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if so how do they fit? I want the pair with the rhinestone crowns on the back but I do not want to pay a lot of money if they do not fit right. What is the best shape for them? I am 5'2 1/2 and weigh 115.

2007-02-03 15:32:16 · 5 answers · asked by *sexy mocha* 4 in Beauty & Style Fashion & Accessories

5 answers

ahhh here i am wet processing designer of garments one of the top 5 if not the top honey youre best bet is to try them on at any major department store try all the styles offerd such as the skinny the marailiyn the monroe the pencil the rocker the boot cut the mrega flair the pork chop the back 2 back the low rise the super lowlow the classic but you will i know find a body style that you like and not what six foot 100 pound waifs are wearing as for paying retail yes they are very expensive but you can go on line and bid for pair but most likely the body style you most like wont be up last but not least i suggest you call RandR they are out of gardena california and inquire as to thier monthly employee sale as well as the sample sales where you can score a pair of jeans for what a pizza and rootbeer cost

2007-02-03 15:49:20 · answer #1 · answered by steven m 1 · 0 0

i do there eh middlee
not cheap but not really expensive and your size it would be fairr
like in the middle like $50
or $30<3

2007-02-03 23:35:47 · answer #2 · answered by ? 2 · 0 2

Thaose jeans are so eexy my girl has them it fits so good and looks so sexy you should get them you won't regret it

2007-02-03 23:35:45 · answer #3 · answered by Hey ;) 3 · 1 1

Ask someone at the store.

2007-02-03 23:34:56 · answer #4 · answered by snatza 2 · 0 2

there average.......in price not cheap dah and not totaly OUTRAGEOUS..........i have tht 2 the weight and height lol he he he

2007-02-03 23:38:17 · answer #5 · answered by just to help :) 3 · 0 0

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