On average they worry me a lot less than British car drivers. Show consideration to them and they will be grateful. If one overtakes you flash your headlights when there is room for him to pull back in. And remember, if you give him right of way it saves him trouble playing with his 22 speed gearbox. Lastly, remember, if you cannot see his mirrors he cannot see you! ( no, I do not drive a lorry.)
2007-02-03 22:41:53
answer #1
answered by fred35 6
British truck drivers are the best. its about time people realised how professional they are
2007-02-03 19:44:34
answer #2
answered by orphan boy 5
depends whos behind the wheel of the truck some are very nice and some are very nasty and will cut you up just for the sake of it i know as i work for a firm that deliver goods to the stores and drivers have compatitions to see how many they can cut up on a weekly bases
2007-02-04 01:12:27
answer #3
answered by ts011a7166 2
we british lorry drivers are the most considerate drivers on the road
2007-02-03 20:01:18
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Theres probably a lot of human tradgedy in the back of this experience - and you arise with this. Dare you to place it to the Vote. EDIT howdy Jay - Do you reckon it fairly is something in all those organic and organic herbs and vegetables that activates those eco - humanists to kick off on the drop of a hat.?
2016-12-13 08:26:01
answer #5
answered by girardot 4
Some are good and considerate, some are bad and inconsiderate, then you have the dangerous hairy a**'ed overweight heart attack clients who don't deserve a licence in the first place.
2007-02-03 19:44:07
answer #6
answered by Mark C 4
Like all road users,there are good and bad,
2007-02-03 19:48:36
answer #7
answered by Piztaker 5