not ur place to judge others missy
2007-02-03 16:55:02
answer #1
answered by ஐ♥Gin♥ஐ 3
What is so cruel is the foster cares out there, the adoption places out there, the child abuse, the molestation, the drug addictions, etc. How about those unfortunate women who have aids and the baby is going to be born with aids and will live a very painful life, and possibly not a long life at that? Or a 13 year old gets raped and becomes pregnant? It's okay for that girl to go to school while pregnant at such a young age, and deal with insults when she did nothing wrong, or what about those women who cannot physically have kids?
I do agree that abortion is wrong, but only for those who are capable to having the child, and not just afraid to tell their parents.
but If my daughter were to get raped I would do everything that is right for her. Remember that some women who actually do it, do it for a good reason, not just to be sick.
2007-02-04 01:22:54
answer #2
answered by mrs.russell 7
Why do people think it is their right to judge what others do? You may not relaize this but there are other reasons, GOOD REASONS, that people terminate pregnancy besides as a method of birth control. Just as an example, I was pregnant and I already have a child, at 10 weeks they told me that if I continued the pregnancy that there was an 85% chance that my uterus would rupture and it would not only kill the baby but me as well. My husband, who is the father of both the child I have and the child we termintaed, and I discussed the risks and decided that our daughter needed a mother and that the chance was too great to continue. I do not regret nor do I feel bad about the steps that we took and neither does he. Maybe, just maybe, you should take the blinders off and look outside the little hole you live in before you lump everyone into the catagory of "sick people".
2007-02-04 01:17:44
answer #3
answered by Kim H 2
And it's not cruel to have a 13 year old who's been raped by her uncle carry a baby to term, and to have a constant reminder of what he did to her? I do not believe in abortion as a form of birth control, but there are situations that warrant it. There is no black and white, and there is no way to say it's ok to have an abortion but only if you're raped, or only if you know something is drastically wrong with the child, or if the mother will die if she carries a baby to term. Who would you have make that decision? You don't think people will lie about it to get it done? There is no way to control it. Yes, it's sad, but it CAN'T be outlawed.
2007-02-04 00:56:31
answer #4
answered by They call me ... Trixie. 7
It's not up to you to judge other people and the choices that they make. You may call yourself christian but that's a very unchristian thing to do.
In fact, I'm going to turn that question around. What is wrong with the sick persons in this world who think that they have a right to make choices for others, that they have the right to force others to into untenable positions, who think they have the right to tell anyone else how to live their lives?
2007-02-04 01:51:58
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
mayb theres a reason as to why they do it. ie, rape, the child mite have a disability like bein retarded! i mean, who would want to bring a child into the world, and be reminded on a daily basis that some dirty old man raped u?!? im a 4-time sexual abuse victim and i know if i had of gotten pregnant at all then i would of had an abortion. there are logical reasons to it u know. its not all about oh, i hate this child lets kill it.
2007-02-04 02:22:32
answer #6
answered by *lil miss* 3
Because of many reasons...
Too young
No money
A long list.. but its no excuse. If you are too young or have no money or are ashamed to have a child for whatever reason... really you should not be having intercourse. Just my 2 cents.
Ladies and Gentlemen... Condoms are cheaper than diapers!! So is an IUD.. get educated!
2007-02-04 00:52:48
answer #7
answered by trinity082482 4
You're right and good to be concerned that people are making some 'sickening' choices. In our world, more people are more vocal and more ready to act than ever - empowered by technology, access to all sorts of things which used to be difficult to find, etc - and often do act ... rashly, recklessly, and quickly. This may be 'sick people' murdering others through shallow, thoughtless 'decisions' while driving (the person who is too focused on their own hurry to slow down, the drunk driver, the cell phone user) or 'sick people' murdering others through terrorism as a direct or indirect tool to 'champion' causes.
In this case, it sounds like you specifically worry about abortion. You know what? I'm glad you worry about people who abort. I'm pro choice, and I'm glad people are concerned about 'why' others 'must'/'do' consider abortion ... If you are taking time to ponder (truly and genuinely ponder) "what is wrong with sick people" who would even consider abortion, you may be ready to do something positive, such as offer help to the needy.
Let's really look at the situation. As other responders noticed, some may say you are "judging" and some may say you "have no right to deny" those who seek abortions. They probably sound harsh to you, as perhaps they should. In an idealistic/perfect world, there would be clearcut thinking about abortion and/or it wouldn't be necessary. In an idealistic world, black and white lines could take emotion out of equations ... shades of gray (emotions, finances, roles of people) wouldn't 'muddy' our thinking or drive us to different perspectives. In such a world, we also wouldn't have religious fanaticism leading to kamikaze pilots.
But here we are in a world with many shades of gray, and you have a right to ask this and responders have a right to think you're being judgemental. First, blessed be those of us in free societies to keep having the opportunity to (a) share different opininons and (b) learn from one another. We can be grateful - to whatever deity we thank or to ourselves for participating in a free society.
Next, "sick people" is a relative term (no, I don't mean it's about your kin, ha ha) --- as mentioned earlier, there are many who might be considered 'sick murderers.' And adding to that, the concept of 'abortion' as murder is also a relative term. What do you think abortion does? When do you suppose life - LIFE, as we know it - BEGINS? Science can use 'relative' terms to describe 'viability,' the time when it defines life beginning. Is it when a fetus is basically formed? Is it earlier, when sperm and egg create a fetus? Is it later, when a being is able to support itself (traditionally, that's a healthy birth)? --- By some terms, we could find fault with those who help a preemie be born with high odds that the baby won't pull through (eg, after a car accident); we could find fault with those mothers who get sick early in pregnancy and have "spontaneous abortions," also known as "miscarriages." --- Is a woman who is prone to miscarriages genetically to walk around thinking "Oh my God, what have I done?" each time her body rejects the fetus and she miscarries? Or is it a spiritual time to have faith and trust -- "It wasn't meant to be"?!
Now that we've considered viability and the issues there, let's round out this thinking by heading back to my earlier message to you. I said - if you're thinking about this and concerned, perhaps it's an opportunity to take action in a positive way. Do you know how many kids are in foster homes because of poor home life? Do you know how many kids are up for adoption?
The problems of the world are often not so much from those desperate and misguided and hurting who seek actions even they would prefer not to take ... but instead the problems are likely because those in the position to help improve the world aren't doing it.
To paraphrase a Gandhi quote (I dunno - it may be exact - I'm pretty sure it's Gandhi): "Be the change you wish to see in the world." If you want more kindness and compassion, offer it. And trust me, judging and attacking aren't the ways to get it --- giving it is.
2007-02-04 01:33:05
answer #8
answered by truehartc 2
they are not people. they do not breathe. they do not talk. they are fetus' it is the decision of the mother to decide whether or not she wants to keep it. if she has no job, he has no job, they are people that are going no where. why would you want them to have a child. because all it would do is cause more problems in the world. you have no right to judge someone elses decisons. if you dont want to have an abortion..then DONT. be the ignorant "christian" you are.
2007-02-04 04:32:04
answer #9
answered by jessica r 2
I don't know what you're talking about, however I don't like to taste the air that we breathe, it really isn't as clean anymore as it could be.
2007-02-04 00:53:20
answer #10
answered by Mightymo 6
Although I personally do not believe in abortion I have never been in the position or situation that I would ever have to consider it. I know that my heart goes out to the women that feel that is their only choice. I can only imagine what a horrible situation they must be in to have to turn to this. Never question someone's choice until you have been in their shoes.
2007-02-04 00:53:23
answer #11
answered by TNBelle 3