In the general population, yes.
In political offices, no.
2007-02-03 20:00:05
answer #1
answered by Tikimaskedman 7
Humanity, morality, and kindness are human concepts, but humans continue to demonstrate that they are still very much animals in how they fight over territory and resources. It is true in nature that life feeds on life, however humans are the first species to think that killing and brutalizing others might be "wrong" (or maybe dolphins can too, I don't know).
The thing is, people often tend to have compassion for those in their own group but not for the "others" outside their group. When this gets out of hand they start fighting back and forth, and to revenge there is no end until one side totally loses or is subdued. In that sense I don't think goodness and kindness truly exists between all humans. There is goodness and kindess in humanity, but not in animals, and humans essentially are animals. People think and act "immorally" despite reason and evidence. You don't have to search hard for examples.
We have a lot of self-destructive animalistic mindsets or tendencies to overcome with human will, reason, and intelligence if we wish to survive as a species. The question is, is world peace even a possibility, because so far it doesn't seem natural. There are allied nations that trade with eachother but also those nations that aren't getting along. Cultural and religious differences are often the reasons why. Even if one final group wins control over the earth it might eventually break up internally.
Nevertheless I still have faith in the goodness and kindness of humanity, and that it can overcome. I think reason often to comes to surface, and from reason follows a sense of morality, but it is strongly challenged by self-destructive instincts or tendencies, and it's just a matter of whether or not there will be a mass realization before it's really too late.
2007-02-04 04:59:06
answer #2
answered by mike10 2
I believe everyone at the core would love to be a good and kind human however I think over time people become bitter and/or resentful about their life goals or choose to step on others in order to achieve their life goals.
I still have faith that people are good and kind as I see it every day but I also believe, as in yin and yang, for maybe every five good apples, there is at least one very very bad apple because I happen to work with a few of those.
2007-02-04 04:03:01
answer #3
answered by ladiorange 2
Hi Sky, I believe that there are some good,and caring people in this world. But i think there are more uncaring,and the go to HELL way of thinking. Look at all the crime,child abuse,killing,robbing,and so on. This world is not a world that even a alien from out space would like to visit. Way to much of everything going on,and a lot of people of this world,just don't give a damn what they do,or say. We are in Hell,and it's man made. A Friend.
2007-02-04 04:09:42
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Absolutely. We are all human and make mistakes. Some make bigger mistakes in life than others. I find if we help others along the way we are showing compassion and teaching the young, for they watch what we do and learn from it. I also find our compassion for others goes a long way. We get back out of life what we put in. No matter how bad or unkind people can be, there is always someone around the corner when you least expect it to make your day, lighten your load a bit and show you they care. I wrote to you, because I believe. Thank you for letting me share my opinion with you.
2007-02-04 04:23:36
answer #5
answered by sue k 2
I have never had faith in humanity ! My opinion is that most people are just no good !
2007-02-04 04:01:33
answer #6
answered by g_man 5
I still believe there is a lot of good and kindness in humanity. There is bad, of course, but there is a lot of love in people too.
2007-02-04 04:01:14
answer #7
answered by . 3
I've always believed in the perfectibility of mankind. I believe we are smart enough not to blow ourselves up. I believe we will eventually be able to toss off the ignorance created by our mythologies. I believe we are basically good people who have been deceived for too many years by those who wish to control us, by means of manipulating our basic fears through religion. I see every day that religion is losing its credibility, and I find that encouraging. The fact the fanatics have taken over so many of the earths monotheistic religions is evidence of their decline. I just hope I live long enough to see them all go away.
2007-02-04 04:54:30
answer #8
answered by weary0918 3
There are some people who still have goodness and kindness, but they get drowned out by the political leaders and businesses. It exists, it's just hard to find.
2007-02-04 04:01:00
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
The majority of humanity is largely self conceided. But it only takes a small group to change the world.
2007-02-04 04:01:35
answer #10
answered by Beaverscanttalk 4
I do...really. Had a good thing happen yesterday with a random person I met on the street...good things still happen....everyday
2007-02-04 04:00:18
answer #11
answered by C Shannon 3