Slave trade. Buying and selling human beings for profit.
2007-02-03 16:25:07
answer #1
answered by ? 6
"countless human skulls with horns sticking out from them were chanced on in a burial mound at Sayre, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, interior the 1880's. except for the bony projections placed about 2 inches above the eyebrows, the boys whom those skeletons belonged to were anatomically known, although at seven feet tall they were giants. It develop into predicted that the bodies were buried round A.D. 1200. The locate develop into made through a respected team of antiquarians, which contains the Pennsylvania state historian and dignitary of the Presbyterian Church (Dr. G.P. Donehoo) and a pair of professors, A.B. Skinner, of the yankee Investigating Museum, and W.ok.Morehead, of Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts. The bones were despatched to the yankee Investigating Museum in Philadelphia, the position like such countless unearths that query anthropology, they were stolen and under no circumstances considered again." those very last 3 words make me skeptical! although the massive length of the skeletons isn't a delusion! Many Amerindian skeletons were discovered throughout both North and South us of a that length! One such develop into housed in Cottonlandia Museum in Greenwood Mississippi for years! The Choctaw have a delusion of migrating from a "warm land" interior the west to what's now Mississippi and Alabama yet had to strive against some "tall" warriors on the jap side of an outstanding river. They ultimately overcame those warriors and crossed the river! Now they were enemies of the Osage, who were wide-spread for his or her somewhat tall stature! also the Yazoo were pronounced to be tall, some close to seven feet or extra! different tribes have the parable of truly tall human beings they had to strive against and conquer, the Delaware have that delusion also. although the horned ingredient only ain't there, that i comprehend of everywhere. perhaps, they could've finished a trepanning type of operation to cause them to fierce looking like a guy/buffalo or guy/deer or some thing alongside those lines! Who is popular with for particular! The late 1800s is rife with "yellow" journalism too, type of like the Weekly international information thoughts immediately! Then, too, there is the tale that Joseph Smith, founding father of Mormonism, discovered 2 "gold" pills that he "lost" after decoding the script on them! Like decide Judy says, if it would not jibe, it probable isn't the reality!
2016-11-24 23:55:35
answer #2
answered by allegretto 4
It is just a fancy word for slave trading. It is taking humans and using them to furher your financial gains or for your depraved needs. An example is to abduct someone from a third world country, or maybe even outright trade for them or buy them outright from a needy family, then use them as illicit sex mates, or force them into prostitution, etc.
2007-02-03 16:31:42
answer #3
answered by rexallen 3
Selling human beings; usually into forced prostitution.
2007-02-03 16:24:47
answer #4
answered by amazingly intelligent 7
These days it mostly consists of forced prostitution, especialy of minors
2007-02-03 16:25:50
answer #5
answered by walter_b_marvin 5
The first two answers are correct. How sad that this exists.
2007-02-03 16:25:56
answer #6
answered by Esther 7
2007-02-03 16:53:37
answer #7
answered by wife of Ali Pasha 3