardy. You should keep a journal of everything that is said/done. If possible maybe even tape record interactions. If you definitely want the job try to see what you can do on your own to show initiative outside of the bull you are learning from her. Also, contact your local equal employment offices or whatever program that applies to your situation to see about rights and if any laws have been broken. A lot of times unless you can prove discrimination on some type there aren't a lot of protections for new employees. When I was fired from a job wrongfully in 1998 I believe, the local agency told me that because I was in my probationary period & Missouri was a no reason (not sure if that's the word) state there was nothing they could do. You should find out if your state is that type. Do they have to tell you a reason you are being fired or can they just do it? If they do have to give a reason maybe just wait this thing out if you really want the job. If they don't have to give one, then start building up a case to prove improper training or something. If you are a minority, contact some other people in your position and ask them how their trainings were conducted. If it was significantly different from yours, then you can pretty much know you have the job based on your findings you can take to the higher ups or you will be getting PAID based on a lawsuit.
2007-02-04 04:01:36
answer #2
answered by q8336b 2
Sorry for your dilemma but like all dilemmas they are not hopeless. Here is what I would advise as one who has been in similar straits at times in my own career.
1. Keep up your job search even as you work to get back in where you are as you must always have a back up plan.
2. Talk to the HR person who facilitated your hiring to explain (not complain or whine about) the situation and to seek advice on how you can bounce back.
3. Know that though unfair, and even unprofessional, they may simply be testing your resolve and resourcefulness in the face of adversity and rejection which if you are not able to muster, maybe they are right about you.
4. Contact the managers that dismissed you and tactfully challenge them to provide concrete examples of the mindsets and behaviors that are necessary for success. With this you can better understand the gaps in competency and performance you have to make up and you can then develop a plan for overcoming and qualifying. If they either cannot or will not give you this information then they are playing a game and should request different (better) managers while continuing to search for other opportunities.
5. Dont lose sight of the fact that you are a talented and valuable resource and though you want to contribute, you want to do so in an unabusive environment, where being challenged is not the same as being abused. And if you feel you don't have choice, trust me, you do.
Feel free to email me if you want to delve more into this matter. In the meantime, chin up and Godspeed.
Paraclete Performance
2007-02-04 04:05:39
answer #3
answered by cadelarge 2
You have to see what does that job mean to you before deciding on whether you should carry on with it or not. First of all you need to analyse your own attributes. Do you seriously believe that you qualify for this kind of job? If yes then go ahead and accept her attitude as a challenge. Sooner or later, she will adjust herself to you. But if you have a slighest of this feeling that maybe she is right u are not fit for the job, then i would suggest to find something which is in accordance to your aptitude, cause in this condition her nagging and bullying will remain for you all the time.
2007-02-04 04:17:51
answer #4
answered by Faaizah 1
Do you really want to work there after all of that? If you do, I recommend that you ask for a meeting with the boss of the store manager and openly discuss your options. Sometimes it is best to move on rather than try to do a job that isn't right for you.
2007-02-04 03:54:00
answer #5
answered by BluedogGirl 5
Yes...you call the head office and report her. She is not showing you respect..nor professionalism. You got hired becuz you are qualified for this job...you should not have to take her verbal abuse a day longer. Report her and speak to the president of the company...and show them you mean business. Good Luck and ne strong and affirmative
2007-02-04 03:57:07
answer #6
answered by blondie34 1
What you are experiencing is called workplace jealousy. She is afraid you will be better than her and take her job. Don't go to the higher up's just yet. If they won't train you, train yourself and do a stellar job and you will go far. By going to the higher ups you are just going to ruffle feathers. If you are new it will be easier for them to remove you than the other person. Get in their, get your elbows dirty and do your best. You will then be rewarded.
2007-02-04 03:53:44
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Sounds to me like you were not treated properly....I would definitely call headquarters or the corporate office and lodge a complaint....with names and dates and full expressions used with you.....as far as seeking employment with a company like this ...I would say move on......the proof is in the pudding as they say why would you want to work for these or with these inept people?
2007-02-04 03:55:59
answer #8
answered by lolita 5
Document everything, put it in writing and send your statement in to the corporate office, human resources or someone above her head. Keep calm. Don't let them get you frustrated, angry and/or mad. They will use that against you.
2007-02-04 03:54:46
answer #9
answered by JoAnn W 3
talk to whoever is right above you. and tell them EXACTLY what she said to you
2007-02-04 03:53:07
answer #10
answered by kute_regina_gal 4