The most important thing in an impromptu speech is not to plan it. The more you plan, the less impromptu it will be. You need to go into the speech completely unprepared. Just speak from the heart, don't care a whit about what the audience is thinking or how harshly they are judging you for wasting their time with this clearly unplanned speech.
Just jabber jabber jabber for the desired length of time, and remember to leave 15 seconds at the end of your speech to restate your main point and say "God bless the United States of America" so people will feel like idiots for judging you so harshly before.
2007-02-04 03:21:58
answer #1
answered by Mister 2
Speaking before an audience is one of the most frightening things in the world for most people - but if you relax and just remember that you give "impromptu speeches" everyday in your normal conversation, you'll be fine.
The suggestion that you find a Toastmasters group in your area is a good one. Toastmasters is a great way for people to get over their fear of public speaking.
If you have to give a speech soon and don't have the time to join Toastmasters, there are still several things you can do to make a speech easy on yourself.
First, remember that everyone at some point or another has to give a speech and they're nervous. So no one is going to hold you to the standards which you are probably holding yourself. Remember that in the grand scheme of things, how you perform on this particular speech probably isn't going to make a big difference in your world or the world at large. Try to keep things in perspective.
Second, if you have a choice in the matter, pick a topic that you're already interested in talking about.
Third, organize your thoughts as you would an essay. Have a beginning, a middle and an end - preferably something that states a thesis, an antithesis and a synopsis.
Fourth, treat the audience as if you were a guest in their house - if they don't care, you don't share. This means that you only provide enough material to keep your audience engaged and leave them wanting more.
And finally, learn to appreciate self-effacing humor! If you start to get nervous or if words suddenly fail you, draw attention to your inexperience and (indirectly) invite the audience to laugh at your foibles. People understand how difficult it is to be up there and are actually nervous FOR you. Help them relieve that nervousness by showing that you're not afraid to screw up.
2007-02-04 11:36:37
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
An impromptu speach is by definition one that you make on the spur of the moment. These happen in real life when you address a village board or attend a meeting, etc and voice your opinion.
I am thinking, though, that this is for school?
In general, you should state your opionion right up front in the first sentence.
Then you should have your talking points listed on a notecard (or in real life, a paper napkin or scrap of paper, PDA). If there is a relevant fact that you want to include, like a number or such, it would be a good idea to write that down as well. These types of speeched should be short, but try to flesh out each of your supporting ideas as you touch on it.
You should also have a good concluding or summation sentence that brings your listeners back to why you are stating this opionion.
Opening sentence:
I am in favor of a vote by the village suopporting a ban on leaf burning.
Talking points:
Health issues/smoke...lots of elderly, asthmatics, children
(an exact percentage increase in number of children with asthma here)
Pollution in the village
Leafs are better composted/recycled
Possibility of uncontrolled fires in dry years
The inherent dangers and unhealthiness of leaf burning in an age when we know the facts, is why I am requesting the board vote againt leaf burning by residents of the village.
2007-02-04 11:29:31
answer #3
answered by olivia54984 2
An impromptu is a spur of the moment speach. Whatever your topic is really dosent matter speak clearly and make sure to make eye contact with everyone in the room. Speak at a steady pace and try not to be scared or it will show in your actions and in your voice. Do be overanimated and use your hands too much or hold onto a podium or anything.
2007-02-04 11:22:27
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
The whole thing about an impromptu speach is, that its impromptu! Its a spur of the moment thing.
The thing must always have a story to tell. One that doesn't offend anyone (unless you are a comedian). One that doesn't embarass you too much. You must be an observer and a listener to be a story teller or a speaker.
Is your instructor going to point to you one day and say, "give me a speech about....using a hammer...GO!"
That's when you go (in your head)..... "ok, hammers. Ive never used a hammer really. Uh...I smashed my finger with a hammer before, then my nail turned black and fell off......." (now out loud to your audiance) 'I tried to build a birdhouse once. Notice I say, 'tried'."
Then you talk about this fictitional birdhouse you tried to build and ended up smashing your finger instead. You can talk about how you now respect construction workers and people who you thought were dorks in shop classes who use them every day and still have all ten fingers.
I dont know...Im more of a comedian in nature and tend to have funny stories to tell. If I dont have one of my own, I take someone elses...and make it mine. Sometimes the line between my story and someone elses gets confused and often a friend has said, "hey! that happened to ME not YOU!!!" ha ha!
Good luck to you!!
2007-02-04 13:16:13
answer #5
answered by ShaMayMay 5
If you know vaguely what the topic is, learn as much as you possibly can. Have TOO much knowledge about it. Practice making random, impromptu speeches to your friends or family. Dont stop talking, dont say Ummmm, dont look in one direction (look at ALL of the audience). dont cross your arms, put them behind your back or put them in your pockets. Those are all clear signals that your uncomfortable. And if all else fails and you feel like your bombing, try to at least make your audience laugh. The audience will enjoy it more and youll feel more comfortable in front of a group that isnt bored out of their skulls.
Moral: If your gonna give a crappy speech, at least make it amusing.
2007-02-04 13:25:33
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
the key is to be comfortable while youre talking. If it is really an impromptu speech, you arent gonna know what you will talk about until that moment, so just be prepared for anything. and even if you have no clue about the subject of the speech, stand up there and speak as if you are an expert on it.
2007-02-04 11:21:37
answer #7
answered by kud 1
Oh don't you know??? Really??? I have a feeling there's something wrong with this question. Well anyway from what I know from hearing from my girlfriend you would defiantely need to know a lot because unless you know what kind of topic you will be getting it could be anything and even be very broad. But also you would definately have to stay calm relax have fun and act like you know what you're doing, even if you don't. But if you really want to know more ask a speech teacher cough Ms. Bailey cough
2007-02-04 15:24:18
answer #8
answered by blmr0123 3
Try to find a Toastmasters group in your area and they will help you
2007-02-04 11:15:53
answer #9
answered by Claire 5