duh... may be the press has something to do with it? It is not all muslims anyway, but theres not too many votes of confidence in the western world for the extremists now, is there?
2007-02-03 15:14:42
answer #1
answered by rose_merrick 7
Could it be the constant threatening images of moslems in the media? blowing themselves up, beheading people on the internet, threatening to go to war over daft cartoons or a quotation from the pope? And then to add insult to injury, people coming on here insisting that Islam is a religion of love and peace. It doesn't do what it says on the tin. Wake up and smell the semtex! When 'moderate muslims' start acknowledging responsibility and seriously confronting extremism, then maybe they'll get some credibilty and respect.
As for the jews..what's your point? Are they supposed to just sit there and not respond to constant terrorist attacks on their civilian population or total genoicide?
2007-02-03 23:46:43
answer #2
answered by troothskr 4
Why the hate for all? I am a Muslim and i DONT hate anyone.
I found most YA users insulting others. What do they get out of it?
Ofcourse i present my religion here and clarigy any mis-conceptions about it in a MOST peaceful manner.
Yet i found most abusive were the Christians (No offense meant) who insulted Quranic verses, our prophet etc. Infact Islam means Peace and i bet you will rarely find A muslim insulting another religion. ( There are some muslims on YA who dont fit into this catagory)
Now, why was there so much hue and cry when the danish cartoons were public? (Or whenever a Non-muslim insults our prophet)
These were NOT just cartoons, they were blasmephous, insulting the prophet by assasinating his Holy Character. How could those cartoons be called 'freedom of speech and expression' when they depicted a holy man as a scoundrel?
Does "Freeedom of speech" allow me to abuse you, your family etc??? Does it allow me to make a cartoon on you, depict you in a very sorry state and still say "Hey thats freedom"???
Check this out, you DID NOT find a single Muslim retaliating by depicting SIMILAR cartoons about Prophet Jesus Christ (PBUH). WHy???
Because we are the ONLY non-Christian faith that has made it part of our faith "To accept all the Prophets" And we respect and love Jesus Christ for the same reason.
Now , who are more understanding, open-minded we or those fanatic Christians???
Peace Be to all of You.
2007-02-03 23:30:06
answer #3
answered by flameslivewire 3
Because the Jews always bring up the Holocaust if they are being taken to task for their attitude to anything. Seems to me that as the USA is run by the Jews that the Muslims have no chance at the moment to put their case and have it listened to properly.
2007-02-04 02:49:18
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
because what i think is that the terrorism found in entire world today is spread by muslims only!!!
Attack on world tower in USA.... it was done by muslims!
All the major human destructions in the whole world are caused by muslims...isn't it???
2007-02-03 23:49:28
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
i understand that it is a small minority of muslims who are commiting acts of terrorism, but nonetheless they are muslims. also a recent poll showed that 1 in 16 muslims in this country sympathised with bin laden and his merry bunch of followers.now sit back you muslims and think that if the british, american, french, german or in fact the christian world started terrorist acts in all the islamic countries and started blowing up innocent and ordinary men women and children going about their day to day business. killing and maiming them indiscriminately. what would you think about the christian world. yes you would hate us.
2007-02-04 09:33:25
answer #6
answered by briangimma 4
Are you serious?
A Muslim Homicide Bomber just blew up 135 innocent people in Iraq.
End of story.....
2007-02-04 00:39:30
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
maybe because muslim cause so much fuss and have needless killings in our countries as well as there own
2007-02-04 07:04:56
answer #8
answered by little flower 3
I think it's wrong making statements like these. You are generalizing what "everybody" feels which is totally inaccurate. I don't have anything against anyone for the beliefs they hold... Muslims are A-OK in my book!!!
2007-02-03 23:16:09
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
because they have declared Jihad against us western infidels......Should we be happy that they want to bomb us just to turn the world into an islam state and get rewarded for killing us by going to heaven with 17 virgins waiting for them?????? Crackpots!
2007-02-03 23:27:57
answer #10
answered by Melinda 2