Is it rape… If you’re an idiot and drink so much you black out, come to, say no when he kisses you and try to leave, but black out again and when you come to he is having sex with you. Even if this is someone you know and he was some what drunk to?
17 answers
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Added- I don’t know why I didn’t consider in the first place he slipped me something, but seeing as I only had a captain and diet and a few shots and I have always been a social drinker like that and I’ve never blacked out before, so that would make more sense.
19:07:06 ·
update #1
I'm a former law enforcement officer, and I will tell this to you straight up, ok?
Regardless of your sobriety, if you did not consent to a sexual relationship with someone, and that person forced himself on you without you permitting it, it was rape.
Most sexual assaults, believe it or not, are done by those people who you know personally, and "date rapes" are common.
My suggestion to you is this: Go to a hospital immediately, and allow them to do a rape kit. And call law enforcement thereafter. Do NOT let this go. If this person would do this kind of thing to you, then he would certainly do this to someone else. Please, please, prevent this from happening to another girl. Do the right thing.
I'm very sorry this happened to you. And I pray that the person who did this is brought to justice. My prayers are with you.
2007-02-03 18:14:38
answer #1
answered by C J 6
I will get many thumbs down for what I am going to say, but this is what I really think. I would not call it rape. It was your choice to go out with that guy and get completely drunk, while he simply took advantage of your inebriety. Given that he was drunk as well, he could not really be expected to correctly interpret your faint attempt to say no. Unless you are sure that he had planned it in advance, I do not think that it can be called rape. The guy is a bastard, of course, but I do not think that merely being a bastard is something that one should be sent to prison for.
Well, I need to make one correction. Do you think that you got so much drunk yourself, or could it be that he dropped something in your drinks? Such things do happen, and that would, of course, make it a rape.
Concerning your addition: Go to a hospital as soon as you can. Have them done a rape kit. Indicate that you have reasons to believe that a date rape drug was used (they may be able to find traces of such substances even after some time). Talk to a counselor. I do not really know much about this kind of things - so it is just some common sense.
2007-02-03 18:39:16
answer #2
answered by rp121121 3
Well I think people would consider it rape. But first of all that is your fault for being so drunk. People need to realize how getting drunk can effect the way they act and effect your thinking. I still don't think it is right for someone to take advantage of person like that though...
2007-02-03 18:11:23
answer #3
answered by Stephanie 2
Point is, in one of your more lucid moments, you said no. That's that. Doesn't matter who drank what or how much, you didn't want to have sex with him, you told him so, he raped you.
Depending on your relationship with the guy will affect what you do next. If you know him reasonably well and regard him as a friend, then it will be a lot easier to write off as a drunken accident, but if you can't let it go, then your conscience is telling you to report it.
2007-02-03 18:12:35
answer #4
answered by RIffRaffMama 4
No.. one word....said once.. means it is rape.
But if you were so drunk how do you know you said no? Did anyone hear you say no? Do you have proof?
And if you were this drunk- let this be a lesson to you of what could happen and make sure you do not put yourself in that position again.
2007-02-03 18:12:21
answer #5
answered by Mommyk232 5
No is No
Regardless of circumstances, even if cinsent was given, NO means NO
If you think you were drugged, go to a hospital and get tested for drugs in your system, Go to the police!
Keep this lowlife from hurting anyone else!
2007-02-03 18:22:47
answer #6
answered by Yahoo Sucks 5
Were you really that drunk or did you have something dropped into your drink?
Either way if you didn't consent it is rape.
2007-02-03 18:30:48
answer #7
answered by noice 3
yes it is, if you said no, drunk or not, then it is rape. Although they will try to argue that you were drunk and probably wanted it.
2007-02-03 18:10:33
answer #8
answered by Happy 3
Someone wanted to be intimate with you but you said "No" and attempted, unsuccessfully, to leave.
While you were incapacitated, the person to whom you said "No" had intercourse with you.
Sounds like rape to me.
The fact that he was intoxicated doesn't make it un-rape.
2007-02-03 18:15:46
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
yes its rape.
If a guy has sex without your participation and consent its rape
proving it? thats another matter but its be4en done.
heck they have a date rape drug.
sadly you may have lost all the evidence?
2007-02-03 18:18:23
answer #10
answered by rostov 5